Bryan Johnson, 45, is using his life as a science experiment to see how long he can live and to reverse signs of aging as he goes. NBC News’ Gadi Schwartz reports.
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#NBCNews #Aging #ScienceExperiment
He looks like palpatine.. weird skin, obvious plastic surgery, thin, receding hair.. I don't get it
I would only want to live longer to use all of my yarn, diamond paintings and cross stitch kits which I work on while passing the time until I die 🤣 I have no interest in living longer, I just hope my Vegas Golden Knights win the Stanley Cup before I take off 🎉
Why doesn’t he just go carnivore and suntan naked ?
He will still die at a normal age, waste of money.
If your gonna live a life like that – all those regimes and restrictions he might as well be a monk
Bro trying to become immortal
I would be curious what the future is like In the next 80-100 years. But I wouldn't feel like I missed out if I only lived another 20 years. I've already gotten to see some pretty amazing things. I knew we would have a black president eventually. But I never thought we would have an orange one. I never thought I would see the government openly admit that UFOs exist. So I'm hopeful there's more to see.
We all die eventually. You can delay it but you have to go sometime or another. Humans have a certain natural lifespan, one extended by modern medicine and yeah I'd love to live a few hundred or even thousand years staying age 30 or so but in the end death will still happen at some point. Even with immortality you cannot survive entropy. That's okay though, because everyone dies sooner or later and we all have to face the end eventually.
Lol body fat at 5%, you lost me there with this pseudoscience BS. At least you didn’t hide that you had no clue what you were talking about.
My bad, I thought he was sick.😂😂😂😂😂
Anybody would want to live forever. But not the way things are going. Be sure to see Armageddon, the oceans boiling. The extinction event. Your wife falls out the window accidentally and you are getting a life sentence without parole. Or you travel through space for a thousand Earth years arriving as Adam and Eve.
I am pretty sure his millions will reverse nothing their always barriers in natural laws
And died in a horrific car accident….
It's easy when ur young,
I didn't have to spend millions and I'm chronologically 55 but biologically 47. My body fat is around 12% shooting for 10%. Lost 76lbs in several months. Inflammation: gone. Pandemic? Took care of several sick family members, all vaccinated, but I wasn't. Carnivore, one meal a day, vitamin D3 at 11,000IU daily, NAD+, berberine, magnesium, apigenin, reseveratol, vitamin K pretty much covers it. Oh, all liposomal capsules.
I think it would be better to spend millions helping others living better.
He looks 55!!!!
Did he French braid his hair?
He's right ✅️
150 years
I wonder how he'd feel if he outlived his son, whom I can tell he loves very much. I would hate to outlive my children, I'd be ready to die at that point.
Dude looks 45
Whatever, nuclear war could start tomorrow and we're all dead. If he wasn't terrified of dying he'd invest all that money in preventing such wars from happening but of course he's flushing it all down the toilet for maybe 10-20 more years, what a typical rich American.
And they’ll happily continue collecting his millions…these drs know the best they can achieve is making him look better than the average person at each age he reaches…so many factors play into aging, there’s no realistic means of avoiding them all…wish him the best, though 😊
He's gonna waste his entire life doing this routine, even if he lives a few years longer than average. He'll still die someday and the difference is he spent all that time and money on this pseudoscience instead of enjoyable life experiences.
I work in several elderly facility, and many in their 90s-100s would say, they're fulfilled at that age, and it already becomes lonely, when everyone you know has passed want to rest too, by that age. I guess..To live until 70-80 is a blessing.
If he continues the vegan nonsense past a certain age range, he will have more physical degeneration than he can manage mentally and neural damage will become irreversible. You dont "live vegan" and prosper except for a mid life range of about 8 to 10 years. After that, its all down hill. Before that, its all destructive developmentally. The facts are inescapable. You can tell one story, or you can look and see all the facts and see the points that never change. This "vegan" nonsense, is just that.
Reversing aging would be amazing
“Stop aging can stop cancer”BS cancer isn’t caused by aging, lots of children have and even died from cancer before 18 years old.
This is stupid stuff rich people do and expect to be congratulated for it. Of course you will be in better condition if you have access to the best food and medical care. It's embarrassing that this makes the news…but they won't talk about basics like healthcare for all and decent living wages so people are not living in a constant state of anxiety. Ridiculous.
At the end of the day, genetics is a huge factor. My dad is 81 and has no wrinkles. He does nothing and smoked like a chimney for years. However, he is paralyzed so dont go out in the sun much, so maybe thats the secret.
They had some lady hold some calipers up to his heel like she was actually measuring something 🤣