At least one woman was killed and four more wounded in a shooting at a medical center in midtown Atlanta. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-Del.) discusses the stalled efforts at immigration reform in Congress ahead of an expected migrant surge as Title 42 nears expiration. Retired Lt. General Stephen Twitty breaks down Russia’s claim that Ukraine tried to assassinate Putin in a drone attack on the Kremlin. The Federal Reserve appears poised to finally pause its aggressive streak of interest rate hikes as President Biden and Republicans in Congress remain locked in a standoff over how to raise the nation’s debt limit.
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#NBCNews #Atlanta #Shooting
Why isn't the Democrats owned shill media and the White House screaming racism? OH NEVERMIND!
why didn't the dem fix it when they had control of congress?
Good Afternoon 🇮🇩🇺🇲
The Mexican border is a disaster!
He said that the suspects gun was his tocket to everything's he doing, well for how many centuries has a gun of all sizes and every shape been your ticket.
8:33 – 10:50 This is the key conversation, in my opinion. When the crime bill passed in the 1990s, it had strong police support across the nation. That was not a perfect bill, and it would need changes especially around incarceration, but that bill did show what could be done with concerted national effort. I wish I would hear more from police departments about today's soft gun laws, especially no permits and open carry. I believe Texas law enforcement did object to Abbott's laws, but it's not like their voice is heard on a consistent basis. I believe veterans might have some helpful opinions on gun safety as well, because their military experience with storing weapons safely with quartermasters would be a helpful perspective, especially for mandated gun safes.
Continuing to live with this daily carnage is entirely unacceptable. To watch this and do nothing is evil. I hope national organizations of law enforcement officers and veterans can show more support for gun safety.
Intellectual Property and the Great Nullifier – New World Tax Brackets.
This is what artificial intelligence was intended for. N.W.T.B.'s
Blame the republicans for border problems? Jeez. No wonder I don't listen to you
There was a horrific shooting in Oklahoma. Why is this not being covered?
Let them Build the houses they want to live in after the houses the schools then the mortuary then the grave yard then the government buildings they will need and before you know it we will have a brand new town.
Full of journymen.
McConnell, if Biden is sleep walking, you’re dead walking 🤣🤣
🤬🤬🤬 putin tried to come to Kyiv Ukraine, to put a puppet on the presidents chair, of course eliminating the president of Ukraine. What comes around goes around. I say we take Tucker. Carlson strap him to a nuclear warhead and send them over to interview Putin.
Oh yes chuck 😮 corporate earnings season! Let's rejoice there… what a joke😢 corporate greed and elitists believing that they will escaping this unscathed. y'all can only be ahead. By stepping on the head of others. No
I love how no one will just come out and say we are fighting #eugenics here #disabilityjustice
Mass shootings, coming to your hometown. Summer tour Started Early.
First of all our Government says that you can't believe anything that the Russians say when I don't believe anything that the United States Government says like Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction under the Bush Administration and Then Senator Joe Biden and Hillary Rodham Clinton saying that it's true and they both lied and President Joe Biden saying that there will not be any United States Troops over in Ukraine and I can go on and on with the lies that the United States Government has told its people.
People…Wake up! Stop being so small-minded! This is GLOBAL!
Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party has totally failed the United States of America on immigration the Democratic Party wants open borders and the Republican Party along with the rest of America doesn't and that's how Former President Donald J Trump won the White House by doing something about that Southern Border and talking to the middle class people out of a job.
His mother said that he had some mental issues and that's why he was there and allegedly a Coast Guard Veteran.
That's interesting that that guy name Jim is calling that Black Veteran a murderer so does that white man name Jim consider him a murderer if he killed someone for the United States of America while in uniform as well? and does Jim call himself a murderer since he's retired if he shot and killed someone would he call himself a murderer if he was in uniform and shot and killed someone as well.
Until they control NRA money this will keep happening
I don’t get it. The dude goes to the hospital with his mom and then kills people in a waiting room. WHY? Not enough likes?
"Cut and Shoot, Texas"
fear may not always be a bad thing but we're running on fear burnout.
I’m hanger and I’m here and what is about ?? Mexican guards to pull up
Get the killer is nothing new. How you can prevent citizens to see the news ?
Migraines must be forced with Mexico to remove the people
the pepole it will hurt the most will be or oligarchy the pepole making 400,000.00 a year that everone on this show and the congress and company owner. the working class are already working day to day and you cant hurt pepole. that you beating with the same lies for 50 year it just dose not hurt no more the pepole see that the only american dream is to make the top 40 % pay ther fair shair of taxs a flat taxs would do just fine 17 % from top to bottom it time for are oligarchy to pay ther fair shair of taxs and to stop the lies to the working class 34% is high and millionair only pay 4.7% so what wrong look for you self
if you beleave something putin saying. that you bleave that t rump is potus! it was his oligarchy try to take him out the rubble is about gone. ther gold is de pleated and ther sailing ther silver so the rubble is down to 1.00 dollar = 0.000346 they cant hold the rubble up for another 3 mouths they out of money and why would you fight for acountry that can not pay you and why would you support t rump and the gop big lies. it the same thing and same party .
chuck asks, arent you concerned about the element of surprise that I and other main stream media keep dangerously exposing by our irresponsible reporting??
I will ask again,where is Gadi Schwartz's Show? He was given his own program on NBC,or MSNBC. He was on the new program briefly,and now he is off the air. He was,in my opinion,very good. Give him a chance. That is only fair.
There is no other country on Earth that has a gun problem like the USA. Not even close. I really don't see a solution. The guns are already out there. As a Canadian, I hope we keep the guns out. Hunting is huge here, but I have never met a single person or family in Canada who owns a handgun for so-called protection. Let's hope it stays that way.
How can we have in America sick people like this ??? Is any medical or law to find them before matters of time ??? Can anyone have neighbors like this ???
God bless America
Should every premises entrance must install scanner just like the airports 😅esp to filter metal items such as guns
To get our debt down we must hit entitlements! No need to touch our bloated Pentagon budget, no need to close the corporate tax loopholes, nah well just get it from old retired ladies and poor children! Republicans, they never change
Exactly whatever other issues you have, right now you need to focus on voting as if your life and the lives of your children, grand children and loves ones depend on it because it literally does and then focus on everything else later!
I do not agree that economic should play a part in why people cross the border. They can go to their embassy the same way I did and my siblings did. When my sister went back in the days, she was turned away. That’s not right that she went the right way and got rejected yet someone could go to the border and get to pass.
It would be nice if a politician would say something useful for once
Lol, voting is not the answer as the gun manufacturers simply bribe each politician through what we call campaign contributions. Unless you get money out of politics the country will remain trapped by corporate and wealthy donors.
Goes to show you…..what happened to Haiti? They're still just fos!!!! Everyone knows what's going on in Haiti. Straight evil demon trash to deny what's going in Haiti.