FOX Business host Larry Kudlow discusses the Treasury’s cash position and the possibility of running out of cash by early June.
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"Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference." –Robert Frost
cut military spending,.
Mabey the court should raise Hunters child support another 40.000 per month or more , or lock him up. Hes not special.
There should be more strings attached to this Bill , NO CLEAN BILL , GOTA SAVE SSI, SSDI, AN THIS COUNTRY NEEDS BK ON RIGHT PATH TO PROSPERITY..
Only reason to classify , the UNCLASSIFIED DOC,S is to hide the Evidence to prove Biden corruption to sale out our country to China, an Russia .
I bet we could pay down the national debt with some of that Illegal. Biden money .
See that's the sad part the sad part is all we're doing is talking about it but they're running behind the scenes doing all this stuff to increase China Obama and China are in agreeance if it looks like they're going to be found out about there's going to be a war if it looks like the Republicans are going to win by 2024 there's going to be a war why because they're all going to Guantanamo Bay they don't deserve the Miranda Rights they sold this country out and that's called being a traitor and they have to be picked up immediately as soon as you have information on this it has to be done right now right Larry
BLAH, BLAH, BLAH…..Same faux BS, different day.
Those idiots cannot control the weather. Why does anybody listen to their crap? Their pathetic efforts to do so are killing people and killing jobs; killing the US economy. I say string up these "chicken littles".
Wtf do you know about anything fool..grab m by the pooosie
Joebidens fears china they got dirt on him he sold out to china and is under chinas feet
Joebiden woke liar hell pass before he can run hes to old and looks tired and sicko thers a time to pass away of old age and go meet the demons
We The People want the truth
You cannot save America by passing laws and obeying men. However, you can save America by obeying God.
People can complain all they want about the Biden family especially Joe, at the end of this year in December people will still complain like they have been since he became president nothing will be done because people are afraid to take the initiative and arrest that traitor, someone got to step and grab a few military generals police officers and take action his son has committed treason no telling what the Chinese government received from him and his son. All I know is that it's plain as day light this family did some moon lighting across border
I just want my good name back and be able to get a job again Larry. But until then I want to be compensated for the destruction of my good name on YouTube and the internet but without someone trying to choose my occupation for me.
I have been buying some stocks since the beginning of the year, but nothing substantial. Why am I treating this poorly? However, people in the same profession are earning six figures on articles, which inspires me to aim toward becoming the first person in my polygamous family to hit the million dollar mark. I am perfectly aware that working harder to gain more money is expensive.
Z pokolení ne za 30 50 100 let
Arrest all the Bidens
Žádná žena dementy rodit nechce
The debt "crisis" is a made up crisis by the Republicans. It's an own goal. It's a shame to make a crisis out of nothing.
Biden did all this to weaken us for China takeover , He sold us out !
China Joe and his friends and family need togo.
Question have you ever seen Larry smile 😃
Save america? Lol. fake fox. The MAGA GOP must be stopped.
😬2001-2009; 2009-2016; 2016-2023😬
OFAC and Respondent agree as follows:
1. In consideration of the undertakings of Respondent in paragraph 2 below, OFAC agrees
to release and forever discharge Respondent, without any finding of fault, from any and
all civil liability in connection with the Apparent Violations arising under the legal
authorities that OFAC administers.
2. In consideration of the undertakings of OFAC in paragraph 1 above, Respondent agrees
to a settlement amount of $508,612,492. Respondent’s obligation to pay OFAC the
portion of the settlement totaling $503,263,807 arising from its apparent violation of the
WMDPSR shall be deemed satisfied up to an equal amount by payments in satisfaction of
penalties assessed by the U.S. Department of Justice arising out of the same conduct,
such that Respondent is obligated to pay $5,348,685 to the U.S. Department of the
Treasury. Respondent agrees and represents:
Save America put all the demacrats in prison
Exactly right Larry
The modern sodom and Gomorrah! dark America aka the biden 🌎 can't be saved