Lawmakers call for US to seize Iranian shipments

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, calls for the Biden administration to follow oil sanctions against Iran after the country seized a U.S.-bound oil ship and discusses the debate around transgender athletes in women’s sports. #foxbusiness

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  1. Why not using our own 🛢️? As if America has no oil itself.

  2. Try to seizes the Iranian oil…lets see what happen.!!!!

  3. Well analyzed as always. I've seen a lot of newbies enquire as to whether or not it is too late to buy assets especially BTC, ETH, SHIBA & XRP…most having the intention to hodl these assets. The truth is that the market remains unpredictable especially in the long-term. I must say trading offers far more benefits than just holding, I will advice traders esp newbies to have orientation of trading before they get involved in it. .Prices will go up or down, but in order to be able to ride with the wave of the market you have to put your assets into active trades. I have made over 8BTc in 6 weeks from implementing trades with signals and insights from a professional, Jeffery Thomas.

  4. USA seized Iran oil tankers before!!!!!!

  5. Wouldn't happen if we was energy independent

  6. Obligation to seize oil. MUR TO THE CEA

  7. You should be telling the American people to prepare for was and defending their own families as our government and president is preparing to hand over power power of our country to other countries that are going to enslave us. But that’s the truth and you’re not going to share that 😂

  8. Maybe Biden can call them up and bow down and then offer them some of our tax money and free weapons.

  9. How many oil tankers USA has stolen from Iranian?

  10. Love it US gets back its own medicine

  11. This bi** can't say Iran. Hope this bimbo crash her motorcycle.

  12. US has already seized Iran oil tanker. THis is retaliation.. What the heck The FOX NEWS saying.??? This is retaliation!

  13. Biden is not laundering money with Iran! So of course he has a turn cheek.

  14. United States must wake up and take the lead with a real President


  16. Don't forget the other part of it that we intercepted one of their oil tankers going to China. Tell the whole story not just part of it

  17. Ask your self what usa have done to Iran and Iranian?? so today Iran return favor to usa

  18. this people are stupid. Iran seized the oil to retaliate what you are demanding more.
    BTW your navy is there why they can't protect your oil
    I think the answer is obvious and that is they can't
    the fact that USA does not dare to use American flagged tanker in Persian gulf and they had to use Greek or Chinese to transfer their oil tell you all you need to know about who is in charge over there
    in past every one were using American flag for deterrence and now that is became liability
    wake up you should stop provoking others and start to live like everyone else

  19. Already Usa sieze tankers which they go to Venezuela. Now is te time for Iran to do that. Fair enough. Why to escalate now ? Is just a pay back from before. They already told us at that time they will do the same. And now they do it. USA should not escalate. We did it first !

  20. America is looking for another fight, china,Russia and iran, and America wonders why multiple countries are dropping the dollar, America loves to steel other countries natural resources. Common thieves. One day America will have multiple countries going after America.

  21. Wake up Joe, we got a problem

  22. The girl's themselves are going to have to stick together and rise up to stop to his BS.

  23. The u.s ALREADY seized an iranian oil tanker this was RETALIATION you liar

  24. I think we should give Iranians trans operations!😂

  25. Good job Iran. Fight the USA bully.

  26. What can we expect from a communist president I really don’t understand how and why Joe can do everything is is doing to us and get away without getting impeached

  27. Why do idiot Americans think they have the right to internationally enforce sanctions that aren't internationally recognized? The sanctions on Iran are NOT U.N. sanctions, you trailer trash meth addicts. You have NO RIGHT to enforce anything in international waters.

  28. Joeked Biddden i$ $o, $o, $o very, very, very "'W E A K"', "'W R E A K E D"', "'F R A I L"' & NOW "'D E R A I L E D"'…!!! Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Huh, Bluh, Bluh, Bluh, Bluh, Bluh…!!! The "'Joek$tah"' donnno whether to "'Grab"' the "'R E I L"'…!!! , ride the REIL or "'R A I L"' back…!!! $ooo, Bi-Bi "'Joeked – Joeked"'…!!!

    "'GOOOD RIDDDANCE 2024 FO HOE – HOE "'JOE – JOE"'…!!! "'LARRRY, CURRRLY & MOE – HOE"'…!!! "'YOU'$ A $CHLOE – MOE"'…!!! "'YOU Y O B O"'…!!! MIGHT A$$$HWELLL BE A "'H O M O"'…!!!


  29. This TRANS BULL is the same as LIP-A-Stick on a PIG , These FREAKS are just PIGS …

  30. This is only the beginning, of team Biden mess….🤫

  31. "CHINA JOE" , "CHINA JOE" , "CHINA JOE is doing a GREAT for Our MASTERS back in CHINA …