Former high school athlete Selina Soule and Alliance Defending Freedom senior counsel Jake Warner discuss the House passing the bill that would protect women in sports on ‘The Bottom Line.’
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This is not the fault of men. This is the direct result of a culture that now gets support from a corrupt government and a small minority who scream, cry, protest, create violence, and demand special treatment. Not equal opportunity. The democrat saying this bill is creepy??? Creepy alright! It's called mental illness.Where are the feminist groups?
CIAC!!! i'm ashamed of you
Wow, how can any women or fathers of girls now vote for a democrat
Please sue the sports bodies and schools into submission.
The morr law suits that get filed against those promoting this trans BS the better.
The philosophy today, is to make "wrong" right and "right" is wrong…confused? You should be but the good book says "stand firm", meaning you have to "draw the line".
Private womans team sports.
You had the right to walk away as the womans team should have done.
If this Federal Bill doesn't pass, women's sports will become trans sports.
Your gender is what it says on your birth certificate…PERIOD !
HALLELUJAH! Its about freakin time – its only women who can save women from the delusional "trans gender" agenda – take courage & stand 4 truth… there are people who'll be paid 2 attack us but never forget this is a Spiritual war & there are more with us than against us : (
Creepy, Creepy, your the creepy politicians…
Freedom and democracy. Enjoy!😂😂😂
Sexist Progressives
Misogynistic Democrats
Women for women that’s the way it’s supposed to be support each other’s how bout The others can compete Against each other like there own league or something ?
Idiot dims
Biological male vs biological men
All women that are subjected to this type of unfair and dangerous play, should just boycott! For example in college, if all women unite and boycott for an entire season, then that would ruin the reputation of these institutions and result in a whole lot of money lost for these schools as well. Now that would get some attention!
I have a transmission in my truck that make it trans girl or trans boy
One day we will know the names and faces of those that are forcing these democrats to come against such a commonsense bill. Every one of them know what they are siding with is wrong and dishonest but yet, there they go. May God have mercy on their souls.
All natural born women should have boycotted and NOT played. No game will get their attention
Very simple
Girls team
Boys team
Twisted team
Haven't the dems been saying there is more than two sexes?, but they only beleive in two sports categories. If they are steadfast in multiple sexes, then why not male sports, female sports and trans sports. wouldn't that be equal competition?
The democrats are completely crazy
Women voted for this. And they will again and again. Remember, no logic, reason, or accountability.
Could have said no and refuse to compete in an unfair competition.
White Chicks movie 🎥 put that clip up your the dancing scene and show these people of course our band is going to beat a woman orgasming man is going to be the young girl that's why I only whip young girl should compete to young girls but most of these politicians they either have tragedy as their kids or their behind-closed-doors doing what they do or watching some transgender poured and they don't want to fight for the rights of a girl who's trying to compete in the world that we call America
No men in women’s sports ever
They can participant, just in their biological gender.
Again shows that men are better than women 😊
Forced? How about not competing
leave Lia aloooone lol
He probably lost scholarship. Thanks for the dirt bag men.
I guess real biological women, female's, girls, have to again fight for their civil rights as women!!!
We aren't equal now are we😮
Simple ….create a division for transvestites.
Tranny's compete with Tranny's.
Leave the normal children alone.
Unbelievable and yet so believable.
You’re winning the battle?? No, you just threw a big tantrum again because the world does not revolve around you. Congratulations on being whiny children.
Democrats removed women's rights from society. Mentally ill Liberal men are now in control of women's rights.
Are they going to cancel the prom since no one ask it out, or to dance with it?
Perversion seems to rule the US society
I can’t believe that this is happening
Where are the feminists?