One of the fastest growing areas in the US feels the impact of the drought in the west | ABC News

The West is running out of water. A decades-long megadrought caused by climate change coincides with a continued increase in population. In St. George, Utah, the effects of the drought create daily challenges. City officials are scrambling to try to figure out what to do: finding more water, slowing growth, or increasing conservation efforts are the only options. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: Latest Updates: Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: http://abcn. ws/3bzvQQn #news #utah #watercrisis #powerofwater #abcnews

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. It's way past time to stop development in the southwest. There is no water capacity left.

    Wagon's East! Plenty of water east of the Mississippi.

  2. One would have to be completely unconscious and delusional to move to Utah or to any area of the American West, which is quickly becoming uninhabitable from abrupt, exponential climate change. Within 5 years, the American West will be uninhabitable and won't support human or other life. People simply don't realize or don't want to realize that soon their lives may be ending on Earth as a result on non action and denial in response to climate science. By 2030 there won't be another person on Earth.

  3. As a Californian myself I hope they get it figured out in time, any method will have it's cost, we know this the hard way. Go look at google maps and see just how vast the infrastructure needed is here in cali, just about every creek is dammed somewhere.

  4. Who will say than in a few years from now, we will be fighting a war for resources such as clean water and air! How we humans take everything for granted!

  5. Stop moving to the desert 🤣

  6. 5:29 ? Adapt for people or those golf courses – Humans are so gullible now its sickening !

    Federal Government 2024 : We will save those rich people living in the desert !

  7. How are golf courses allowed when they are facing a water crisis? Lol, SMH.

  8. A water crisis in the desert really what do you expect you're in a desert

  9. 14 golf courses. Geez!

  10. Imagine a drought in the desert….stupidity.

  11. Hahaha every chart ends before 2023 because the drought is over. Many places are now drowning in water, and have too much water/floods/mudslides😂 what a joke

  12. half of them work at the golf course all day and the other half golfs all day. dum dum dum dum dum.

  13. WHY do people keep flocking to desert cities? I myself, am not a fan of constant, unrelenting heat. Also, people who move to these desert cities/towns from places like NYC, and other major cities… Resources are a LOT more precious.

  14. WTF ! a golf coarse !…..paint the sand green & stop animal feed ranching

  15. Greed is the order of the day in America which is a Modern day Babylon and Sodom and Gamora. More and More Construction 🚧 which is Greed .all this is due to Greed. All of America and world 🌎 😪 will face this Calamity

  16. Moves to desert; looks for water. 🙄

    One day infrastructure could bring fresh water to the west & turn it into something really nice anyway.

  17. I need water to live…
    Let's move to the dessert!!!

  18. The audacity of the developers is stunning. Green golf courses in a desert, and a growing population. I see some green lawns in the subdivisions too which is unnatural and such a waste. "They need to work on conservation" yet they keep building! The southwest is a desert – learn to adapt to that, or pay the consequences.

  19. Shower twice a week instead of every day. you don't have to have a sparkling clean vehicle, quit with the constant car washing, quit irrigating your your yard, quit letting your children play with the water hose like it's a damn game… install water meters on each home that only allow so much gallons per month and then it just shuts off if you exceed.

  20. Pray to Joseph Smith.. I am certain he will hear you on his planet.

  21. 14 golf courses in the desert??? Funny how these red states only agree to climate change when it directly impacts them…

  22. Grow marijuana indoors using hydroponics and complain about power outages

  23. Wacky idea. Maybe get rid of the golf courses and replace lawns that need water with native vegetation.