Paris May Day protests expected to be biggest in years

ABC News’ Inés de la Cuétara reports from Paris, where protesters are once again taking to the streets to commemorate May Day. WATCH ABC News live stream: SUBSCRIBE to ABC News: SEE MORE at LIKE ABC News at FACEBOOK: FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: #news #pension #france #abcnews

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Merci à vous Ami Anglais ❤ les médias Français nous isolent de toutes informations sur les manifestations et événements concernant le peuple Francais.

  2. Message to MI6
    Jewish they leading to a third world war , they corrupted the world , let's shut them Up and divide the wealth on people fairly, peacefully.

  3. Really? That’s their great idea? Taxing the rich lmao


  5. Low IQ Cops and stupid leaders wonder why calling to defund them

  6. islamophobia country 😊

  7. The police who is there to contain people who are fighting for their rights. WHO IS THE POLICE PROTECTING HERE?

  8. Americans need to be doing the same!

  9. Die Franzosen sind echt wild unterwegs! Respekt! Wir Deutsche sollten uns daran ein Beispiel nehmen

  10. An old french tradition…Read "Astérix et Obélix"😅

  11. FYI to leaders & governments: if your elected by your people, then u work for your people, they pay your salary, listen to them, show them some dignity & respect. U constantly fail @your job, then expect us to sacrifice more to fix your incompetent managing of funds(OUR $). If u had any other profession then it would be your responsibility to cover it. Period. We shouldn’t have to fight to not be penalized from your failures, you need accountability, like pay cuts…middle wage salaries, which is more then fair since you’ll make same as hard working folk do.

  12. 2.3 millions people in the strrets !! Not hundred of thousands

  13. This is autocracy in France

  14. Korea's President Yoon once proposed to raise Koreans' working hours to 69 hours per week.
    Just can't imagine how this would turn out if it was in EU.🤔🤔🤔

  15. Walked backwards the entire interview 😂

  16. I want to make love to the field reporter.

  17. I lived in Paris for 2 full years in the 5eme arrondissement. Probably the greatest city next to London. I miss it so much it actually hurts – South Florida is a total hell hole 🤢

  18. Please stop the Doxa ! People. in France knows better and bette who MAcron. and his gang are working for. This is no more a rsequestion of pension buytaquestion of the existence of France, French people ion front of the globalist power which penetrated every layer of French circle of decision and media of course since Sarkozy…

  19. The problem is not the lack of children (while the reception of immigrants has never been so strong) or the increase in life expectancy which is in question.

    What is at issue is the fact that "globalization" has sent millions of Western jobs and skills to China and elsewhere.

    We have a pay-as-you-go pension system, which means that young workers pay their parents' pensions. Still need to have work for everyone…

    That others accept that their parents die without having had many years of well-deserved rest beforehand is inconceivable in the minds of the French.

  20. This is a mostly peaceful protest. The day this happens in the US, it wont be fireworks it will be a civil war. Thats why it hasnt happened yet because no right minded american citizen wants to kill another american. But if things continue the way they have it will happen. Eventually.

  21. I think this will happen in America as well as the years roll by. Plus Social Security won't be available in 15 years……………….

  22. Dude. The French are brutal. They WILL not stop until they get what they want. The president WILL also not budge. You see what I mean. This is going to last forever. They LOVE a good protest and they hate being told what to do. They love their comforts.

  23. Good for France! We're too busyv watching Netflix or baseball in America.

  24. We need these kind of protests here in the USA.
    – End Poverty
    – Medicare for all
    – Police Reform
    – Higher living standards
    – End The War on Drugs

  25. 64? Lol they would hate the US than 😅

  26. Vive la revolution..!!❤

  27. Get a life. Two years more and they act like the government is taking their first born and right arm. Hard to be sympathetic.

  28. She should probably Get The Hell out of yhe way of the Police Doing Their Job

  29. Meanwhile %90 of working class Americans, "wait, you guys get to retire?"

  30. Funny how there are almost no comments referring to these protestors as “animals” or in support of the police on news from France

  31. It is interesting that ABC starts covering the PARIS protests now. Guess George Soros and the rest of the Globlists gave them permission to do some objective/independent journalism. Too little/too late.

  32. It's all Macron's fault…he's pitting the police against the people of France….#macrondegage #pasderetraitpasdejo Boycott the Olympic Games 2024 in France if Macron is still on the government..;Don't come to France !!!