3 High School Teens Arrested In Rock-Throwing Incident That Killed 20-Year-Old

The suspects, all 18-year-old high school students, were arrested at their parents’ homes and face first-degree murder charges. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: https://abc.com/shows/world-news-tonight WATCH THE WORLD NEWS TONIGHT ON HULU: https://bit.ly/3iQLwPp #worldnewstonight #abcnews #colorado #rockthrowing #murder

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Take them out of society for a very very long time.

  2. Government needs to mandate minimum 2 inch thick glass for auto windshields

  3. There parents are so proud.

  4. They threw rocks, the judge should throw the book at them and the key away.

  5. I pray for her family!! And I hope laws in CO are much better than ours in NM. A POS shot & killed my 14 year old nephew & is getting 6 years!! Probably will serve maybe 1/2 of that!! They should not be allowed to get their diploma!!!

  6. I would of beat tf out these little fucks if they hit my car with a rock im 19 hope they get locked for 15+ years

  7. A reflection of democrat's easy on crime policies.

  8. I can't imagine having children that ugly. You can't look at those mutant freaks and not think even your ugly ass children are that hideous. These vermin had no chance, and would not have had productive lives under any circumstance. The amount of crack, not to mention the inbreeding needed for parents to produce such vile spawn is unimaginable.

  9. Hope they get charged with first degree murder

  10. Rather than each other we should be marching on dc

  11. DAMN! Our boys are getting stupider by the minute

  12. Give them the maximum sentence

  13. No mercy for them, seek the maximum penalty that the law allows.

  14. 这些人被中介欺诈,美国中介公司讲到美国三个月能买别墅,一个礼拜能存款1000多美金,是真的的吗?还是你们这是欧美政客需要廉洁劳工和中介一起玩的套路,自己清楚。你们会报道吗?看看你们的雇佣的反华自媒体怎么宣传的。虚伪……这些人非法偷渡美国洗盘子一个月能挣6000美金……?,他们实际拿多少2000美金,甚至还拿不到,美国最低时薪多少? 这里不讲人权了,不讲剥削劳工了? 不是血汗工厂了…… 洛杉矶丁胖子广场多少?所以讲你们这些媒体,太虚伪……害了自己本国人的就业,也用一些宣传欺诈害了无数他国人……维护了资本家剥削而已……https://youtu.be/iYx9GSIc5y4

  15. There's no reason to try to make sense of this. There's no reason to be angry or shocked or appalled. These boys are psychotic; and they are a product of your society. Pray for the end.

  16. Two need a haircut and one already has one, it's awful. But prison will hook the other two up!

  17. I’m from that area

  18. David Manure gig almost up

  19. Lots of seething anger and hatred in this comments section. It's unsettling to know that one's neighbors are capable of transforming into a mob of murderous, shrieking vigilantes over a crime that does not affect them and about which they know nothing more than what a 37 second news clip tells them. Justice for the victims? Of course. However, demanding that the authorities execute these kids without a trial, hack off their hands or stone them to death is more in line with Taliban justice, not justice in the State of Colorado.

  20. Teens? Oh yeah there white …

  21. We need better Rock control in this country.

    Ban high-powered assault rocks.

  22. Colorado is rapidly becoming the new Florida. Everything weird, unsettling and without precedent now seems to happen here.

  23. That poor woman's family deserves justice. I hope the trial is swift and the punishment is harsh. Why the a-holes throwing the rocks thought this was entertainment is beyond me.

  24. Bring back the ball and chain

  25. HOW is this national news?

  26. Why can't justice be in the same form as the crime? I believe when you make stupid decisions that causes hurt or tragedy to another individual or their families, your civil rights should immediately be taken away and you should receive the same pain or torture that you gave out, PERIOD….this is stupid s&*@.

  27. What a bunch of brain dead losers.

  28. Death penalty. No EFFING appeals. ASAP

  29. I thought they would be the usual, …black.

  30. People, people…. the solution is simple. STOP. HAVING. KIDS.

  31. back in the old days, this is what they would do. if guilty all three to hard labor for peanuts and pay victims family every cent until death. the last one to throw would be hung dead after a few years, as a down payment. the first one to throw the rocks would have his throwing arm amputated with a branding iron and a hatchet. the third would have his eyes burned out and feet removed, but given a cane, to get back to his cell, after work.