DeSantis Close to Presidential Candidacy

Sources say the Florida governor plans to announce his candidacy in mid-June, which comes as his dispute with Disney escalates. ABC News’ Andrew Dymburt has more.

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Im wondering who's gonna fund his campaign? Why would any corporation give him lobby money now after going after a huge corporation?

  2. What exactly is the purpose of an exploratory committee?

  3. So let me get this straight, Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby are allowed to express political viewpoints that conservatives agree with, but Disney isn't allowed to express political viewpoints conservatives don't agree with?

  4. I'm a Homosexual and honestly love the don't say "gay" bill "gay" is a derogatory term it shouldn't be in schools it is like the word "Fag" I applaud Mr.Desantis and would vote for him as a Democrat

  5. Lol yep ronnie will never win

  6. That's good I support him

  7. Does he WANT to look more like a joke?

  8. Nearing a cliff, more like. 'The Boy' wants the nation to follow Florida, just one of the delusions of a fool with a serious Mouse problem .

  9. God bless Ron DeSantis and FJB

  10. Yeah, because Sleepy Joe won't be 6ft under by 24'…………hmmmmm

  11. Let him run, so America can show these fascist that they aren't wanted in these United States!

  12. Do not interrupt your enemies when they are making a blunder.

  13. 🤮 GROSS! This IMBECILE is beyond DELUSIONAL if he thinks he will ever be president. #NOTTODAYSATAN

  14. Pack it up, save your money, go hide in a corner. Governor Puddin, you are a failure. Do not run for President. You are misaligned with what people want. You need a speech coach to learn to speak in a full bodied voice- not a high pitched whiney style. Stop bobbing around while speaking. It makes you look like a Disney animatronic gone berserk. Abortion, guns, disaster control, immigration, fight with Disney, book bans, Don't say gay, insurance problems— all FAILS. STAY HOME.

  15. He has been digging himself into a hole with all this Disney nonsense.

  16. He’s done. Anyone going to Israel to sign anti-free speech legislation for Florida is a traitor. F DeSantis and all the J-e-w-S that control him.

  17. He's a Nazi. Literally. National Socialism marries business with government control… His 'punishing' Disney for having an opinion and seeking control over how businesses decide hiring and culture of work environment shows he does not believe in free market capitalism. He needs to control all aspects of society. If he gains power, he will censor everything we are able to see and hear and shut down any media that has differing opinions from official government output. He's a Nazi. How many independents are for censorship and controlling businesses conducting themselves on their own terms (how they hire, what statements they make) and restricting individual freedoms, consolidating power in big central government? He only supports businesses that support his party line, and he moves to restrict free speech of his 'enemies' which is usually based in race?

    This is what the GOP says when they say they no longer support 'corporatism' – they are going National Socialist, dictating what companies are allowed to do controlled by the state.

    it may come down to the supreme court tearing up the constitution and overthrowing even free market capitalism in favor of the GOP's Nazi agenda. Then it will be an odd fight, money vs false-hijacked institutions. Strange days ahead.

    at the same time it is the decline of the power of nation-states ceding to a rising international corporate/elitist order. The Globalism the GOP fought against but in foreign relations could look like the GOP aligning with Putin and authoritarianism around the world who seek to destroy free press and communication.