Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he will run for president in 2024 as a Democrat. WATCH the live stream of ABC News here: SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: Watch more at http://abcnews.go. com/ LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: #PresidentalElection #RobertFKennedyJr #ABCNLUpdate
Original source (ABC/Youtube)
Our government does not represent the people
Kennedy24 ❤❤❤
RFK don’t support the STEM field
Mainstream media doesnt want to be freed from the corporate government.
"When I fought to get mercury out fish, they didn't call me anti-fish." Robert F. Kennedy Jr. RFK Jr. has the people behind him (and a lot of his family), despite what the media is churning out.
trump helps let stick to who we know
"misinformation" which turned out to all be true.
People please be nice to one another it’s sad how we treat each other based on who we vote. I vote for Trump that doesn’t mean you gatta blow my head off or call me a crazy woman it’s wrong of you to judge each other this way please be more mature and normal. Everyone has the right to vote without getting all crazy. God bless America ❤
Fact check: RFK jr was literally CORRECT about every covid lie.
Every single one
You are the news spreading disinformation. RFK is not anti-vax!!!! He's against mandates to be vaccinated. His opinion is based on scientific data! Everyone should be free to make that choice.
We need younger candidate
Im voting for RFK JR for the Democratic primary and 3rd party in the general IF he'll break off from the Democrats after they crown Biden again.
Sweety, he had not spread anything but the truth about the vax! So help me God that is the truth. So you all just keep pushing your lies and disinformation and may you get back what you put out in your life.
If Trump gets screwed out of the nomination…AND…if Kennedy gets screwed out of his…and he will. You have 2 America first candidates and all of their supporters who will not support Brandon and who will not support establishment endorsed candidates. A 3rd party America first Trump-Kennedy ticket. Winner winner chicken dinner!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr 2024! All the way!
I’d like to support RFK
The problem is the political system. American politics are financed and ruled from Israel. Israel finances progressive politics, but they also finance the far right. It doesn’t matter if democrats or republicans win the elections, Israel always wins and that’s the problem. Most Americans are not aware of this and they continue to support politicians who work as puppets of Israel.
Wait, wasn't RFK Jr dead?
Don't be so fast to dismiss RFK Jr. BTW your coverage of him sounds more like a hit piece! (Is misinformation your favorite word?) If you want to engage in true journalism, try reading his book "The Real Anthony Fauci" and then maybe you'll begin to understand what he stands for and what he's up against!
I know I'm expecting a lot from ABC News, considering how this report was most likely sandwiched between multiple Pharma ads.
I voted for Biden because:
1) I wanted my vote to count
2) I DID NOT want Trump back in the WH.
But, I am concerned about Biden for 2024. And we DO NOT need another round of Trump!
I can't believe that after 2020 and all the misinformation that the media has spread about the vaccine, what is so wrong about RFK Jr. being hesitant and asking questions about vaccines and the pharmaceutical companies motives . A lot of scientist were censored just for speaking out about the science of the vaccine or even mentioning other alternative treatments. Now the media is doing the usual smear campaign. I think a lot of the Liberal media forgot that people didn't vote for Biden because he was such an excellent candidate. A lot of people voted for him because they didn't want Trump. Given a better alternative, I am sure he would not have been president.
So our “choices” are between a science denying antiVaxer, a pathological liar/fraud/racist, and an 80 year old who is senile. Ain’t democracy great?!?
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has my vote.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has my vote.
Sooooo, go ahead and re-elect that nutter Trump…..
Keep pumping that poison ABC! 😂 RFK all the way!
Silent majority will come out
ABC News I’m pretty sure you all were the ones spreading massive vaccine misinformation it’s just difficult to decide if you were normal lying or if it was false advertising on behalf of your sponsor.
I went back and everything RFK Jr said in videos 3 years ago holds true today and even the CDC admits to what he was saying 3 years ago.
Meanwhile pull up a 2 or 3 year old ABC News video and it’s Orwellian propaganda, lies, fear-bating mis and mal information you all were just PUMPING out terrorizing your audiences. Really awful organization with terrible people hosting programs responsible for untold destruction of the lives of Americans.
You really should feel ashamed but that would assume you psychos actually feel anything.
That blonde wig!
As someone who’s supporter only conservative presidents in my lifetime. Aside from Obama. Which was a mistake. He was too a pawn. As was trump. I will 100% vote for RFK jr. And, as long as he’s allowed to speak. He will destroy everyone on any policy possible. I’m sick of the child like debates. It’s time for a real man to get the job done.
Corporate Media punchline of misinformation stating that Bobby spoke out about anti vaccine misinformation. Media corporate is sponsored by Pfizer lol – King of Misinformation and greed
RFK all the way!!!!
Bobby Kennedy Jr 2024
RFK Jr is the only chance we have to restore what we had. It will be a dirty fight because the CIA said “we lie we cheat we steal” and that was a message to Americans to stay out of their way in America. Note, the CIA demonstrated they lie they cheat they steal when they did that thing to his uncle president in 1963
Voters chose Trump, not the RNC.
ABC nut jobs, good luck RFKjr
RFK Jr is the best candidate in a long time!
Santis 😂😂😂😂😂 noooooooo😂😂😂😂
Finally we have a person brilliant and ethical enough to deserve the presidency. It's been so long!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Time to get rid of the Biden crime family!
Biden has full blown dementia and cannot articulate. Why is everyone in denial ??
RFK Jr. WILL pull together voters from BOTH parties and will complete the legacy of his father and uncle. #RFK Jr. 2024
Democrats 2024 blue wave coming ur way gop sucks
Corporate media gone do what corporate media does.
GEAUX, RFK Jr. !!!