Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), chair of Senate Judiciary Committee, discusses the ethical questions surrounding the Supreme Court following revelations that Justice Clarence Thomas received previously undisclosed gifts from a GOP donor.
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#ClarenceThomas #GOP #SupremeCourt
We should amend the constitution to have every SCOTUS justice face a referendum as a vote of confidence/no confidence with every presidential election. A two thirds majority of ballots with a no confidence vote once and that one is permanently gone. Two consecutive simple majority no confidence votes for a particular one, or three over any length of time and that one is gone permanently. (Suggesting some guidelines here, but whatever people could get behind) Honestly, if they are to be the voice/interpreters of the Constitution of this nation, they should be representative of the conscience of this nation, so the people of this nation should be allowed to weed out those that don't represent them, at least if representative government is the objective here.
Please, please, please stop talking about how "history" will judge what is going on in our Supreme Court, gerrymandered state legislatures and all the rest of the corrupt abuses of the Republican party. We need to judge them and take action against them right now. The mass graves of the dead Spanish Republicans from the 1936-39 civil war, and the tens of thousands killed after the war by Franco's regime, cry out with the judgment of "history". Personally, I don't want to be held up and honored by "history" decades after I am murdered by a fascist Trumpist dictatorship. I want to defeat that threat here and now.
Civil suits for Clarence and Ginni. Make them pay out of pocket. Big time.
I fought the law and the law won. So, I paid the law and I won.
Mizell vr Hernandez 1 18 CV 0883rp
Vagabond prosecutor
Wheelchair accessible ADA title ll Access to the court account mizell vr Hamilton mizell vr neuss mizell vr Hernandez 1 18 CV 0883rp
Retaliation obstruction of Justice ⚖️
Chief justice Roberts will go down in history as the most feckless and impotent leader of the supreme court. Ever.
Stop bullshitting me with the lame excuse for your inaction by saying that history will judge. In case you fools haven't noticed, it's the lawbreakers who are controlling what history will say.
Ultimately, I blame Harry Reid for this fiasco. Him and Barack Obama. They were both so impatient to fill judicial seats at the federal level that Harry Reid threw out the 60 vote requirement for Judicial nominees. Now we have a 6- Conservative court where half the court was decided with a 51 person vote.
Roberts has shown us that the chief justice is an administrative position, not a leadership position.
This is what you would expect from the leadership of a man appointed by someone like George W. John Roberts leads SCOTUS the same way George W ran his administration.
Not that anyone has ever taken Robert's decisions without opinion but he, and Alito, have spoiled the SC beyond mere partisan opinions. This country has come to realize how tainted the court, politicans and police have become and the majority are sick and tired of it.
I will never vote democratic progressive ever!
Much of the blame rests with Roberts, letting it get to this level of behavior.
Its called bribery.
Same rules should apply to all.
The SCOTUS is disappointing… it’s scary that they stand for nothing… what chance do we Americans have for fairness?
How about campaign reform. How about term limits. Democrats should have done this when they controlled all branches if government. No standards any where at the national level. What is Durbin talking about. Totally corrupt system.
Where was NBC’s disclosure on their “Russian collusion sources” and who did NBC fire over that daily three year lie?
NEVER vote blue!
AND…. you better invite him…OR IT'S NOT IN YOUR HISTORY BOOK SENATOR…dumb as a rock
History??? History!!!! How about justice and the law? These people are straight criminal, TRAITORS
C'MON!! Ridiculous. And these "judges" can decide life or death for others?
Fake News!!!!
The Supreme Court is extremely dirty and compromised.
Republicans don't appoint jurists for their qualifications, they appoint them for their votes.
Justices are not gods or kings
Democrats can't even fully staff the Judicial committee in the Senate, maybe they could fix their own problems first
~Not My Supreme Court ~
The People on my Supreme Court wouldn’t be Criminals… what a bunch of Losers….
White people B.S is all this is white people B.S?
Another example of ignorance…msnbc and democrats
There needs to be term limits for them, and there needs to be some accountability..They think they are above the law and they are not..