A new debate has sparked over a Florida bill that would let fire stations and hospitals install safe haven boxes for parents to surrender their babies anonymously. NBC’s Guad Venegas reports on why some say these boxes save lives while others argue that babies should be handed over to a person.
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#NBCNews #SafeHaven #Babies
Nice. Sent the boxes of babies to states that banned abortion. Let them put their money where their mouth is.
A baby box billionaire. Americans gonna make that money. Babies then go into a foster system that is less safe than that box.
The same people that want to ban abortion want to ban baby boxes. Hmmm. Proof it's about controlling women and not about babies at all.
Can we just invest more in low income housing so nobody has to give their baby to a stranger
When animal safe haven installed, no controversy.
When baby safe haven installed, some disagree (preferring babies left to die on streets).
where is the logic and common sense.
Baby hatch on wikipedia has a lot of information about the history of these.
How can people even be against this??
Get rid of Abortion and you are going to have to put something in place for unwanted children, unless they are going to make that a crime too.
I agree an infant needs personal contact, but if the alternative is a dumpster or trash can? Bring on the #babybox. I disagree with 7-days old being an arbitrary age, though. Maybe, up-to 2-months?
I love how they put a time limit on when they can do it! How ridiculous! 🤔 you people make no sense.
Oh…we’re not supposed to put them in the Good Will dumpsters?
So now we r gonna put unwanted babies in boxes. Pro choice all the way.
Well they better come up with something. There's gonna be a lot more babies left in dumpsters now that the forced birthers have got their way. Also I hope the conservatives are happy about all the extra children that they'll be supporting with tax dollars in the foster care system.
What a stupid argument, that the extremely brief period the infant would be alone would be destructive. Those mothers need to feel safe, and they need to not need any more shame. The fact that a male firefighter, and not a pediatrician or expert in early childhood development is making that argument only underscores my opinion. I suppose he believes it is less detrimental to an infant to be dropped into a dumpster?
0:38 bro just dropped it so casually 😂😂😂
Democratic dumpster
This isn’t any new. Convents have been doing it for centuries. It seems odd but it’s a lot better then dumping a child in a dumpster or terminating it’s life before it is even born.
Do people put pets in there?
I think the box is so awesome. My daughter wasn't able to be held for a around a half an hour due to complications and the monitoring she needed at the time she is fine. People just have to pick apart something. These are going to be so important going forward with the lack of abortion that women are not going to be able to have. I will never understand reasons that women sometimes just dont want their children but I am grateful that they have this avenue of being able to be anonymous if that is what they need.
Up to 7 days old? So 10 day old babies or 1 month old babies deserve dumpsters? The less than 7 days old rule needs to go. The box should be available for all babies of all ages otherwise we will still have the same problem just on a smaller scale.
In what world is this a negative thing?
Get used to this if you want to take abortion rights from women.
I just read that those boxes are leased for $200 a month. That's it, that's the grift. If Florida builds 50 of those that's 120000 in rental fees a year on top of 500000 in installation fees. 😂 What a scam
Florida, you are trash. THIS IS NEEDED.
the problem isn't the boxes; it's that ya'll have to come up with a concept for how to collect the babies.. and you don't address the very real suffering of females who feel the NEED to give up their babies, under duress, like this. Where do you think the baby rapists GET the babies EH?! How BAD of a society, how HIGH is your threshold for atrocities and horror do you gotta witness before ya'll do the right thing, for the good of ALL.
So far.. you guys manage to only address your own collective needs for greed, dominance and supremacy. That's why ya'll only take bad situations, and make them worse, for the individual. You gotta be sociopathic, in order to make some of the decisions you make, for other people to endure.
How would the parents that drop off the baby be anyomonus? Can't they easily trace back the DNA to the parents?
All those ancestry products out there can be linked to find relatives and I'm sure they can easily find the parents
With abortions being banned, they're gonna need more of those boxes
You could put stray cats and kittens and puppies that need help in them. I think they should be everywhere ^.^
Why would the mother care if the baby is sick? She was gonna throw it in the trash if this wasn’t an option.
Why are they even alowing things like this to be made it sad when a female or a man are not thinking of the consequences of life a woman having a child is a blessing from God this is not a game if you can't take care of yourself how are you going to take care of another life that is born because of stupidity !!
This shows its not about life at all. Safe haven boxes safe lives. How dare you force someone to give birth then go against having a safe and anonymous place to surrender the child.
Well I hope that these boxes are better maintained than the majority of technological and mechanical infrastructure in this country.
"We've never had a time in our country, where abortion was not readily available, and the safe haven law was, so we don't know what's going to happen."
I do. I have a pretty good idea. I think they had better put in a lot more boxes in each fire house.
They ones who say that they need touches for development.. NO DUH!! But it's probably better than throwing it in the trash bin.. The mother doesn't want to be identified so you can get your PITCHFORKS later
When I have extra babies I just leave them at a bus stop with a sign that says “Free” and a couple cans of formula. Works every time.
Mothers should have to paid child support to the state until the child is 18 for giving up their babies. Because fathers have to pay child support when they don’t want anything to do w/their child
Great idea 👍🏾💡 now we need save haven shelters for parents who want to give up their kids between the ages of 1-17
What about a father? Does the father have the same rights to give up a baby without any repercussions and no further attachments. Mothers i tell you
Really smart, Republicans. Make abortion more popular!
Republicans are quick to invest in a box but not the system that will ultimately be responsible for the child.
It's an option. Nobody has to use it. Blocking abortion means more unwanted babies. Bad laws have consequences. This at least helps prevent babies being discarded in dangerous ways.
People need to understand these boxes are not a new idea. They had these in convents and churches in the middle ages. place baby in box and ring bell.
Babies are in the boxes for minutes only. It's a debate between baby box or a bag in the woods.
Those kids are most likely going to end up in foster care, where there is very little oversight or accountability for their well-being and will be very vulnerable to human trafficking. Plus, 81% of prison inmates in the US were foster care kids too
Republicans think more white people will be born with the abortion bans. Vasectomies are increasing among men.
you could also let women decide before the fetus is even formed in the womb! let women have choice of their body and stop controlling them with religion! foster system already struggling and full of unheard abuse
Liberals always have to find humanitarian solutions to Republicans stupid ideas.
It's much better to throw the baby in a dumpster. What is wrong with people 😡 This is proof they aren't prolife but only pro birth and just want to punish women.