Car drives through outdoor restaurant in Midtown Manhattan l GMA

A driver trying to evade NYPD officers plowed through an outdoor dining structure Wednesday night. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: Latest Updates: Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: #nyc #nypd #gma

Original source (ABC/Youtube)



  2. Merica babay πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Its always a Cadillac driver

  4. Nothing you can do about it, the people voted Democrat to have these privileges. I'd suggest the people quiet down and take it like they always do. Just pay your taxes and mind your business..

  5. Some gets shot while sitting in their car with their hands up and others escape ploughing through Manhattan and with CCTV everywhere …

  6. America runs on Dunkin & Xylazin.

  7. They just said officer was hit had head injury reporter then says thank goodness no one was hurt.🀦

  8. Wow, Why would of NYPD got into the police SUVs and go after that Cadillac

  9. New York City with its population of 8 million rats πŸ—½…

  10. Risky move calling that pedestrian a female.

  11. That's why I eat indoor….unless it's on the 2nd floor and above.

  12. How do you not catch this guy in Manhattan streets!? There is always traffic.

  13. Investigation on-going? Naw we seen it unfold, no Investigation needed.

  14. Please learn to video !!!


  16. Damned white supremacists again.

  17. The footage of the sidewalk was the most harrowing thing I've ever seen! πŸ₯ΊπŸ€£

  18. I thought black don't Crack. πŸ˜‚

  19. Great video of street lines …

  20. This is the culture of New York. In New York there is no right or wrong & rationality & logic r shamed.

  21. America you really need to up your game. Your society seems to be imploding πŸ‘

  22. America is a very dangerous place and other countries should put the US as β€œALERT RED” for would be travelers!!

  23. Nobody is hurt?How about the police officer? Please stop hiring reporters who are out of touch with reality πŸ˜‚

  24. He was looking for the drive-thru

  25. I hope no rats underneath that β€œdining structure” were harmed! 😊

  26. Let me guess. The usual daquanquans

  27. All the Woke cities promote these unsafe "outdoor" dining using parking spots. They do this to make the city "greener" by doing everything difficult for hardworking honest taxpayers who get around with cars. I would never be caught dead dining in one, let alone live.

  28. Take a Stand Against Black Violence!! No more senseless Killing!! No Sacred Cow's

  29. Wait, they got away?

  30. Dont worry. He” ll. Be out on bail the next day. Lmfaoo ! 🀣. Bragg lets out rapists and criminals. Out of jail. The next day βœ…

  31. Ban cars in NYC. Problem solved.

  32. Bet the driver was black

  33. How do you like them cities πŸ‘ŽπŸ»

  34. no matter what situation there will be, trying again sounds good to do so.

  35. Seems like concrete blocks should shield πŸ›‘ these patios from vehicle attacks following years of similar incidents around the world πŸ—Ί πŸš˜πŸš”πŸš¨