Argentina faces economic crisis as annual inflation reaches 104%

Argentina is in the midst of its worst economic crisis in more than three decades with the prices of goods doubling since this time last year. NBC’s Guad Venegas has more as the country’s presidential elections are coming up later in the year.

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#NBCNews #Argentina #Inflation



  1. Don’t Cry for Me Argentina…

  2. This is what happens when you want a socialist government. How does a lawyer make as much as a dishwasher in the States. Also I've met many in Humboldt county that come to trim marijuana and they are some of the laziest hard headed people I've ever met.

  3. Wonderful now they will all be headed for the U.S. border.

  4. Send me to Argentina and I'll fix it… I'll cut wages for all politicians, judges, government and federal workers. I'll invite international investment with low taxes for a period of time. I'll focus on exports of whatever they produce to compete with other poor countries. Everyone Argentinian will live within their means until the country gets back on its feet.

  5. Argentina is a racist country. Good, God is taking down every country that has contributed to the evils in this world. Now they can be white and poor as they should.

  6. Stocks are good but I swapped and invested in Forex and Bitcoin trading I've been making good profit

  7. Somehow Fox will spin this to blame solely Joe Biden, as they have with our inflation here — which is clearly not to the levels of other countries in the world. But, because of American entitlement and exceptionalism, they feel we shouldnt have to pay higher prices….for anything…. Even if the rest of the world is.

  8. Seems like Argentinian electorate is grossly incompetent,and that's strange,knowing that Argentina has a lot of European population.

  9. Just give messi more penalties

  10. Thank you, China you could have used the effort for war games into stopping the COVID

  11. These morons got tens of billions from the IMF and over one hundred billion from China/BRICS and is still in crisis.

  12. A lot of countries sure have fallen into extreme economic recessions, civil wars, and larger international wars in the last few years.

  13. The WEF is creating the chaos Leaders need to abandon the WEF and get back to normal its simple

  14. They care more about the world cup than the economy!reap what you sow

  15. C'mon, man. Inflation is only a problem if the media bothers to report it.

  16. Socialism in Argentina has done so much damage. A lesson we can all learn from. I hope the people find a way out. Most likely defaulting on there debt. Again.

  17. When you choose Polenta!

  18. So that’s the reason all argentina women have onlyfans🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡

  19. nah nah nah!! keep that same world cup energy and ARROGANCE that all Hispanics know Argentinians have. SUCKS TO BE YOU!!!

  20. Into the sunset with the bag……😮😮😮….the people have to get it together everywhere. Love,peace and blessing will fix it. Get back to family and community.

  21. And this is what you people want for this country? Yea capitalism sucks.

  22. Welcome to communist regime, left presidents, corruption presidents. Brazil is going to the same direction, just elected a left president that had almost no support, but the big mídia and the Supreme Court, who took him out of prison after he being charged for corruption. How this happened? He bought everyone and promised positions of power so he could leave. Every country that is electing the left is having big taxes, corruption and crimes are raising. This is a wake up call. Don’t believe the soft speech of the left.

  23. You can only reduce taxes so much before your debt outpaces your revenue.

  24. Would massive spending cuts help?

  25. Wait…I thought Venezuela's socialism was the reason for inflation? Argentina is a capitalistic nation with strict laws so how could this happen?

  26. This is a common issue in Spanish countries. Maybe it's the Spanish culture that needs to change.

  27. Send me to argentina and I will run your country

  28. This has been going on for a very long time “Milton Friedman”. Now everything is coming is hitting the fan.

  29. This president is the projection of biden on steroid.
    Too woke, progressivism, loves to over spend, thinks he knows what he's doing.
    Just keep the crowd happy with soccer and they'll move on.

  30. China:"I love corrupt latinos countries! I could set them a debt trap & exploits their resources!"

  31. For any Argentines reading this, Canada is a beautiful country with a strong economy and hidden riches. Do not come to the US, it is a country in turmoil. Canada is the ticket.🍁

  32. Thank you for the video, I found out that investing is not for everybody, you just need a strong stomach too see your portfolio go down. It might be wiser for a novice to start with copy trading investing, but it is not easy. To invest in growth stocks it is another level, definitely you need to know what are you doing.

  33. I mean realistically what can be done?

  34. Who cares about inflation they won the would cup 😂

  35. That's what progressive policies do overtime, they love poverty so much they help spreading it.

  36. You know a country is in bad shape when none wants to run for president in it. So sorry for our argentinian brothers, hang in there. God bless.