The fish, which are also known as Chinook, are vital to the state’s rural economy but are also the primary prey for a group of starving orcas in the Salish Sea known as the southern residents. It’s a recipe for disaster that has Southeast Alaska’s troll fishery caught at the heart of a legal showdown that could potentially stop the king salmon harvest in an effort to help the endangered killer whales.
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#kingsalmon #fishing #environment #news #abcnews
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Just like shall not be infringed applies nationwide we should also be able to fish anywhere nationwide!
The Farm Raised Salmons taste terrible
CaN mAnaGe ThEmSelVeS. They could if people weren't fishing them out of existence. They really believe there's an infinite amount fish in the ocean
Killer whales 🐋 don't eat just Salomon. They eat everything they can. Shark 🦈liver only, seals 🦭whales parts, all types of fish 🐠. So what are you doing.
The last statement is very important to understand, nature does not need us humans, we need to regulate ourselves.
What an awesome video.❤️💙🙏
People can't keep taking what isn't theirs out of the sea ..ur the ones killing the salmon population …to feed a frikin shark that can literally swim to find food 😅..sorry ..not ur property to take it belongs to the ocean ..
Stop eating the fish then
I vote for the fishermen and the King salmon being available for food for people.
And I fully understand that relationship is very complex, especially because I also know that orcas also are needed in the area.
I don't know what mix/ratio is correct, and this video certainly didn't give us any idea. -all this video did was create division & argument.
Blame. The Japanese an the Chinese for over fishing the oceans
" we don't need to manage them "
A report revealed that humanity has wiped out 60% of animal populations since 1970. This staggering decline affects various species across the globe
All Ground Trawlers, plus gill net fishing needs to stop. The bycatch of Chinook Salmon on the ground trawlers is unconsionable!!
Most people dont even eat salmon or fish.. so much goes unsold.
Pollock trawl bycatch and Russian fish pirates are destroying King runs
Washington fish sellers are taking from Alaskans. Go away. We need OUR fish Washington!!!
You ain't seen nothing yet waiting till they finish all those big wind meals out there on the East Coast that will affect the whales.😢
Don't over fish ❤
When I lived in Alaska 1988-91 not a single fisherman was a female. NOT one. This is Soooo weird!!!!!
To the first lady with blonde hair. Are you really helping the planet, do you recycle? Do you use sustainable products? Have you stopped using plastic? Did you really evolve from an animal? I totally agree with the last lady. We need to manage ourselves first. We have to stop killing our Planet!!!!!
The human species is overfishing our oceans. Find another way way to make a living. We can change how we making a living but the salon, tuna and whales can't recover from what our species is doing to our oceans fast enough. Without a healthy ocean yall fisherman won't exist anyways. So, yes that is what we NEED to do so that we ALL SURVIVE!
Need to listen to her statement about managing ourselves and we'd be a lot better off in this world
The warmer it gets, the less there will be…maybe someone will understand global warming is actually happening, and not a "hoax"
Oh, wow. That's sad. The people are more concerned with their way of life over the extinction of an entire species. We do need to manage ourselves, by not destroying this world.
That guy at the end cannot see past the temporary gain, what will happen to those same people and communities in Alaska when the last King Salmon is caught?
Clearly the whales are starving. Fishing has become so aggressive the balance of the ocean is out of wack. There should be a moratorium on Fishing for at least 5 years.
I think there should be tag quotas like with Alligators and other species we hunt. Nobody wants to deplete our planet, but we also must survive, and God gave us everything 🙏
It’s not America fisheries doing the damage it’s Chinese / Japanese trollers taking the bulk of fish by far.
Why not work together and use caught fish to fertilize eggs and replanted them later
These activists need to get a life and mind their own business!
How about dedicate no fishing zones in certain areas in the ocean seasonally and heavily regulation (fly your planes and sail your boats)
Eat the Salmon, forget the whales, vote for Trump! It's the American way, what's important? The money
We need to manage ourselves. Best quote I’ve heard in a while. 5 words that go a long way. Thank You, beautiful lady.
In WA, tribes need to stop netting the rivers!
The lady in the film summed it all up. We need to manage ourselves. Golden rules to live by.
Tree huggers destroying another industry just like the shrimping industry in Florida, the poor turtles, they're not even good eatin