Charges Dropped Against Alec Baldwin in ‘Rust’ Shooting

Baldwin’s attorneys say: “We are pleased with the decision to dismiss the case against Alec Baldwin and encourage a proper investigation into the facts and circumstances of this tragic accident.” SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: Latest Updates: Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: #news #Rust #AlecBaldwin #ABC News

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  1. Now anyone can blame a gun instead of taking any responsibility, but only if you have plenty of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  2. What a POS… I never liked that smug a-hole before and I like him even less now. He showed absolutely NO remorse for his part in the killing and is more than willing to let someone else completely shoulder the blame for this tragedy.

  3. Alec Baldwin pointed a loaded revolver at a woman, pulled the trigger, and killed the woman. Baldwin claimed the gun shot itself. However, the FBI forensic report later found the weapon could not have fired unless the trigger was pulled. Every criminal killer claims they did not shoot the victim, but they do not have Hollywood privilege, like Baldwin.

  4. Conrad Murray got arrested for accidentally causing Michael Jackson’s death. BUT Baldwin has no charge for that? I’m not saying he should be tho but accidental homicides are not carefully dealt with sometimes.

  5. this is one of the reasons I don't believe in the judgement system. in this country or humans judging other humans in my opinion this is wrong no matter how you slice it I think it was murder maybe not deliberate any idiot knows you should check any gun before pointing it and firing this sorry azz didn't if Alec were a poor person, they would be behind bars but when your wealthy they have different laws system then the poor to whom or who made this judgement they will be judged by the highest power. not some prejudice judge or jury that the law for them is money and status in the world. if anyone think this was justice your just as bad as Alec and the judge and the rest of this judicial crap show

  6. The FBI tested the gun found that once cocked the firing hammer could release itself without the trigger being pulled, which is exactly what Baldwin said happened. The gun was in terrible shape and it still is not known how a live round wound up in the gun. The women who was in charge with gun safety had almost no experience and she does not know how the gun had a live round in it. I think plastic replicas should be used from now on.

  7. This is just straight up tragic no matter how this ends. I feel so bad to the families this tragedy has caused them all. There really is no winners here.

  8. Rockstars do no time huh

  9. This is fucking bullshit

  10. Well I thought Baldwin and his armorer would have shared culpability. She was totally incompetent but he took the weapon without checking it and that is the users responsibility. Even more he is not supposed to point it at anyone and if the trigger is to be pulled to cause dummy round to go off it can never be pointed at a person in this situation. Hmm. I think Baldwin dodged a bullet here himself.

  11. Charges dropped!? He killed her as soon as he found out she was from ukraine!

  12. I didnt know who this guy was. I remember seeing his face somewhere. His acting is always so stiff.

  13. Something seems off about justice for murder conviction

  14. They should honor Halyna and stop filming. Unbelievable. I won’t go see the movie out of principal.

  15. He paid off everyone period. Her family was ok with the check when they saw all those zeros…charges dropped the end 😊

  16. Wow😮 But Bill Cosby and R Kelly went to prison smdh .. doesn’t surprise me at all

  17. When some people are saying 'nobody is above the law', that is a lie!

  18. Celebrities and politicians always walk.

  19. Even though no I'll intent, somebody owes some cash. Out of court settlement. Also, only allow movie guns with solid barrels, etc.

  20. It’s more of Baldwin’s mistakes than Gutierrez- Reed. Even that armorer should check the gun twice before handling to that irresponsible actor. The actor can’t follow simple gun safety procedures that everyone supposed to know when handling a gun even if it’s going to fire blanks.

  21. Pay's to be rich and a murderer. White Privilege.

  22. Bro his k/d is strong

  23. Amazing on the double standards for the wealthy liberals with friends in high places have .

    Had Baldwin checked the weapon and not assumed that it was a cold weapon like he claims he was told. He would have found that live round in the chamber and all of this would have never happened. Loss of any life is tragic accidently or on purpose but it happened just pure negligence on Baldwins part. The armo is just the fall guy. I surely wouldn't want to be the next actor to stand in front of him. As the Rust movie continues forward to be made with him as a lead… Baldwin being so anti gun needs to be required to attend and pass a firearm safety course before he heads back to any set that has firearms involved. If this we're a common individual on the street without friends with power to make things happen or cash they would be charged with involuntary manslaughter, do the time without a possibility of parole. And even to date nothing about restitution to the family that took the life of a wife and mother. He just gets to walk without consequence for his negligent action.

  24. Nobody should watch this movie

  25. Makes sense. Two other people were paid to make sure the gun was not loaded. They did not do their job. In the future I think an actor should just point the gun at the ground and shoot it until it is empty. This is a fail safe way to prevent a tragedy.

  26. Alec Baldwin "paid people" to inspect the revolver, and they failed to do it. These other individuals are far more to blame than Baldwin is. Meanwhile, Baldwin is still facing several lawsuits.

  27. He didn't have intention of killing her but he cut cost, and safety is his responsibility, I think involuntary manslaughter should still be on the table. We could be charged the same thing if we killed someone in a car wreck.. I feel for the family loss.

  28. Looks like white privilege to me.

  29. So happy for him, while mistakes were made, they were made prior to getting the gun to him, and yet he could have been careful as well, he would never intentionally hurt someone, knowing that an act like that would end of his career.

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  31. damn we was so close of putting that smug ass hole away

  32. From the beginning I believed he was set up; sure I could be wrong, but I could be right…

  33. An anti second amendment, gun hating Hollywood ellite shoots two people. Kills one and no charges. Absolutely disgusting!

  34. He will be haunted by this forever Nobody will ever trust him with a gun

    So nobody should take a gun safety class? Nobody should have a background check before being handed a gun?

    Seems like yesterday you wanted all that

    So how come actors and studios exempt from all gun laws?

    Did you know its legal for studios to have full auto guns? Is Hollywood more trustworthy?

    Who knows how many murders were with studio owned guns?