JPMorgan Chase will take over all the assets of the recently failed financial institution. WATCH THE FULL EPISODES OF WORLD NEWS TONIGHT: WATCH THE WORLD NEWS TONIGHT ON HULU: #abcnews #worldnewstonight #jpmorgan #firstrepublicbank
Original source (ABC/Youtube)
2021Joe Biden and Janet Yellen: "inflation is transitory"
Fed does not raise rates…Banks Bet that interest rates would stay low issuing bonds at low interest rates.
2022 Joe Biden and Janet Yellen: "we were wrong on inflation being transitory"
Fed starts raising interest rates aggressively…people start withdrawing their money into higher yielding investments.
2023 Banks start collapsing from losing money on their 2021 bank bets.
2023 ABC news a member of the DNC propaganda machine says "everything is fine" LMFAO
Anyone with a brain that hasn't been brainwashed…knows the biggest economic crash in history is right around the corner
and nothing can stop the collapse from happening. If your money is still in the bank…go look up the term "bank bail ins"
FDIC cannot cover every bank deposit.
Hahhhm so again citizens pay for loss and banks gets bigger!!! Corrrruptiion disgusting evil system.
Don't worry guys, in 2-5 years theyre gonna bail out JP morgan again. Nothing to see here.
That is how Ponzi scheme operated. They take money out, then transfer debt to another customer to pay it off. You can call many US banks names as you like, but I call it a Ponzi scheme. A bank buys another bank's debt? what a joke! what money will you buy it with?! No one can create money out of thin air, not even J.P. Morgan himself, nobody rides for free! If you claim you can actually create money out of nothing, why do you call yourself a bank? why not Charity!? and give money to everyone for free, you don't need customer money in your bank either. For me, if I let someone take care of my money, if that idiot starts using my money to buy someone's debt, I'll withdraw all my money immediately. Because I knew that's idiot trying to steal my money!.🙂
It was not "sold" to JP Morgan. Being sold indicates that something was paid for it. What actually happened is the Biden Administration got the FED to steal money from Taxpayers to give to JP Morgan to buy First Republic and its assets. They also have a guarantee from the FED and Biden Administration that Tax Payers will cover any further losses. JP Morgan is not paying a damn penny. You are! Biden has bailed out the bankers and put you on the hook for it! And he has given it for nothing to Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan. Biden is making the bankers rich and making ordinary Americans poorer.
By june 1st…. and the CBDC fednow rolls out in July 🤔🤔
Rubbish, let the bondholders take the hit
Did the Rothschild family own JP Morgan’s wealth ? I have heard that JP owned only 19 % of his business , the rest being a loan from the worlds leading bankers .
Headline should read "Government seizes a competitor and gives it to JP Morgan because they have our leaders in their pockets"
Banks can serve me in anyway except hold my money.
US Government: “Everything is fine” 😑
JFK will have justice… Deep State will be obliterated.
Another clear indication of the need for government regulation of "capitalism" because of the dishonesty of the people running commerce globally.
AND what is no one talking about a MONOPOLY when Chase is buying the second-largest bank failure ever. We are returning to the too-large-to-fail scenario with these banking monopolizations.
“FRC is a fort-ACK!”
Capitalism is dead.
Long live communism!
Like JP Morgan aren't in this all. They have a dubious reputation.
Did anyone actually hear what he said in the first 10 seconds of this video?
How long has J.P. Morgan been bailing out failing banks
3 banks fail many more to come