House Republicans are set to hold a key vote on the debt ceiling that could have wide-ranging implications for the national and global economy. NBC News’ Julie Tsirkin explains what to expect from the vote on the House floor and what President Biden is saying about House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s plan.
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#Biden #Republicans #KevinMcCarthy
If we reduced the federal budget 10% across the board it wouldn't be political, and then if we also did a flat tax of 20% with absolutely no exceptions or loopholes we'd be just fine. The problem is everything is political now, and billionaires and corporations, who have a lot of, uh, "influence" in D.C. would lose it if they actually had to start paying taxes. My plan is far to simple for reality.
We need to change focus from a consumer to manufacturer Nation. The vacations over. China/Brazil/Russia Are going to do their own thing at our expense, while everything about the American economy say's that they are smart in doing so. So We need to do the same. We need to focus on manual labor becoming middle class instead of entry level. We need to replace Walmart's and Targets with Factories. Make America Great Again, just like the 50's. Everybody works. We focus on funding Healthcare for all, Retirement for all and more than 50% of trade within our border. Do whatever it takes to increase the cash flow between citizens.
If we default or this bill passes McCarthy will be my first one.
It will fail
We must cut spending, and cut taxes
It should be dead in arrival.
What would republicans do if All the United States of America services just stopped doing to protect the United States of America people really republicans you're are wolfsheep in clothes Dearly so much and , I agree with cheerman of veterans dearly my uncle's from my Mom side was in the United States of America people fighting for the United States of America we the people and from my dad's side was in the United States of America services to fight for the United States of America we the people to protect their home Land the United States of America people my brother was in service my xhusband before we gotten honorable discharge because he gotten seizures from being training in national guard army and sense his death and I was married for 14 years and I can't get veterans pension or anything I had 2sons after he was out of the United States of America army national guard I can't even as a xxxxxxxxx wife to collect social security money of a disability wife , want to hear something my son came back from navy seals committed suicide because noone would help him after words really
Biden could have done this when Pelosi was in charge. The fact that he waited till McCarthy shows he either WANTED this debate OR he was too dumb. Either is a bad answer. Perhaps his age is getting to him.
You mean just like nancy did for your trillion dollar debt biden
You lied McCarthy just to get put into office time to impeach McCarthy to there gonna cut alot of programs people need instead of cutting out there useless earmarks
Yeah right republicans sheepdog in clothes Dearly right really well 2024 election coming and republicans reelection coming dearly to what
Us government keeps raising debt ceiling like a teenager with a credit card! Eventually you’ll have to pay up or file bankruptcy
McCarthy hasn't even submitted his own parties budget for debate. How is this not just obstruction. The House of Representatives is not functioning, there is no longer a 2 party system!
The poor will be poorer and the rich will be richer….
Anti-government Congress CONs holding US hostage, Debt ceiling only pays bills. Hillbilly Hill CONs loves US to default
Let it default …they was alot of 1st time things done in this administration… if dem don't sit down and talks….joe bidin is a joke
Instead of raising the debt ceiling,
A better strategy would be;
Take a honest look at how waseful spending had gotten the Nation into a 32 trillion dollars deficit.
Hindsight is 2020
Suggestions for ways to raise revenue:
1. A billionaires tax increase, based upon the gross income.
2. Eliminate foundations tax credits. If these foundations are charitable, why give charitable tax credit?
Fair Taxes:
In the 1970s personal income above $32,000. that was not invested in real estate property, stocks investment were penalized in the form of higher taxes.
Certainly today $32,00 in below the property line . However that is an old model.
Monopoly Taxes or Forced Divestment:
What the Congress should due is implement huge tax penalty for businesses such as Amazon, Walmart, Facebook, Coke Cola, Wells Fargo Bank and other large behemoths for monopolizing the consumer sector.
This would encourage small businesses investments.
And give the government an increase tax bases.
These monopolies are destructive to capitalism.
Coke Cola brought Geyser/ Vitamins Water for four hundred million dollars, because the Coke brand was losing revenue, due to the excellence product of Geyser/Vitamins Water; Coke then brought the brand and diluted the quality and ran the Geyser/Vitamins Water brand into the ground.
Geyser was a small startup and was unable to repel Coke. The consumers lost.
These monopolies are the prime reason for the erosion of the brick and mortar stores.
In the last twenty to forty years our once stable brick and mortar stores were lost as the backbone of Main Street in every town and city, also the bricj and mortar businesses gave stabilty the towns and cities.
And provided prosperity to the Nation and gave the governments both local; Region and Federal a healthy tax base
The Congress would be wise first look at how the riches government has gotten the people's government into a 32 trillion dollars deficit, before raising the debt ceiling.
When the government does not look back to see if the government is following its manifesto, and correct itself back to prosperity as in The Preamble, it is not following the recipe.
Not a scientist nor economist, it just common sense:
Hindsight is 2010
Shut it all down maybe it will wake Sleepy Joe up
Biden does not negotiate with terrorist republican or foreign
Why doesn’t McCarthy at least try to get democratic votes in order to get more overall votes than the crazies on the far right and you’ll at least get a better bill because of it.
The protest that will follow even bigger than what happened in France.
Thats pretty much all the government does pass these days. Giving themselves more spending money they have to print to keep up with.
Levy's bill is anti the American people. It's only for the wealthy to make more money. Dispicable
Of course it's going to pass through the house from the republican-controlled house now we'll see what's in the bill that's going to go through the Senate once the Democrats do a review on the bill most likely not going to pass it because it's not going to be in favor for the people ! The Republicans are in trouble, especially in this upcoming election in 2024 they want to give everybody the impression that they are doing something when they really not they haven't done nothing to benefit the people of America for decade years.
I don’t get it:
Joe Biden and let’s say the majority of Democrats don’t want to negotiate with Republicans about this issue
But it’s republicans at least putting something out there and Kevin McCarthy has literally said it can be “negotiable”
The problem is no one is talking and these liberal voter trolls 🧌 want to say to me “we don’t negotiate with terrorists”
At some point, you do realize you have to talk to the republicans…otherwise let me guess, you’ll just blame republicans when you have republicans at least having a plan…
What would be your plan, democrats? Oh that’s right it would be nothing since you democrats love to spend spend and more spending
It don't matter after the next rigged election America will be bankrupt and China will be in control !
What's the point of having a debt ceiling if anytime you reach it you just vote to increase it?
There is not one person reading this that knows the wealthy don't pay their fair share of US taxes. And your common voter is going to vote humans into office that will make sure that trend continues.
US citizens should go ahead and get ready and prepare for this country to default because thats exactly what's going to happen. Republicans have all but ensured it. They are JUST NOW potentially voting on their bill because McCarthy can't get his party in line and this vote is not even guaranteed to pass.
The only question is which party will suffer most in the 2024 elections after the default.
Now China owns even more of America's land and housing market
I don't put much stock in what they pass. Bills they passed didn't even get out of the house. Just my Opinion Thanks.
…..with Maria Bartiromo!? It’s hard to know which one of them has the worse taste in partners!
He wants to defund the FBI and IRS and veterans and our allies. Sicko's!
McCarthy is owned by Donald putin puppet pies big time 💥 Treasonous!
Racist republicans try to remove two black people from the house of representatives but the same racist republicans kick that out and no response from that same racist ultra MAGA republicans letting kids die in school and trying to turn us back to the 50's when racist ultra MAGA republicans can take women right black right from people
The republican traitors in the house are out to Destroy America they are voting to defund our Veterans the border patrol the FBI the DOJ and the IRS and more these are traitors they not voting for the best interest of this country .
Good reporting