Hunter Biden team demands ethics probe into GOP rep

Rep. Adrian Smith, R-Neb., weighs in on Biden’s re-election bid launch, how debt ceiling negotiations are crucial to prevent market disruptions and Hunter Biden’s demand for a probe into Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. #FOXBusiness

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  1. If only this was true,four year prison term! We can only wish! IMPEACH CHINA JOE NOW before he starts WW3 and Kamal Toe also!!

  2. A corrupt dirty old man with a totally inept administration 😮

  3. We want our rights back. Biden stold America's freedom. Stold America's soul

  4. Why are taxpayers paying for tjis doj shouldn't have anything to do with it exept prosecute him.

  5. imunity must be gone ! Giving imunity to politicians etc needs to be gone !!!!!!

    Media prople how the hell do you sleep !!!!

  6. Good credit gets penalty WTF wake up !!!

  7. Running on what !!! Insane

  8. Keep in mind , we have a better chance of getting answers if Biden isn’t in the White House. He has been protected for a long time and it will just continue. They have gone after Trump since 2016 on nothing . All lies and fabrications. He wasn’t perfect by any n means but he wasn’t a life long politician that are blood suckers and crooks.

  9. Write your Congressman and Senators and voice your concerns.There is a Convention of States going on to change things in our Constitution that under Article 5 , we the people can make changes. Get involved or you’ll just be another third world country as we’re headed for.

  10. America is hanging on a thread in every phase of Freedom. Some will have to lose it to realize what they had unfortunately. Then it’s too late. Too many agencies are controlling the White House. People that voters do not know that are in powerful positions.

  11. How many fools believe this?

  12. Biden is the biggest violator of the constitutional rights, he mandated the covid injection

  13. Hes Reading this Speech..He Sure Cant Do a SPEECH with out Reading it on Paper

  14. This person has no soul. He lost his to Satan many decades ago.

  15. Under biden rights are fewer all the time

  16. this video is misleading the title is Hunter Biden team demands ethics probe into GOP rep but you spent less than 30 seconds talking about it at the very end more like 10 seconds

  17. He speaks of freedom?? That’s his plan. He’s a scumbag like the rest of his family and administration. He wants division that will clearly direct us all so he can continue to fund his retirement on our dime. He’s disposable garbage.

  18. Paid Dirty Scumbag Attorney’s.

  19. Because he is not running the country

  20. Where are the feminist cries of sexism when the Biden administration demands an investigation into female political opposition? Silence… All of this political correctness is just political bulls4it.

  21. Finish on destroying this country.

  22. Democrats and ethics – that's an oxymoron.

  23. He is a leader not a detector

  24. Biden well not listed to the people he is supposed to survive

  25. Biden/ Harris, the most powerful domestic terrorists ever to attack our nation.

  26. More like, stealing our soul!

  27. And what would Hunter Biden know about ethics and morals? What a joke.🤮🤬The whole family is an ethics violation with no morals😡

  28. Is the new CNN?
    Good Bye!

  29. Heart Transplants( Divine Mercy n Grace of Godhead, YHWH) on the tempted- corrupted BJitten n Company n Family– by most poisonous Snake- Satan!!) In order they really have Christ Jesus' Divine nature- like n mindset! Enforcing God's truth of II Corinthians 10:3-5 to experiencing the meir Spiritual "Burnibg bush"; resulting in Ii Corinthians 5:17 truth that triumphs over Satan- sinful nature in them that: Writer, M K Yeo had experienced this overlooked n u defused Truth of God Almighty un Christ

  30. Don't fall for this crap there trying to distract you from his criminal actions

  31. How could anyone in their right mind vote Biden again? He's destroying our country

  32. We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic

  33. Run A.O.C. and it would be a fait accompli for Trump. Actually the way democrats have and are presently continuing to run our country into the ground, I say run any of your democrats it doesn't matter who. People are fed up with their liberal cockamamie policies.

  34. When Biden says he has to finish the job, he means finishing the job of destroying America once and for all…

  35. President perhaps of the old folks home, but certainly not head honcho of the greatest Republic this world has ever known or will know. No, please, no reprise for Joe Biden … no, I say, not Joe yet once again.