Ty Reik McCullough, 17, and Travis McCullough, 16, have each been charged with four counts of reckless murder.
Original source (ABC/Youtube)
Ty Reik McCullough, 17, and Travis McCullough, 16, have each been charged with four counts of reckless murder.
Original source (ABC/Youtube)
If the Bible says that we are all sinners (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:10); that our sins have separated us from God (Isaiah 59:1-2); and that only Jesus Christ can reconcile sinful men to a holy God (Romans 5:10; 2 Corinthians 5:18), then you see why it is that we urge you to repent of your sins, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved (Acts 16:30-31). Salvation cannot come through a church, for no church ever died for your sins. Salvation cannot come through your good deeds, for the Bible says that in God’s sight there is none that doeth good (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Isaiah 64:6). Salvation must come through Jesus Christ, for He did what no church, no religion, no pope or priest or preacher can do – He died, was buried, and rose again the third day (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Only He can take away your sins (1 John 3:5; 1 John 1:7). You can believe on Him and be saved today (Romans 10:9-10). Otherwise, how shall ye escape, if ye neglect so great salvation (Hebrews 2:3)?
say their namez
How come BLM is not out there protesting? Young people were murdered. Oh…it's because it's black on black crime. They don't care about that.
I think a locked up/shut-in lifestyle is the way to go in this free world of ours. At least whenever we go outside, we don't have to take a gamble of getting shot. (or maybe that's not even safe anymore). Well, god bless those poor souls.
Thanks so much for these thrilling videos. Thanks to the gun manufacturing Merchants of Death(NRA) and gutless coward politicians. Shots fired😊 awesome.
Just please stop telling us how tragic this is when you are the cause.
On behalf of the millions of victims of gun violence… Congratulations. Awesome job. I particularly love how Congress so many years ago passed the laws protecting the merchants of death from lawsuits. Brilliant.
Oh and sorry. I know the news media love this stuff too. Ratings go up with these slaughters especially when children are dying. Have a great day 😊😗
Those killers deserve the death penalty
The fact they haven’t showed the race of the suspects tells you the race of the suspects. If they were MAGA hat wearing Caucasians their faces would be plastered all over the news regardless of their ages.
We are being attacked.
2 Mad they didn't get invited to birthday party
Don't understand weres all the support from Hollywood types for this incident?
Huh? Black dudes – now that is a twist I did not see coming – proby subject to microaggressions and systemic racism – we should apologize and pay them reparations.
Mindless without character. No respect for life. Wannabe gangsters shooting kids. Enjoy washing Bubba’s socks for 40 years.
Usual suspects again…
This is just simple black on black crime fueled and emboldened by blm & antifa. The left comforting & humanizing these thugs while attack our law enforcement is why this lawless crimes keeps on happening, especially in these kind of communities. America will never be safe again thanks to stupid wokism
They was Kangs!
Of the cell.block
That these WHYTE BEASTS are allowed to keep roaming the earth is an affront to humanity
LOCK them UP
Lock them up FOREVER
So where are their mugshots???
Bravo to the community and law enforcement!!
In most countries this would be a national tragedy. In the USA, it's just another Tuesday.
So glad these monsters were arrested !
And so let's have MORE GUNS out there!! Violence is just something that happens in this country …
Young Amerikkkans of the Empire.
Ban guns duh
Well, da' be mak'in new frends and eminees in a little while. Wishin da' be haven nice chats wif der cellies!! And da' be popler fer a while!!.
Good work. Too many violent offenders getting bonded.
If Black leaders fail to demand stronger Bonds in violent circumstances, they can forget about the gains made over decades. You’re giving the bigots and yahoos carte blanche to restore “Stop & Frisk.”
Sometimes the community gotta step up and demand judges stop giving breaks to repeat strappers.
I am surprised that Black on Black crime is being reported, finally. Did they get what they voted for, Whoopi Goldberg?
illegal guns used by kids who most likely are gang members with prior history. Yet you want to take law abiding citizens guns away from them. Violent kids not gun violence.
I was kicked out by sheriff deputy in that county in Alabama because they thought I was negro but when they discovers I were white they told me I was putin spy so they took out Patton tank and tied me to tracks pan rode me to Montgomery in Mississippi subject to status
I think the blacks are starting to enjoy killing their own kind.