Hunter Biden will have to show us all the financial secrets he’s been hiding: Devine

NY Post columnist Miranda Devine discusses the impact of Hunter Biden’s child support court hearing on his financial ‘secrets’ and Texas AG Ken Paxton launching an investigation into COVID vaccine companies.

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  1. Better question: WHY aren't they all in prisin!

  2. I can't wait for tucker to get his own show so I never hav2 watch fox again

  3. Hey PHONY Varney keep up the Trump hatred so you don't get axed SWAMP FOX

  4. Here's what I find TRULY HILLARIOUS about this entire Hunter Biden situation. Not only will all of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate's business dealing finally come to light along with any and all 'associates' of said crime syndicate but when Hunter finally gets out of prison (..if he ever does…) he'll owe millions in back child support. And if he doesn't go directly to jail (DO NOT PASS GO; DO NOT COLLECT $200) he'll owe FAR MORE than the original asking price/month of $20k. God, I do so love the backlash drama and ensuing justice finally coming to the entirety of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate (..and Co./LLC). 😆! ( many arrests incoming; so little time left for their freedom..).@@@@@

  5. I want to know who is buying his art?If buyer is corp or anonymous where does it lead

  6. Remember that RepubliKKKlans no longer have lead and pesticide-poisoned human-DNA due to 500 years of "convict-colony" inbreeding depression whose policies only purpose is cruelty. Republiabortion's only goals are your family's and our Mother the Earth's extinction due to its CO2 emissions. Which is causing the refugees at the southern border who have been sent to America AmurderAR15a by Jesus Christ to replace all of Trumpenstein's Satanic-anti-abortion, AGW-denying, genetically-inferior, WASP-skinned monsters. Amen.

  7. Paragraph 2 of 3. Melania Trump wears “I really don’t care. Do U?” jacket during visit to child refugee concentration camps However, a tweet from President Trump later suggested that there was meaning behind the jacket, saying his wife’s coat was referencing the media rather than traumatised children. He tweeted: “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!” Some commentators were taking Melania’s choice of attire as a politically calculated move. Amnesty International’s US branch tweeted they were shaken “by the blatant lack of empathy” the first lady demonstrated when she chose to wear the jacket. The actor and outspoken Trump critic Patricia Arquette tweeted “Melania Trump just won worst dressed for the century.”

  8. You are obligated by God to protect your family from extinction by the year 2060 due to runaway-AGW by obeying The Holy Trinity's order to k!ll Trumpenstein and all 74 million of its N@zi, Ku KluXXX [pornstar] Klan monsters. That identifies itself to be a Satanic-anti-abortion, science-denying RepubliKKKlan whose' policies only purpose is cruelty; that uses the phrase "wake up".

  9. President Biden's son Hunter Biden could be indicted by the U.S. government following an investigation into his foreign business dealings…

    Why isn’t this a RICO Case. As a retired Financial Crimes Investigator I am appalled that the Biden Crime Family’s activities have not generated the RICO Investigation that is warranted.

    How about one of the FOX News People ask this vital QUESTION.

    Robert Spradling’
    Retired Special Investigator Financial Crimes Task Force
    State of California


  11. This shows who the Biden’s really are creeps. This child deserves much better then this family, Biden’s are trash as far as I’m concerned. that’s why they don’t care about the kids at the border they don’t have compassion for anyone. Evil. Doers, especially Jill she sets the tone of the family. Pure evil

  12. Who's giving odds that the judge will "step down " and a Biden friendly replacement will arrive

  13. Hunter and Joe both should have to show all of their bank and find out where all that money went.

  14. Who cares about Hunter Biden ?

  15. Denying his daddy responsibility because he doesn’t have money is rich. Hunter having no experience was getting paid over $50,000 per month for working for Burisma in Ukraine. Now, he receives half a million dollars for his paintings🤔 He claims that he paid his dad’s (Joe Biden, who has plenty of money) bills & maintenance of Wilmington home but he can’t pay for child support🙄 Sounds like Deadbeat Dad & Grandpa Joe!

  16. I knew this was going to happen 3 years ago. You can't escape the child support.

  17. The hole administration is a big scam even the DOJ AND FBI are on the take and CIA what the fk

  18. I'm sure its just a misunderstanding

  19. Cause your doped up son snorted coke off a stripper s crack is why Biden isn't stepping up.
    Justice for the pole dancing fatty . The child needs to understand that its not her fault and her biological dad is a scum bag .

  20. Paragraph 2 of 3. Melania Trump wears “I really don’t care. Do U?” jacket during visit to child refugee concentration camps However, a tweet from President Trump later suggested that there was meaning behind the jacket, saying his wife’s coat was referencing the media rather than traumatised children. He tweeted: “I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!” Some commentators were taking Melania’s choice of attire as a politically calculated move. Amnesty International’s US branch tweeted they were shaken “by the blatant lack of empathy” the first lady demonstrated when she chose to wear the jacket. The actor and outspoken Trump critic Patricia Arquette tweeted “Melania Trump just won worst dressed for the century.”

  21. Paragraph 3 of 3. Melania Trump wears “I really don’t care. Do U?” jacket during visit to child refugee concentration camps Many have praised Trump for seeming to diverge from Donald Trump’s attitude on separating children from their families. On Sunday, while the president was still defending the policy, her communications director released a statement saying the first lady “hates to see children separated from their families and hopes both sides of the aisle can finally come together to achieve successful immigration reform”. It’s not clear whether this jacket is a nod to those concerned that she is being too soft on immigration, sending some sort of message as her husband claimed, or was some sort of wardrobe malfunction. It is, however, unusual for Melania Trump to wear inexpensive clothes when on public business. At the G7 summit last year, she wore a floral coat worth $51,000. While arriving back from a trip last June, she was spotted carrying an overnight bag: a Hermès Birkin bag worth $13,500. Despite the controversy it caused, when Melania returned to Andrews air force base later in the afternoon she was still wearing the jacket in front of reporters.

  22. Anything that votes RepubliKKKlan serves and worships Satan.

  23. Chapter 1 of 3. 'Gender-bending' chemicals found to 'feminise' boys May 27, 2005 This news article is from NewScientist. “Gender-bending” chemicals mimicking the female hormone estrogen can disrupt the development of baby boys, suggests the first evidence linking certain chemicals in everyday plastics to effects in humans. The chemicals implicated are phthalates, which make plastics more pliable in many cosmetics, toys, baby-feeding bottles and paints and can leak into water and food. All previous studies suggesting these chemicals blunt the influence of the male hormone testosterone on healthy development of males have been in animals. “This research highlights the need for tougher controls of gender-bending chemicals,” says Gwynne Lyons, toxics adviser to the WWF, UK. Otherwise, “wildlife and baby boys will be the losers”. The incriminating findings came from a study of 85 baby boys born to women exposed to everyday levels of phthalates during pregnancy. It was carried out by Shanna Swan at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, New York, US, and colleagues.

  24. Does the Klan accept science; yes or no Klanhole?

  25. The world economy will go into a depression when the 500 years of inbreeding-depression, Satanic-anti-abortion, runaway-AGW-denying, president Joe Biden was legally-elected-denying, Ku Klux Klan intentionally causes the U.S.A. to default on paying its debts for money already spent; by allowing filthy white skinned freaks like MTG dictate RepubliKKKlan polices whose only purpose is cruelty.

  26. Lying is a civil crime with no jail time or Fox News Lies would be left with no show hosts; and Tuckens would be in the slammer right now.

  27. The world economy will go into a depression when the 500 years of inbreeding-depression, Satanic-anti-abortion, runaway-AGW-denying, president Joe Biden was legally-elected-denying, Ku Klux Klan intentionally causes the U.S.A. to default on paying its debts for money already spent; by allowing filthy white skinned freaks like MTG dictate RepubliKKKlan polices whose only purpose is cruelty.