How Lead Service Lines Became a Modern Public Health Crisis

Millions of Americans do not have clean drinking water. With more than 9 million lead pipes underground, contaminated water has become a public health crisis in many US cities. WATCH ABC News live here: com/watch?v=w_Ma8oQLmSM SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: See more at LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK abcnews FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: #ABCNLUpdate #HealthCrisis #Lead #drinkingwater #Water #contaminatedwater

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. This is what happens when you spend most of the countries budget fighting unnecessary wars. A piss poor infrastructure is what you get

  2. Why don't you do an article about asbestos-concrete water mains? There are literally thousands of miles of it in the USA!

  3. As long as you don't drink it it's cool right?

  4. Just imagine using the money wasted in afghanistan and ukraine to upgrade our infrastructure.