Judge Cancels Hearing on Suspect in Leak of Classified Documents

Jack Teixeira, 21, “improperly and unlawfully withheld and transmitted national defense information to persons not authorized to receive it.” SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Latest Updates: http://abcnews.go.com/ Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: http://abcn.ws/3bzvQQn #news #pentagon #documents #ABC News

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Russia and China have always interfered in the internal politics of other countries. The United States simply collected information about what was happening in the world not for influence

  2. The fact that there was a leak is terrible. But collecting information about what is happening in other countries is not a crime. This information is not for manipulation, but simply to keep abreast of what is happening

  3. I have no idea how this could have happened. But it's important to conduct a quality investigation, to punish all those responsible, to never let this kind of leak happen again. We are talking about national security and the security of our allies. It is unacceptable to have traitors in these difficult times

  4. That documents have information about the war in Ukraine. I hope that nothing will be changed there only in a better way

  5. Unlike China and Russia, the United States does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, it only helps and controls them!

  6. In this situation, we can see that the United States in no way interferes in the affairs of other countries that are not necessary.

  7. the guard who committed the crime was military, therefore he must be convicted in military court, moreover, the documents which he declassified were also the military secrets of the United States and their allies, which doubly aggravates the crime committed by him

  8. Even though the US has such classified data, they never manipulate it as China does with Russia.

  9. I can't imagine how such information could get on the Internet. Are their security systems really that weak?

  10. Why is the drawing of the suspect looked like a latino or black guy?

  11. Seen a lot of people saying that he should be released and it's crazy to me. Wake up, he had willingly leaked sensetive classified data just to look cool. His action was not noble or anything like that, he just wanted some hype. And he knew the responsibility. So let him asnwer for it.

  12. The release of classified information could embolden foreign adversaries to act more aggressively against the US and its allies, including through cyberattacks or other forms of espionage.

  13. Why are people so focused on the guy who leaked the documents and not the illegal actions of what the documents say.

  14. Creepy looking incel… Lock him up for life

  15. I guess the soldiers who fought and died on foreign battlefields didn't expect to have a government hiring morons as a thank you

  16. Idk but in my mind to hold this kid accountable when he shouldn't have been in the position in the first place, seems like his heart is in the right place

  17. This kid literally Nuked the World into Cold War 2 Tension 😂

  18. Because Biden doesn't believe in human, legal or civil rights. Jack Teixeira will be released on the back of this.

  19. Honestly, he should be under the jurisdiction of the military court.

  20. Trade him for any American being held in Russia.

  21. OUTDATED "classified information"

  22. They better find out if he was not radicalized. But regardless, he did the crime so he must do the time.

  23. Cons, Haters, Authoritarians, Racists (CHAR) love US traitor Jack & Rump

  24. HANG HIM! No Accountability at the top means THE MASS SHOOTINGS WILL CONTINUE.

  25. Instead of trying to throw them into jail. We should be hiring these amazing brilliant minds to expose more of the truth lol😅 maybe even find out who the real criminals are

  26. Keep this TRAITOR locked up!

  27. He's only going to prison because these people in charge are trying to cover their asses about putting us in this fucked up situation. The degrading/removal of the petrodollar, the black hole money laundering in Ukraine, putting us into WW3 are all things our leaders trying to charge him are all guilty of.

  28. Why isn't the woman who spread the documents on Internet, arrested?

  29. Everyone saying he should "go to jail" have been brainwashed by the media. No lives were compromised because of the leaks. This kid is a hero. Edward Snowden 2.0.

  30. Yank out all the REAL LYING TRAITORS hiding behind power and position.
    Guantanamo Bay Showed the evil in the minds of the officials, plus the evil Islamic terrorists.

  31. Did the Speedy headless chicken-like workers forget the basics about keeping Top Secret" documents secure?
    Speed is out of the equation in such processes. Haha.
    Back to Square one. Take 101 course on Classified documentation.

  32. Send that traitor to guantanamo bay

  33. Hope majority of comments are bots.. cos y'all slow🥴😒