Biden snaps at reporter when asked about his 2024 plans #shorts

O’Leary Ventures Chairman Kevin O’Leary asks if there will be enough money for presidential candidates as the 2024 election cycle starts early.

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  1. The only thing he will run for is the bathroom 😊

  2. That's snapping back? Guess you people were sleeping back when Trump was president.

  3. Where is he going to run?

  4. So we have to hear horns honking again and then he retreats to his basement

  5. He tells us all kinda sh!t, and almost all of it is nothing but lies? It’s how he has run his career: by lying?

  6. Run again? From the basement? Tell Americans by vido you're running? Trump 2024 joe is a joke

  7. Dude 😎😜😋 You Can Barely Walk Up The Stairs, Let Alone Run In 2024! Leave Bad Enough Alone, Go Back To Your Basement! This Time For Good.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉‼️

  8. America cannot survive another four years of the Worst President and Worst Administration Ever.😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  9. Biden family is so dirty!

  10. Let him make a greater fool of himself,the occults will not help him this time

  11. He is the worst thing that ever happened to America .America cannot survive another 4 years of this idiot in office and then he uses the blame game so he can try to look good but America's on to him typical Democrat always blame somebody else for his typical screw ups…..

  12. 😀💜💛💗🎲🎲🔃

  13. I don't think anyone wants you because we all hungry


  15. Im not a fan of Biden but I'm sure it does get annoying answering the same question over n over n over.

  16. Biden will never make it to 2024. Alzheimers hits hard and fast.

  17. That was hardly a snap, stop being dramatic. He won't make it back in office. He needs to take his annual salary and rest somewhere. Sorry Biden but you kinda let us down buddy. Sit the next one out.

  18. Please run again America need more comedy😂😂😂😂😂 worst president ever

  19. 😂😅Y'all funny MFers… Trump out shrieking at reporters for asking questions and y'all are like yea! That's my president!! Biden 'snaps back' at a reporter and you act like he's a loon…😂😅 You fascist fanboys are FUNNY!!

  20. Democrats are Dumber than Dumb and Dumber if they vote for them again. I don't think 1/2 of them voted at all in 2020.

  21. aggressive… what? 😄 this is the highest reaching video I've seen in a while. y'all need a snickers and a nap

  22. Fake news that all they know lies sat there and think they are pretty disgusting

  23. If Kevin O'Leary thinks April the year before the election is early for a Presidential race, he doesn't follow politics very closely.

  24. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 good Lord he is so delusional. His family should have been brought up on elder abuse charges years ago. But this is what happens if you are so in love with power and status. It is an addiction, like any other. And they can not quit. Its all so very sad.

  25. Yeah someone like his wife or even that son of his needs to stop him from saying he is going to run 2 plus years before it's even a issue. He needs some help .

  26. Can't run again, because your going to get impeached.

  27. Look who needs a nap time 😂, and probably a new diaper!😂

  28. Joe's got the American taxpayers $$$$

  29. I'd get mad that they think this is news, but it's Fox, which isn't news and instead is legally entertainment, so they can lie.

  30. So let's try the people more😮😮😮, think theve" had enough yet ?😢😢😢

  31. He can't walk, he wants to run. Please. 😅😂😮😢

  32. Another puppet and u dummies keep voting for crooks that are placed by the elites smh 😂

  33. Jo inflation Biden 2024 flop criminal President.

  34. Mr. Wonderful was basically explaining why the President was kind of agitated, it's way ahead of the time that they usually do these things and people are already up in arms about the election.

  35. Ask Obama what Biden’s plans are.

  36. The fact that Biden plans to run again shows clearly how much he truly cares about this country…

  37. He's so rude. He's always gotten snotty with reporters that ask questions. Like that isn't their job.

  38. Fk the playwrights the land. Bunch liars cheats thief's and pervs my opinion