City of Antioch and police facing civil rights lawsuit over racist texts

The city of Antioch, California, and members of its police force are facing a lawsuit from six people who say they were victims of civil rights abuses from the Antioch Police Department. The suit comes after officials released racist and homophobic text messages circulated by at least 45 police officers. KNTV’s Pete Suratos reports.
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  1. Yes with 340 million people in the country you will have a handful of racist people every single day that the media will put on the news and make everyone hate each other… With that amount of people everything will happen every day..

  2. Whatever happens administratively to these criminals is an understatement. They need to be charged, prosecuted, and sent to prison.

  3. Told it a zillion times, a good cop in USA does not exist even your FATHER! Those cops are fathers…

    Even your brother, sister, mother, cousin, niece, nephew, etc.

  4. JFC. How many times does this have to happen before we realize that Republicans are the enemy? They don't like our country, they don't like our citizens, they don't like our laws.

  5. trump told cops its okay to rough them up. He noted how cops put people in the back of police cars and hold their heads so they don't hit them while going in. He said cops should kinda not do that and if a criminal hits their head just say oops. That's the kind of president we had. A criminal ex president that is whining like a baby that he is being mistreated. ;punk *ss b*tch

  6. Prayer for your family 🙏 this is awful

  7. Racists vote Republican.


  9. California politicians worship the devil.

  10. What about reparations for the murder victim. Instead of spending the settlement money on Gucci shoes and Louis Vuitton handbags, give it to the murder victim's family.

  11. Justice for my son. Why would anyone release her son if he murdered someone? The city is doomed if the lady in the video is the Mayor. The mother of a killer has the nerve to have a voice.

  12. This is absolutely disgusting.

    We need to know the names of these racists.

    DOJ & FBI must involve and investigate.

  13. Who is going to sue the 12 year old and 17year black kids that brutally murdered 3 white women last week? Or the 15year old black kid that attacked a 58yr old, stole his car then attacked at robbed a 63 year old in Chicago yesterday? Black people arent victims.

  14. This is why I hate all cops.🖕🏾🖕🏾👎🏾👎🏾

  15. I’m racist there’s good reason black peoples act like wild animals everywhere they live

  16. Racist txt🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡

  17. Cops are on vacation just say it

  18. America so many "white" people….sickening

  19. Meanwhile, The only marginalized group in America who is systemically oppressed is white straight males. Maybe, companies only hiring minorities, scholarships only giving to minorities, banks only loaning to minorities, etc. should start being sue.

  20. What is this talk about, 'oh it takes time for the culture to change'? Police officers, contrary to their union tells them, DO NOT own those jobs. Every single one involves should be fired TODAY. I understand some are police union leaders. Clean house today, get qualified and able replacements with no racial baggage. And presto no toxic police culture and future taxpayer costs for bad police work.

  21. WAKE UP……its the Racist White Peoples English ( British Empire ) that want to Divide and Enslave the Peoples of the America(s) ( MONEY ) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  22. This is my surprised face 🙄

  23. defund the police. put all to jail for hate crimes and racism discrimination.

  24. Freedom of speech👽🤚🏻

  25. Good 😊 i hope and pray for more lawsuit's throughout the country.

  26. Take them to court if you can if not, fire them all and release their names and photos to all depts across nation.

  27. This is actually very funny. The black community as a whole has more racism in it than any other demographic. It’s hilarious how they act so offended at something they themselves are guilty of.

  28. Revolution is inevitable.

  29. Absolutely… so sad…

  30. Being able to provide all my needs without the help of the Government is really a dream come through and I’m getting $50,000 returns from my 10k investment