Kudlow: This is more insanity

FOX Business host Larry Kudlow joins ‘The Evening Edit’ to discuss the Biden White House’s push to electrify the U.S. economy, ban stoves and ‘abolish the internal combustion engine.’
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  1. What about all the CO2 being spewed by volcanoes? Did the dumocrats make a law to stop volcano emissions?

  2. I hear the legislation pressure to seize autos makes an auto purchase too risky for financial health unless a late model used car. Tell granny to lose weight and work on ger ballance those electric skateboards are falling over

  3. "Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference." –Robert Frost

  4. "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something–your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life." –Steve Jobs

  5. Larry is an economic clown. Go look up what he was saying days before the 08 crash. He's just a whiny BOOMER !!!

  6. Umm…food for thought. If you have an electric car you can also install a solar panel at your home…Free energy, Also if we were completely EV, how much would we care about OPEC ??🤔

  7. It's all about controlling America

  8. I do NOT need a new vehicle at this point. The one I have & drive very little, should last the rest of my life. We need an American President.

  9. I'm favoured, $230K every 4weeks! I can now afford anything and also support God's work ar the church.

  10. Putting carbon underground in Illinois is theft of natural resource to frack oil left in Illinois oil fields at our expense.

  11. Mechanics in the local service shops will also lose their jobs, Its all a scam , and GM and all the other manufacturers need to say we will make you an electric vehicle to order , not just parade their wares under the threat of stupid ice cream king Joe.

  12. Everything would work out if we just let Mayor pete buttigieg have his way with female crash test dummies. Then he could tackle electric vehicles. that would save us all.

  13. Once again, it is wonderful to hear Mr. Kudlow tell it like it is…thank you!

  14. Kudlow is correct it is about the power to choose and in NORMAL free market

  15. China owns close to 80 percent of the needed resources for EVs

  16. Let's face the future of energy in the world is Nuclear… why is there no concerted drive to creat fusion-nuclear. Hello !

  17. With EVs one of the big three car makers will go out of business, they are not well manage or nimble enough to change….

  18. Meed energy always unneccarry Joe Biden

  19. This evil….deliberste destruction of our country and culture

  20. Finally an union is speaking out, calling out the nonsense. Why aren’t no other corporations calling this out too?

  21. Joe biden has opened pandora's box. And all of the evils flew out.

  22. Insanity is standard procedure in government !!! If the government did anything right ; it wouldn't be the government !!!

  23. Their are 17 minerals needed to make battery for all this electric & such. Where do they expect to get it from? China & Russia have them not the USA. Kennedy2024.

  24. I feel like the Climate Change agenda should be classified as a religion, since there is not definitive link to climate change and C02. As well the nitrogen battle would literally catapult us into being a third world country and needs to be stopped.

  25. Sadly the plug in electric vehicle DOES NOT solve the transportation problem, and thats assuming you think personal transportation is a problem.

  26. Don't forget kerosene! Standard oil sure did push back. Electrocution and other nightmares awaited those who retired kerosene lamps Larry. I know because Mr Rockafellwr made sure I knew

  27. Does this mean I need to run an extension cord in my backyard if I want to barbeque, shezqubob!

  28. Biden has no clue. ESG conspirators are working to take over the entire planet just, ask Tucker.

  29. Liberals are like children who want popsicles and candy for every meal. Anyone who disagrees with them are evil and just want to ruin their great plan. They live in a world of big ideas and congratulate themselves for their enlightenment and making everyone happy. They want to impose these big ideas on everyone, without choice. They see themselves as superior to those that actually know that most of these ideas are not feasible, unhealthy, illogical, damaging to the current society, destabilizing the world, violations of the constitution, and illegal. Like Senator Kennedy said: "You are only young once but you can be immature forever." Time for the grown ups to take back Washington DC.

  30. Are any of these dumbass politicians talking about upgrading our electrical grid? Nope. No freakin clue.

  31. The pic of the fiat ev …one of the worst examples…look up the details

  32. America is being destroyed from the inside intentionally. Learn Chinese. America is going down.

  33. Come to florida and live free

  34. Don’t u get it? Branden is compromised by China, his DOJ, FBI and the media ALL have his back, and with Obama and Susan Rice running the show from the shadows there is no accountability. BUT, to keep their power, they’re gonna have to dump him, cause there’s no way that he can get re-elected with the country the way it is. They screwed with the voting in a couple of the key states the last time, and with him running this time, people would know the “ fix is in”. But with a new candidate, they could do the same as 2020. Banana republic here we are. No American patriotism left.

  35. They need a good ol fashion reminder. I remember in a history book how we reminded these politicians once before.

  36. Arrest Joe Biden for Treason.

  37. Arrest Joe Biden for Treason.

  38. Is Biden giving up his Corbett?