‘Don’t trust anybody’: Parents of Oklahoma murder victim share grief

The parents of teen Ivy Webster, one of seven people found dead at the home of an Oklahoma sex offender, express their frustration. KJRH’s Amanda Slee reports.

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#KJRH #IvyWebster #Henryetta



  1. My heart breaks for everyone involved. I don’t trust a soul, you just can’t ! I remember my mom being so strict about sleepovers. She always said “You never know what’s going on at peoples house”. Being an adult now and seeing this just makes me so sad. I know the parents were just trying to let them have freedom and enjoy a night with friends. They did nothing wrong and I pray they don’t blame themselves. That man should’ve never been released. This almost reminds of the Faith Green case that recently took place near my hometown,Detroit. The only difference is the wife unfortunately knew the details as he killed a previous wife before ultimately killing all of her 4 children in front
    of her.Neither one of these men should NEVER walk free again. The system failed yet again!

  2. The first thing to do is to cut off their best buddy. 😠

  3. Release the epstein list…

    There are monsters out there still hurting children

  4. Pedos need to be 6 feet under ground with no exception

  5. Why were they letting their child be a 40 year old mans house?? They should know better than that

  6. 💔😭🤬😤🙏🏽

  7. Don't Trust anyone? Duh keep an eye on your kids people

  8. Under no circumstances would I ever let my children sleep over at their friends house…😢😢😢😢 You can't trust anyone!!

  9. Don't trust anyone, That's good advice it is a godless world. Filled with godless people. The word of God say, the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. No one fears God, hence trusting people is frighting and dangerous. I pray that God gives these victims comfort in their suffering. So sad.

  10. God bless the family 🙏. Keep your kids close people ⚠️🛑

  11. The media is pretty much burying this story…

  12. Don't anybody, specially if you have kids

  13. Definitely was not over parenting

  14. This is heartbreaking 💔.

  15. The mother's heffer nose ring is a clear indication of the parenting this poor girl received.

  16. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  17. I have two daughters. They are my entire world, and I've wanted kids since I was like 4 years old. This type of situation runs through my mind every single day. They're real little so they won't even be attending school for a couple more years but I worry about that all the time. Once you let your children out into the world, away from you and your home, anything and everything will interfere with them. You can never be sure what'll happen to anyone.

  18. The "justice for criminals, only, system" strikes again! Where's the victim's justice?

  19. Everyone blaming the parents for this in the comments are sick human beings. Theyve lost everything, dont add onto their problems pointing fingers at anyone other than the murderer.

  20. You know there is a website that tells you who are child predators around your neighborhood…………… It's not that hard..
    and for the grieving family to be sitting on lawn chairs talking about your lost dosen't sit right with me, I'm sorry. Go get some answers to what happened to your kids! They are not fighting enough, in my opinion.

  21. We need more safe gathering places for kids like dancehalls and roller rinks. Here we have all the malls taken over by the CCP and left to rot on purpose.

  22. "Don't trust anyone" that's rather ironic coming from the same type of people who chastise & shame other parents who DO demand to know who their children are hanging around & yes, even who their parents are! We're told we need to be accepting & tolerant.
    I'm quite confident that had someone mentioned running a background check on their daughter's new friend's parents a week ago, people like this would've objected saying it's invasive & unkind.
    I always demanded to meet the parents of anyone my kids were friends with, especially if they'd be spending any time at their house or their friends in mine….that's my job as a parent. My kids hated it but my kids are alive & now they do the same with their children.

  23. Remember that Democrats now call them "Child attracted persons".

  24. One of the main reasons I never looked back after I left Oklahoma. Between the rednecks and the psychos no place safe in that state