Newspaper releases full audio of alleged conversation made by Oklahoma officials

Earlier this week, a newspaper released portions of disturbing and racist audio recordings of comments allegedly made by an Oklahoma sheriff and three county officials. NBC’s Steven Romo has more on how the newspaper recently publicly released the entire recording that includes even more threats.

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  1. Just put cameras with audio on everyone's office

  2. "Illegal recording" is a pathetic response. From what I could find from AP sources the recording was made in a PUBLIC town hall meeting room, the reporter left the device in the public meeting place to investigate if community business was being conducted in violation of the "open meetings" law. Expectation of privacy is already highly questionable, but even if it were violated, two wrongs can and often do exist simultaneously. They don't cancel out each other, that isn't how real life works.
    Intent also matters, the intent was to investigate wrongdoing. If the intent was to commit a crime the felonious nature would hold, but seeing as how the newspaper sought legal advice prior to leaving the recording device, good luck with showing ill intent.
    They got caught showing the truth of themselves without provocation or leading questions to their very character, the truths reveled matter more than the circumstances and they are not holding themselves accountable. Not my district, not my representatives so it is a question for their constituents if the threats, including lynching, is acceptable.
    I don't know OK law, but most places a threat of violence to a third party is also a crime, for what it's worth.

  3. Oh and I’m sure that no other person in media has ever made a racial slur. Noooo way at aaaaallllll. So BAD! How can they even live after saying words?!

  4. Bravo to the local newspaper to expose racism in the sheriff office! 💙 these criminals salaries are paid by tax payers. They should ask to return the $ if they hate their residents so much!

  5. And Racism is NOT real in America? hanging, pre-dug holes, dump in mud creek drive through office. These 4 are thugs, criminals. Evil ppl!🤬. This is the Republikkkan!

  6. How pathetic am I for thinking, "Well, at least they said 'black guy' and didn't use the N-word. That's progress, right?" 🙄🙄🙄

  7. Welcome to America.

  8. Fire the racists bithches

  9. Republicans religious fascism continues 😢

  10. They are not an aberration, a lot of lowlifes have chosen to join police gangs.

  11. Let me guess: Republican?

  12. I just want to point out another perspective, 98.9% of the people in these comments, find what they have done and said, absolutely sickening… So I feel like we’re regularly folks, so maybe some of the towns / city’s in the USA have good people in the Government as opposed these “Good Ol boys” .. now I know it’s not as likely, cause historically the law and it’s entities have been biased… but I am pleased how many of US, citizens are applaud by this BS…. Just a 💭 thought…

  13. This is worst then it sounds , i believe "mafia" politics is more poplar then what people might be thinking …Busted

  14. This is psychopathic blatant premeditation to multiple murders and violent destructive crimes. FIRE ALL OF THEM NOW! Psychologically, morally and ethically UNFIT to protect and serve. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

  15. Im sorry but they give southern accents a bad name. Shameful behavior by adults.