“These chords are common building blocks that we use to create music long before ‘Let’s Get It On’ was written.” Ed Sheeran celebrates victory in the copyright infringement lawsuit related to his song “Thinking Out Loud” while defending creative freedom. #news #copyright #edsheeran #marvingaye
Original source (ABC/Youtube)
I definitely heard "Let's Get it On" the moment I first heard this guy's song. Everyone's derivative nowadays. I was born in 1958 and paid attention to music every step of the way. This guy is only interesting to his generation. Shallow and derivative. It's not the chords, it was the way the bass was played.
I personally wish he was successfully sued. His music is highly unoriginal and derivative.
Did Marvin Gaye take any chords from Beethoven 🤔🤔😱. This is getting ridiculous 😂😂😂
Who else feels really bad for Marvin Gaye himself? First his own father murders him with a gunshot, then you have the rest of his family and his co-writer’s family taking advantage of him after death for massive monetary gain. Straight up despicable. Of course, we are very sorry for the unnecessary stress Ed Sheeran had to go through for the trial. It’s such a relief he won, since not only his career is saved, but also all us songwriters’ liberties.
Ed went on to say; "That said, let's be clear. ChatGPT is the real enemy."- 😮
Glad for him and agree it was a loss of time.
Beautifully said! So sorry you had to deal with this for 8 years.
Congratulations! 🎉
I love you Ed Sheeran! Pls keep on writing & singing your music! You inspire lots of people like me! God bless!💖🙏🥂🎀🎉
Oh sh*t I think I just stole a twelve bar blues from, from …… well everyone really
Admit you borrowed the groove though bro. Come on. Don’t act like it was 100% original. Jesus.
He is right and I’m glad of the outcome!! He didn’t do anything wrong. It wasn’t the same! 🎉
I love you, Ed Sheeran, your precious time and efforts were both wasted on this, and you deservedly won…but colors CAN be trademarked 😏
Agree with Ed 100%. The Blurred Lines decision was terrible.
Wait he didn't pay Marvin Gayes estate for "thinking out loud" that was a direct use of the melody it is definitely the same which is why it resonated with the black community. He's wrong for this… dude stole that melody and got away with it smh. Yeah I will never listen to this dude again. Plagiarism is Plagiarism no matter how you shake it. When I listen to "thinking out loud" I hear "lets get it on" PERIOD.
Omg I couldn’t be more happier. Well done for fighting it
There is a book called steal like an artist. Inspiration is always there as long as art inspires
Marvin gay family try to sue everyone. And they didn’t even make the music credit the engineers
White previlege? I wonder if he was ethnic if the outcome would have been the same…his comments are pure appropriation and a cultural evil!
What about the Copyfraud penalty for the loser? Talk about that, too.
Great explanation, hopefully this case will make others think before they make accusations. Congratulations.
He looks like Boris Johnson’s son
Excellent commentary by Mr. Sheehan.
I think after winning the lawsuit against Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams, Marvin Gaye's estate thought that they could go after other people too.
Common cords are heard in alot of songs. Im not sure if copyright is fair if you cant use a combination thats common.
Impossible. disappointed to law?
Yes!!! ridiculous suit. probably cost the kid a fortune and caused anxiety for the 8 years. Bravo, sweetie 🙂
My wedding song 😍♥️ & ring tone 😊
Well said.
Congratulations ugly boy
The Gaye family just almost lost half of their money from the Williams/Thicke lawsuit in lawyers fees. Maybe it will slow them down.
How do you build a musical career by using other people's music a d changing a few musical notes and chords that have repeatedly brought him into litigation over and over again..numerous lawsuits brought before the courts concerning his "original" music. When the music distinctly matches in structure and sound with miniscule changes does not make it ORIGINAL.
Ghetto at its finest! Shame on Gaye’s family !
They already enjoyed years of Marvin Gaye’s money. What else do they want? They’re saying protection for him? No!!!! This is pure greed! Not stereotyping but hmmmmm
I understand stealing lyrics but chords are just ridiculous
Happy for you and us, Ed !
Too bad he won. I was looking forward to him quitting.