Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper shows off strength as he pushes a hay bale off a road

Dashcam footage captured a Missouri State Highway Patrol trooper showing off his strength as he pushed a hay bale off a road.


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  1. Why did he not use his cruiser to push it!?? 😂 OSHA does not approve!

  2. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  3. Damn I love those midwestern boys!

  4. What the heck beast is this?

  5. The way he planted his boots tells me that he knew exactly how tip that bale without hurting himself! Impressive, trooper!

  6. I was waiting for the Superman pose for the camera at the end of that lift

  7. Round hay bales weight by size
    4×4 foot = 400 to 600 lbs
    5×4.5 foot= 720 to 950 lbs
    5×6 foot= 1270 to 1700 lbs
    So DAMN!

  8. Heavy, heavy heavy !! good job state patrol

  9. 👍👍👋👋💪💪💯🥇👍🏿🇦🇷

  10. Must of been pretty dry, only time you can move them like that or else it’s well over 500 pounds wet

  11. Hey, that looks like it would be difficult.

  12. Meanwhile he chose not to use a perfectly good squad car. 🤦‍♂️

  13. Did he make that hay bail?
    (dad joke of the day)

  14. About time you you earn your paycheck 😜 start working out leave them donuts alone 🤓

  15. Literally the definition of working harder, not smarter.

  16. Cheers to the Officer! He saw what needed to be done and did it! Thank you SIR for setting such a STRONG example for us all! You were prepared and in a position to do what it takes to meet the challenges of the day, your foresight and immediate action prevented what could have been a very serious tragic vehicular accident. 🥇

  17. Poor pig probably thought it was his old hay bed 😞

  18. I heard of tire flipping but I never seen anybody flip a large round bale

  19. Now taxpayers have to pay for his hernia surgery. You call the city roads dept or county roads department. This was the dumbest thing to do. He's strong, but he has no brains. This officer can never use the "officer safety" excuse, as he has no clue about safety. Clear OSHA violation.

  20. And that's the way it's done! brushes hands off

  21. It’s Missouri, bro was doing that straight out of the womb

  22. Headline – trooper destroys back while doing someone else's job.

  23. Bravo! And thanks for your service.

  24. Not gonna lie that was pretty cool 😂

  25. That country strength hits different

  26. … Missouri Mule from the 'Show me State' 🎉

  27. The only thing he lifted for the whole damn year !

  28. He wants to go viral so bad 😅

  29. Hercules Hercules!!😂😂😂

  30. 😂I was trying to help him push! 😂 Great job officer! You certainly did not miss leg day! ❤

  31. Love me some Popo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤