‘ALMOST LIKE WE CLONED PELOSI’: Expert jokes about ChatGPT predicting stock market #shorts

Strategic Wealth Partners CEO Mark Tepper discusses ChatGPT’s stock market predictions, arguing it’s kind of ‘impressive.’

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  1. Be careful. Life is full of trickery.
    Perfect example: Nancy PALOSI.
    Someone's does have to feed the AI.

  2. Doesn’t seem to be a problem 😐🫠🫥🕳️

  3. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.

  4. So ChatGPT can understand Nancy Pelosi, so what's the big deal, everybody knows can predict she wants another Vodka constantly.

  5. Can ChatGPT understand Joe Biden, nobody on this earth can!

  6. And now they're teaching AI to LIE!! FACT!!! So not too sure u wanna trust their stock predictions!!!

  7. If AI is programmed to lie to you or keep information from you it’s safe to say it’s game over for all of us even the programmers …. Think about it !

  8. terminateter is coming.

  9. Lord help us if they clone Nancy Pelosi.

  10. No we will never touch our own only Trump don't look at us

  11. Bartiroma LIED to Americans about election fraud – Why are we supposed to believe a word she says now???

  12. Algorithmically – Imagine everyone goes for the same stock picks and the market finally chokes itself out..

  13. IMHO, not smart. All it has to do is tap into those legislators' emails and stock transactions because they have inside information, and they can control who gets which contact for their own benefit.

  14. Start with Pelosi and husband! Insider Trading indictments soon?

  15. this has been in use for over 40 years , wake up.

  16. If it can’t abolish the fed then who cares ?

  17. Wow……super insider trading for the Biden Family and his corrupt minions!

  18. Old movie Ghost in the machine

  19. AI is the only thing that's kept the market together at least since 2018 nothing new. Eventually the computer will run out of algorithm

  20. Can it predict who went to the Epstein island?

  21. The zhit works for any thing

  22. So if you can afford AI
    you will gain …🤔

  23. What an excuse I never used insider trading I used AI

  24. Can it also predict winning lottery numbers?

  25. Some more insider trading

  26. Elon musk is right were in big trouble,funny how the movies get this stuff right.

  27. You know you are a loser when you have to repeatedly talk about Pelosi’s stock purchases while saying nothing of the dozens of republicans doing the same. You should say they should all go to jail.

  28. Exactly it would have to be a ear to insider information, ….

  29. These aren't the smartest of people