Michigan high school student hailed as a hero after leaping into action to save bus driver

A boy in Michigan is being hailed a hero for stopping a moving school bus full of students after the driver suffered a medical emergency. ABC News’ Rhiannon Ally has the video. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP Latest Updates: http://abcnews.go.com/ Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: http://abcn.ws/3bzvQQn #news #caughtoncamera #michigan #ABC News

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  1. This young man is a true hero!!! ❤ He handled it perfectly!

  2. Smart kid if I was a parent tho the guy driving the bus looks unfit physically to drive a school bus It should be just like a airplane pilot the same thing He's driving kids.

  3. The driver should never be hired back.
    Medical onset.
    Didn't have the forethought to stop the bus AS SOON AS YOU FELT THE LIGHT-HEADED-NESS.

  4. Wonder why the bus driver got seizure???

  5. Oh wow, he is only 12 …acting like an adult

  6. Thanks Very Much Young Hero for Quick Action to Save All in the School Bus. Bless All.

  7. This is the good kid the family is proud of. The good kid the neighbors like! This is the kid and family Crooked Joe wants to be taught that our country is racist and no good! Wants to teach that every sexual perversion is okay! How we need more young people and families like this!

  8. The young man jumped into action almost immediately. Whatever connected him with what was going on, he knew what he needed to do and did it. Leadership took over as he certainly was the captain of the bus that day. I hope the bus driver is doing well.
    I think from first grade on, curriculum needs to include the selfless acts of heroism. Simple first aid, cpr to how to stop a moving vehicle and self defense. Teaching revisionist history won't help them in the long run but how to save lives will.

  9. This is great…definitely a hero to be celebrated!!

  10. Knap hoor dat hij kan bus remmen en handrem fantastisch jonge ❤❤❤❤

  11. This is a result of a Father being there and Teaching His Child how to do stuff.

  12. good job kid i'm so proud of you

  13. This is the country we live in, i'm certain that the bus driver has a debilitating condition but he's forced to work, as i see everyday, i've worked with people that were so sick that they juat died at the job… that's what happens when all the money is invested in illegals, and sending money to other countries, prisons full of able bodies that don't do anything worth call productive, and ppl in welfare for decades.. milking the system and housing fraud…

  14. Great job bro 👏👏👍👍

  15. Good job kid. Keep being good person

  16. What an amazing young boy who saved all the kids on the bus, prayers the driver will be ok.

  17. A very humble hero!! I hope Dylan knows how grateful everyone is. He saved lives, I'm sure!

  18. Kids like “I saved a life so what”😂

  19. This young man needs free college funds

  20. Reading pa , says you’re Great!!!!!!! Thanks open my eyes to teach my son how to stop a bus in a emergency! And to be aware of his surroundings..

  21. I was a school bus driver for ten years, for the safety of children's lives and to cooperate with the driver, bus companies must have a helper on the buses. The driver has to control both the bus and the fifty students who are causing a disturbance by making noise.

  22. Did he just get smart and rolled his eyes at his mom

  23. Great job to the parents as well for raising a fine young man. Future Leader!!!

  24. Finally some good news! Way to go hero!

  25. Wonderful young man America 🇺🇸 proud of you.

  26. this dude is such a gigachad 😎

  27. We need more stories like this! God bless him! He’s a true HERO!

  28. Waaaay to go young man!! I can tell you're not comfortable in the spotlight but just know what you did is a big deal and you're awesome!!

  29. A born first responder!!!

  30. Lol that kid looks absolutely thrilled 😂😂😂

  31. Dylan’s genuine caring and humility after taking life-saving action is refreshing and moving beyond words. A capable adult, now, by any measure.

    Maybe the school system can further honor this young man’s actions by starting a “What To Do In Emergencies” educational program where student’s can learn more to be prepared for such unpredictable situations.

  32. Just by the expression of shyness and not wanting to be in front of people when they were honoring him shows me that this kid is a true HERO…he didn't do it for the accolades, but because he knew it was what needed to be done to save lives. This kid is a much bigger hero than anything on TV can show us. And this is what we should be showing our kids, to do the right thing no matter what, who and wherever it is needed.

  33. That’s a Dylan for you! John Oliver was right.

  34. He’s gonna get all the girls now..good on you kid 🎉🎉🎉

  35. Dylan I know you're not used to that kind of attention, but thank you! 🌟

  36. The average citizen is the first responder

  37. We need a documentary about autism in Middle school by Sony Pictures Classics

  38. Wtf show us the full video, news is ass now!! 🤬

  39. This kid doesn't even want the attention. What a leader! Solid!

  40. Bus drivers tend to live sedimentary lifestyles and are generally overweight. The busses of the future will have drivers assist to combat this

  41. Hero thru and thru.. Hero's don't have capes and masks. They are everyday ppl and things boy is amazing, didn't think about personal safety.

  42. Smart kid and faster think for the best action and salute