Masses of seaweed multiplying at record-breaking levels and heading for Florida’s beaches

Giant masses of seaweed are multiplying at record-breaking levels and are beginning to stack up along Florida’s shorelines. NBC News’ Sam Brock travels out to sea with researchers studying the unprecedented seaweed growth.

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#Seaweed #Florida #Environment



  1. I will never cease to amaze me these reporters acting like this is new granted its more prolific nowadays but sargazam has been washing ashore in florida since the beginning of time and as for what's causing the increase try the amount of fertilizer we've dumped into the oceans for decades

  2. Are there not companies who can gather massive amounts of it and “convert” it to sellable fertilizer? Or food – in advance of the food shortages that are being predicted?

  3. NBC News is the enemy of the people

  4. Gods sending Florida some minor inconvenience.

  5. Don’t worry desantiss will ban all seaweed in Florida by the next week

  6. Better start learning then seaweed dishes

  7. DeSatanis is your Governor it’s his fault.

  8. Red tides, have started. This is the only warning as things grow worse world wide.

  9. Good source of organic material for unproductive land.

  10. Turn to Jesus today! End times are here! Wake up! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  11. Red tides occur when toxin-producing algae blooms grow so out of control they discolor coastal waters. Red tide organisms can live on sargassum and be transported by it.

  12. Lol. Hey, Boomers! This is what nature thinks of your self centered, bigoted, audacious legislation.

  13. 'It looks gross and it's really unattractive', sums up the current state of humanity and where we are heading

  14. Jersey shore also had this last week

  15. As a desert dweller, my only comment is that video made me queasy🤢

  16. Researchers know the factors of this.
    Obviously rising temperatures. Like the degrading brain's

  17. We gave the sea the overload of nitrogen from overuse in farm country, she bloomed with extremely nutritious sea plants. It would behoove mankind to utilize this bounty once it washes ashore.
    What use you ask? FERTILIZER on crops inland. Compost it, bag it, sell it. Grind it and apply it to land. (Or just haul it to landfills. And further waste more precious resources. Our species sometimes can't do the obvious.)

  18. Wish i lived down there collect sea weed & make fertilizer out of it.. Best all natural fertilizer available you Dummies

  19. Now Florida's smell can match it's politics. Gross and offensive.

  20. Yesterday I went for a walk on the beach for the first time this year in my home City of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
    The STENCH of rotting seaweed piled up on the beach was hard to not notice. So this problem is affecting all of us, American AND Canadian.
    For some reason that was not mentioned in this video is the fact that the seaweed up here in Canada is full of sand fleas, so it's not just an eye sore and a "nose" sore, but we are actually being bitten while sitting on the beach now.
    How many people here know that sand fleas carry a disease?

    Leishmaniasis is a disease that is spread by female phlebotomine sand flies. It is caused by several different species of the Leishmania parasite.

    There are three types of leishmaniasis: cutaneous leishmaniasis, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (also called mucosal leishmaniasis), and visceral leishmaniasis (also called kala-azar). Cutaneous leishmaniasis, which affects the skin, is the most common type of leishmaniasis.

    There is no vaccine or medication to protect against leishmanis.

  21. It is almost as if Florida is being punished by God? Floods, seaweed plague, soon their will be a plague of stinging flies and frogs. Now why would God be angry with Florida?

  22. One of my ex-wife's biggest complaints was sargassum deficiency.

  23. This grass will help replenish beach’s with sand helping hood sand in place

  24. Cancun has been going through this for years and I didn’t understand why. Now I know.

  25. This is like the episode in the movie Creepshow, the one with Stephen King.

  26. Lol that's completely normal in Washington