Pandemic-era rules clamping down on migration will end in less than two weeks. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: Latest Updates: Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: #abcnews #borderpatrol #capacity #title42
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You cannot let these peoples cram other peoples, gently give them food and water Then SEND THEM BACK !!! YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT PEOPLE THAT PAY TAXES FIRST !!!!!!
Stop voting democrat .They love beaners and border hoppers to stuff the ballots during election season.
It's Bizzarro world kids! Come to the US the right way, get punished. Pay off your own student debts, get punished. Earn a good credit rating, get punished. Shoot an intruder, get punished.
Yup its an invasion and Biden is just laughing about it, They have no covid shots or do we know what diseases they have. We cant even help our own but now we have to help them wow
Are we just going to turn this country over to these invaders without a fight?!
The Army should occupy Washington DC, and restore the Constitution. That would expose the root causes of the Democratic party's treason.
Biden said he would open the border before he was elected. Democrats in DC are not doing anything to stop it, instead they increased the benefits for illegals. Democrats would not go to the border and see for themself what is happening. People that voted democrat should be taxed more to support illegals. The open border is costing taxpayers billions and to many of us have paid with our life. So many of the illegals are not good people and news outlets will not report about it. Illegals are poor not stupid. They know we are forced to support them, and they do not care.
Close the border! This is an invasion!
America needs to close our borders period. Americans need help first. Unbelievable!
The people that voted for Biden are the problem Joe Biden is just a puppet. How could anyone sell out their own country and its people…Traitor. Finish the friggin wall our citizens deserve better.
Can’t believe we had to bus them to these cities for them to finally understand what we go through in Texas and yet they still don’t want to do anything about it
Migrants and cartels are controlling the border, not Biden
There new agencies in my country( kyrgyzstan) where they send immigrants to usa via south America.
Well if they are decent peoples then lets welcome them,why not but if they mean harm of course we shouldnt ,i dont know the Adminstration dont know ,nobody knows what to do 😢
10000 every day
and this is how America dies!!
We will be the new London n hav so many terror attacks like they do
Im black and i dont even want them over here lol nah bruh yall gotta come over legally or go back to your dirt hole
Wide open door policies for Dems as usual, that won't ever change.
Some immigration is good but "ALL of the world" can not come here.
Biden’s America
Welcome to Brandon's America
F the invaders!!!
😫america,,you are being
played.wat are you doing?
😳🤔😫😖🫤soon you will be no more.
Martha's Vineyard welcomes you.
Bidens not done letting his voters in. Democrats power to stay in power.
The real problem is allowing immigrants to work with no visa. They should crack down on these businesses. If they can't get work, they will go back and enter correctly. We are so loose with our laws that it's getting out of hand.
Wow, that's funny!
We need more skilled workers, not unskilled workers, like are crossing over the border
At this point Im trying to figure out who caps the hardest😴
It sucks that the people here telling their families to continue to flood over can’t understand the harm it is doing. Give it a break. Have some respect for our system & our citizens. It’s too much. It is only causing more harm & division. Those of us that used to have great sympathy & understanding for people seeking asylum are now starting to have negative feelings about them. It is also ruining the whole admiration for the different cultures & being able to stop at a place to eat or shop offering authentic food or things from their country. Now u can get that on any street corner. We don’t want America to be the other countries. We like our blended mix of immigrants without turning our country into wall to wall street vendors & schools that speak more Spanish than English & billboards in other languages. As an American i would never go to another country & expect them to change their ways for me. And no one should. It’s not racist to love our American culture & not want everything changed because of overflowing migration to our country. They won’t even get the life they deserve to be able to strive here & be a contributing member of our society. The process is so long & broken, most of their money goes right back to their home countries… who are all financially gaining btw. The worst part is they just end up hating American then & visa versa. Just give us a damn break. It’s too much.
That's why there's so many shootings They should Stay in their own country
I am dying of laughter.
The business model of the USA has, and always will be slave labor/wages. Thus, there shall be no plan to close the southern border to immigrants. Why? US capitalists demand a steady supply of illegal migrants to maintain their wealthy lifestyle. And, no, Trumpter ain't gonna fix the problem, either. Remember, he's a capitalist too!
Biden is a criminal
Seven million homeless illegals in all ready and human trafficking MAYORKAS will flood America with ten million more homeless illegals
America doesn't need drug dealers coming through the border. It already has Americans dealing on every block, in every town, in every city.
Border Title 42 Covid: USA 1,159,824, Mexico 333,876, Cuba 8,530, Dominican Republic 4,384, El Salvador 4,230, Guatemala 20,189, Nicaragua 225, Panama 8,618, Peru 220,073. America Bombed: Cuba 1959-60, Dominican Republic 1965-66, El Salvador 1981-92, 4,230 1983-84, Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1964, 1967-69, Nicaragua 1981-90, Panama 1989-90, Peru 1965. Have these migrants forgotten the butchers of their past?
Sami and 200000 others people are dead because of you mayorkas and you biden
Americans let us stop relying on our leaders to protect the border. We must guard the country ourselves.
Big signs at the border saying Closed!!! And the army. It's going to be hell.
Homeless crisis, Biden does not care about black Americans living in tents on the streets, housing crisis Biden has no clue, Biden is now making banks charged more money if you have good credit to pay for people with poor credit, these democrats need to be removed from power, there socialists communists policies are destroying America every day