Lab-grown meat is coming to Americans’ tables

ABC News’ Devin Dwyer reports on the rise of cultured meat and whether it could affect the battle against climate change.

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Our world is more and more becoming a horror/science fiction movie… just NO. I'll become a vegitarian!

  2. Tbh if it ever reaches a point where it tastes the same, has similar prices with conventional meat and has no side effects after consumption, dont really see a reason why I wouldn't switch

  3. Ngl, even if the big companies could be trusted, lab grown meat does not inspire me at all. Organic non gmo meat is far much better and healthier than what these leftist propaganda machine wants us to believe.

    Plus this climate change nonesense if it is true is 70% caused by just 100 multinational companies. So in a way, there is no damn difference!

  4. BEEF it's not what's for dinner

  5. “Bill Gates wants you to eat his fake meat, which grows in a peach tree dish.”
    Marjorie Taylor Greene

  6. I’ll stick to my veggies instead.

  7. It would at least reduce animal suffering, so that’s a plus in my book

  8. I’m excited for this : )

    People may think it’s weird, but really consider that objectively against factory farming.

  9. I'm gonna start only eating meat at home from halal places once this comes to stores


  11. this is disgusting

  12. I'll go vegan first. No thank you.

  13. Why tf was this even an area of research? I’ll eat bugs first thanks. nice try. trying to control the future of food even more.

  14. this is how you lose audience and support

  15. These people are crazy..

  16. F. Auck NO!!!!!🤢🤮 disgusting and definitely not safe!! Who would trust the fda!!!


  18. Do it for climate change goy. Its good for you!

  19. This is scary especially when private companies have a bad track record when it comes to honesty and transparency.

  20. The religious angle also needs to be thought of. Would it be ok to eat lab grown pork or beef or meat in general for those ppl who wouldn't eat them otherwise due to religious beliefs?

  21. There building the meat with cancer ✔️✔️✔️👆🏾🚭🚭🚭

  22. Frankenfood. Worse than eating Spam.

  23. Horrible future of meat. There are better ways to reduce greenhouse gases than just making fake meat.

  24. To each is own, but it's a definite H3LL NO for me! 🤷

  25. The truth is that no one knows yet if lab grown meat is safe or dangerous. Modern processed foods is causing obesity and a panoply of health issues. I’ll stick to real and minimally processed foods.

  26. All ready has since 90s