Loose horses weave through cars on Cleveland highway

RUNAWAY HORSES: Watch as a pair of loose police horses weaved through vehicles on a Cleveland highway Saturday. The two horses have since been returned safely, officials say.


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  1. They are stressed. I pray they were returned home safely.

  2. They weren't circus horses… They were Cleveland police horses .

  3. Idk why i found it so funny seeing the horses run from the cops like they just got busted committing a crime.

  4. Where are they going? Wherever it is they don’t wanna be late 😂they are beautiful.

  5. Those horses are truly beautiful❤

  6. God bless those cops for getting involved❤

  7. They were going home

  8. After breaking free from the turnout arena.

  9. Out there trotting through traffic 😅

  10. These Beautiful Beasts said, "First of all WE Belong to No Human Being, Mos Def NOT Circus Owners because WE are NOT clowns!! Make US FREE!!! –

  11. Poor horses 😢 they are running for their lives

  12. They’re just taking a stroll at their speed traveling their way

  13. Car engine sound and flashing lights distresses horses even more


  15. Last week it was Philly. Are these animals telling us something? 👀😳🤔🤣🤣🤣

  16. The police have 500 horsepower chargers, why couldn’t they overpower two horsepower?

  17. Watching this video reminds me of a hores i Kentucky on the interstate the police where letting all the trucker know what mile marker the horse 🐎 was at so no one would run over him

  18. Hayatimda bu kadar tatlı kaçaklar görmedim.

  19. Beautiful horse wanted to cruise the strip, they said let’s blow this soda pop😂

  20. They got out when the keeper did not lock the gate
    They are police 👮🏼‍♀️ 🐴 🐴’s

  21. Hahaha only in Cleveland Ohio 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  22. Look at their feet. It looks like they've been sored which is causing the exaggerated way they're trotting and running.😢

  23. Even horses go the other way when they see a cop