ABC News Prime: Classified Documents Leak Latest; RFK Jr in the 2024 race; Dolly Parton in a new children’s book

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  1. 1:20 35 well why we need the amendment because we are loosing the feminist kill it we about to loose everything we are loosing in sports and the trans will have it what a joke the women are being erace

  2. Carol is full of bull,

  3. There is portable refineries that deal with trash, disintegrated them back to their origin. Plastics can be made into bricks or hand rails. More strength then wood or metal. Car tires can disintegrated into new tires. Also we can out law dumping when there is no process facility. Please this is a world wide problem and the planet will stop breathing..

  4. This interviewer is a hack

  5. overwhelming $$$$$, hahaha

  6. I love how this hack tv host edited out the controversial parts, and gave viewers a stupid snopes style disclaimer. The same people who pretend biden isn't senile.

  7. i want to watch the censored parts only, that is certainly where the truth is, if you want to know the truth, follow the silenced.

  8. Wow ABC you're a spineless bunch. Can't stand up to the house of mouse.

  9. RFK jr sounds solid! I was asleep and woke up to my phone playing this interview I glad to find this wasn’t a random dream. He also looks very close to how I imagined while sleep lol

  10. Love this guy!! Now they really don’t want Robert to be heard!! They think trump was bad for their corrupt system. Robert Kennedy will really expose them. He is there worst nightmare!!! Love it!!!!!

  11. Oh we censored the parts that our big pharma overlords didn't want u peons hearing..duh..what we say goes whatever the govt tells you yu better just believe it and go along with it or we try to destroy your character ..IS WHY NOOBODY TRRUSTS MAINSTREAM NEWS ANY MORE LMFAOOOOO

  12. U can SEE HOW uncomfortable she gets when he speaks on his points about the vaxxx, her Pfizer overlords are watching, making sure she pushes back and had her bulls!it disclaimers at end of all corrupted institutions blindly and we will think for you, cuz its "dangerous" to listen to a man who just wants the truth not just oh corrupted agencies just said so meanwhile DOVTORS AND EVEN THE EX CDC head told CONGRESS FAUCI IS A LYING POS. foh with this garbage lady ..rfk like jfk cept its RFK24

  13. Your full of propaganda u keep lying that’s why no one believes in a word what u say I hope Rfk wins

  14. In my humble opinion lady is a complete Bimbette. Censoring what a presidential candidate has to say is election tampering. It is illegal and unacceptable.

  15. ABC is going to find it difficult to censor a Kennedy over the course of an entire presidential election campaign. Why not simply do the right thing and engage with the evidence?

  16. Just after Ronald Reagan's administration made it so people cannot sue vaccine manufacturers, the rate of childhood penetrations spiked upward along with the increase in autims. If a company cannot stand behind its product, especially where children's lives are concerned, the company doesn't deserve to exist. Let government make the vaccines with no profit motive.

  17. You are WRONG lady. RFK Jr.'s book, The Real Fauci, is filled with information regarding the gene therapy penetration. All of it is absolute fact verified in the extensive bibliography. Read the book before you disparage him with slanderous lies.. You are a puppet of Big Pharma and haven't a clue about anything gene therapy penetration-wise. He speaks truth…. You lie.