Manager titles allegedly given to workers to avoid overtime pay

Some companies are allegedly mislabeling employees’ job titles calling them managers to avoid paying overtime for those who work more than 40 hours a week. NBC’s Kristen Dahlgren has the details.

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  1. Yeah they do this everywhere 😂

  2. Yet many of the top people in this company give money to democratic campaigns? That’s odd

  3. If you paid salary doesnt mean you dont make overtime! Salary is supposed to be 40hrs a week! Businesses take advantage of people not know labor laws

  4. Businessman trick #207: Give a false title (often to younger naïve workers) then pile responsibilities on them while reminding them that is part of their workload because they are “managers”. At the same time, as a businessman, AVOID your responsibilities like not paying benefits by declaring people “independent contractors”. Make sure to profit off others’ labor and you are well on your way to being a Republican businessman.

  5. Who is sitting here with a straight face pretending they're surprised ….
    This is how the worker gets treated in America now and that's why all workers need to unionize … This BS has got to stop . Last time workers were treated this poorly they built a guillotine

  6. And all these businesses get tax breaks / tax refunds

  7. Some business owners are not the most intelligent 🤣

  8. Did she sign a job description? Did she sign something saying what is expected ?

  9. This is just straight wage theft. But when companies steal it is a civil matter and worse case they end up having to only pay what they owe.

    Just think if you could rob a bank and worse case is if you get caught you just have to give the money back, that is after they sue you for it.

  10. This is not even remotely new 😂.

  11. Boycott the place then. Leave

  12. This also falls back on the employee as well. Maybe they should read the fine print, before accepting the upgrade. They signed for the change of possition so they walked right into their trap.

  13. A business model that doesn't work in the long term. Ask Wal-Mart.

  14. Yes in my last job they did that the last 3 years i was there, everyone that they can switch to salary they did just to avoid paying overtime! We all quit within weeks of each other so they were forced to transfer operations to head office.

  15. Yeah the government determines whether an employee is exempt or not. A title has no bearing on this.

  16. Exactly! Holland America did it to me.

  17. Casual overtime for managers is 10+hours. I'm glad the new generation is fighting this. Hair salons. Manufacturing. Worse: one manager does it, but others say DoNot! Mixed messages,confusion.

  18. Yes, they aren’t reporting the number of employees or their true salary to pay less on taxes. #Scammers

  19. Walk off of these jobs. They don't care until their pockets hurt. There are tons of other places that are under staffed. They'll all eventually get the message that the people who keep these places running are not low priorities. Right now they'll union bust and use any tactics they can to exploit workers. The working class is going through a recession and dealing with inflation. Meanwhile the CEOs are seeing record profits. Think about that.

  20. They don’t want to pay so CEO’s can line their pockets more.

  21. I mean this is what companies do! For decades!

  22. This is why unions are more important than ever!!! We need to stop these shady practices from happening.