Michigan town clerk faces recall after alleged 2020 election mishandling

Adams Township clerk Stephanie Scott is facing a recall election and investigation over accusations of mishandling election materials during the 2020 election. “What happened here in Adams Township Michigan could happen anywhere,” said NBC News Correspondent Gary Grumbach.

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#NBCNews #Michigan #Election



  1. "Election rigged" from Team red is the new tactic to whine about being a victim. Trump started it and other Republicans followed. Pathetic.

  2. A old racist town 😂

  3. Best wishes to Suzy Roberts! I hope you win!

  4. That's comforting to see them speak up , it's plenty of good republicans ,give them some more time…to recover and finish healing up it would help if democrats reach out more to the other side

  5. Republicans hate laws and rules.

  6. Deplorable
    MAGA has got to go

  7. Bravo ladies – true patriots 🫡

  8. 0:26

    Looky there, a confederate flag right next to a American and Trump flag in Michigan. Anyone who has these 3 flags in a group is not a true American. Period. End of discussion.

    These same people claim to be patriots too. Make this make sense. Seriously.

  9. Unless you have proof, shut up. Crazy people need to go back under their rock. We all hate trump, face it.

  10. The town voted 80% for Trump and they still think the election was rigged in their town? I'm confused! Also even if the other lady wins that claims she will have uneventful meetings, they'll still be election deniers attending the meetings. They have already shown that they don't listen to the facts and they believe what they believe without evidence to support their claims.

  11. More examples of the real damage that Trump and the right wing extremist have done to this country, Fox specifically

  12. Only cheaters get upset when they ask for verification.

  13. They recounted and found that Trump won? Then why are comments saying only when Republicans loose do they think there is something wrong with the machines? Votes coming in in the middle of the night after polls are closed is a good reason to want a recount.

  14. Theories-Evidence=Bull💩

  15. Oh yeah…there is a difference between democrats, republicans and these maga nuts. I think republican voters are obvious to the facts that maga will literally destroy their party. Maga is only interested in what will further thier ideology, facts be damned, rules and laws be damned and yes, even the nation itself be damned.
    Rep, Dem, should be an argument on ideology not progress. Republicans going to have some good ideas. Democrats can have some good some good ideas. Maga… If your ideas aren't the same as theirs then you are the enemy 😳. Noooobody with half a brain, after that was apparent wants that.

  16. Grandmother's are the bomb

  17. That town is extremely intelligent. Voting against the crimes of the democrats scum.

  18. Throw her in jail and take away her voting rights.

  19. Trump, Fox 'news', Bannon, and all the rest of the liars, grifters, cons should be sued by the people for destroying so much, across the nation. They've ruined relationships, city works, and conned the gullible minded.

  20. Confederate flags in Michigan. By white Euro types living on stolen land. No, you are not the original folks. Your forefathers committed genocide to steal.

  21. Once that misread happens, the provisional flag is not properly reset after that ballot’s voting session. The result is that every ballot scanned and tabulated by the machine after that misread is marked as provisional and thus, not included in the tabulator’s close poll report totals. https://www.eac.gov/sites/default/files/voting_system/files/EAC_Report_of_Investigation_Dominion_DSuite_5.5_B.pdf

  22. Republicans: every accusation is a confession

  23. Big Lie pushers are resorting to saying that the lack of evidence to support their claims of massive voter fraud in the 2020 election is all the evidence that the need to prove that it happened! it's hard to stand up to that level of crazy! Thank goodness for theses 4 ladies and the stand that they've taken against Dump and his cronies!

  24. Isnt it funny that the ones who accuse others of stealing elections are really the ones breaking the law. Trump and MAGA is a disease on this country.

  25. She’s using all of the conservative tropes. “Venezuela “, “witch hunt”, etc….

  26. 80% voted for trump ? No wonder they wanted to redo

  27. Why did Secret Service attend the Akansas child support hearing with Hunter today?

  28. 🤣 all these old crazies gone get sued….they better quit watching fox

  29. Kirsten, if you lived in one of these areas, you wouldn’t describe it as fascinating… it’s concerning, maddening, un-American…

  30. Everyone knows the only way Democrats won is through mail in, Commie POS democratic socialist Marxist party.

  31. This is all Trump's fault. The Big Lie is tearing America apart.

  32. Ms. Roberts is brave and conscientious. WAY TO GO!

  33. These ladies have my utmost respect.

  34. Politics mad Michigan pole workers they're all crazy