Nancy Pelosi’s Presidio Park payout under House investigation

RealClearPolitics reporter Phil Wegmann details how lawmakers are slamming the Biden administration for giving Nancy Pelosi’s district more than $365M in tax payer dollars for parks and a new bill aimed at Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

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  1. A politician is the devil's quilted anvil; He fashions all sins on him, and the blows are never heard.

  2. Typical Democrats, crooks. Liars and hypocrites

  3. The Pig Pelosi…A lifelong lying corrupt politician. Worthless pathetic liar Fraud Coward

  4. Would love nothing more than to see pelosi lose everything and go down in history as the blueprint for the worst politician ever!!

  5. They always blame cars for the air pollution, they should look at planes the biggest pollution problem.. look at just how many cars and trucks can be used for the same amount of fuel one plane uses in one day.

  6. This country USA is go upside down, Joe Biden, and Democrats are destroying it. If democrats still control the White House, United States will have problems and China will take over the world. Don't let it happen.

  7. Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden must go to jail.

  8. Until you get Justice Thomas and Justice gorsuch under investigation you can all go f*** yourself.

    If they're not going to be held accountable then no one should be fuckyous Ole

  9. The trumped up charges against Trump serve only to warm the seat in court for the Bidens et al. We see through them, and Trump will be back in the Whitehouse most likely.

  10. Finally going after that dirty untcay

  11. Pelosi has been a crook for a long time now, so what are you gonna do about?

  12. Nancy Pelosi is a crook.

  13. MuH iNvEsTiGaTiOnS no one cares you have hunters laptop with LITERAL EVIDENCE yet no charges filed. Two tier justice system – jail for us 'investigations' for them

  14. Fox is lowlife as Pelosi Schumer biden . I can't watch it anymore NO Tucker no fox.

  15. This scumball and her husband should have been in prison years ago. Obama, Clintons, Bush, Biden, and 1000's of others should be too. Wasserman Shultz is another scumball.

  16. Pelosi’s 2:09 Fedserection January 6 ? Jail Time INSIDE TRADING ? Martha Stewart suite is Open

  17. They are all hogs at the trough! Liberals are all the same..Trudeau and his clown show in Canada do exactly the same!

  18. They must've gone literally crazy and full of greed fir them to have caused all this corruption. They want to win their seats these Demicrats so they can steal funds for themselves. They are doing alot we eventually will find out. They can't hide this from the people or the Republicans or and by all rights Mr. TRUMP TOO.what is so bad is they made Trumps life a living hell because they did not want him to find out. They are so evil , so ruthless and bad Politicians with greed on their minds they don't care about America. !!!

  19. Nancy Pelosi has over 20 billion dollars so if she wants to referbish parks fine just as long as she uses her own money to do it instead of dipping into our money especially since it's not her money to use. We are tired of Pelosi and Biden using our money as if it's there personal piggy bank.

  20. It's easy, the bigger the figure then the less chance there is of someone noticing one or two million ending up in accounts that are linked to accounts that are linked to overseas accounts that are owned by Nancy or her husband.

  21. Pelosi is a Greedy Criminal!!! LOCK HER UP ALREADY!!! 😡

  22. Let’s go America wake up

  23. There gose Pual getting 🔨 again…. She hiding her 20 %

  24. Police is a criminal she's a crook and so is her husband and that's the facts you can't change the facts

  25. Ever since Hillary, these Democrats can do whatever they want and there’s nothing that’s ever going to happen. The American people are getting built millions and billions of dollars of their hard earned money for these freaking lunatics. It’s time for the Democrat party to go away, permanently, absolve it.

  26. Nancy needs to be put in jail.

  27. Imagine that??? Hahaha


  29. no comment prison#1 pay back