Miranda Lambert honors the strong women who raised her in a new cookbook

ABC News’ Linsey Davis sat down with award-winning country singer Miranda Lambert to talk about the inspiration and memories behind her new cookbook called “Y’all Eat Yet?” ABC News Live Prime, Monday through Friday at 7 EST and 9 EST WATCH ABC News Livestream: https://bit.ly/3rzBHum SUBSCRIBE to ABC News: https://bit.ly/2vZb6yP SEE MORE at http: //abcnews. go.com/ LIKE ABC News on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/abcnews FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/abc #ABCNL #MirandaLambert #newcookbook #Y’allEatYet? #Country singer

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Nothing like being raised by Texas bumpkins.

  2. I don't care what that 60 year old woman says πŸ™„

  3. Aryans DNA is superior than the SEM's.

  4. Why is the Korean Jehovah's Witnesses's TOEIC score is 300? My TOEIC score was 900,FYR.

  5. I want the religious rights infringement compensation money.

  6. Korean communists infringe the other's voting rights now.

  7. English is not my mother tongue.