Former NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce weighs in on a series of apparently unprovoked shootings across the US SUBSCRIBE to ABC News on YouTube: https:// Latest Updates: Watch FULL EPISODES on Hulu: #news #texas #gunviolence #abcnews
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Kids and the youth are exposed to violence each day through gaming videos, simply called video games, it psychologically registers on their mind as something real and it doesn’t bother them to get guns to protect themselves from rival peer groups. They normally would like to display to their own peer grouping how tough and radical, brave an individual member in the group is, they resort to doing the most craziest and and dangerous acts without a second thought about the repercussions and consequences and the individual person they are targeting whether he or she will die or not. Getting their hands stained with human blood isn’t anything they want to worry about, the assumption is after all they they have been gunning bad guys in video games. They have not the slightest clue what it means in shedding human blood. There are various research findings that emphasized children and young people who are exposed to violent games display violent behaviors compared to those who were not exposed to the same. That brings us to the crucial questions if America is failing in her duties in regards to relationships and parenting styles, there are four parenting styles which can be explained and the public educated on to bring the awareness of the importance of raising the children in a better and proper manner. It is as well important to understand the role of the parents as to what goes into the developing mind, and the psychology of the vulnerability of the developing mind, the inputs and signs to look for, harnessing the potential and redirecting potential energy from useless exposure which are harmful, to properly cultivated, long term well plan strategy and the short term tactical approach to achieving effective well balance responsible behaviors. We are harmfully impacting our children by what we allow them to do against well laid plans which will bring the best in them, which is what parenting styles are all about. The effectiveness of a computer depends on the quality of the software programs you using for the operation system. You need to understand what a hardware is and all the components which are parts of the hardware. You need to know what a hard drive is and the types of the hard drive, those in-built and the external, and how it affect the whole functioning of the computer and the software programs gives you what you expecting. That is how the mind or brain of a child is, growing into a adolescent, teenager, youth and adult. The program you put in, you can’t expect a different result. The developing mind, are inquisitive, asking many questions, you be careful about the answer, it should be truth, factual, because what goes into the brain at that vulnerable age are ingrained, it is stored in the long term memory directly. Now I want to explain a bit about the brain called hippocampus, this is where memories are formed, stored and processed. Just like the computer which you can create program files in the memory to store your data, you create permanent memory files, and medium term memory files and short term memory files. When accessing such data, you only typed a key word and you have access. The mind operates just like that, there are many files you will ever create in your life time. When new information get to the cerebral cortex, and it is identified what sort of information you have, it searches the memory files if there was an existing data, it there was one, the new data is updated with the existing one. The process goes through the receptor buttons and once it is updated, it passes the neural signal or information to the effector buttons and the results are seen in the behavioral response of the individual. What I am saying is that, these youths, once they come together for whatever purpose or function, they have pre-conceived ideas already as pertaining to what they are prepared for, they already know what their red lines are and came ready for an action. Now I will take you through certain steps, the eyes and ears can act as outside receptors. Assuming the lens zooms in image formed, it passes the signal to the retina, there are receptors such as the rod, which receives the signal and transduce it into another form, chemical to neural signal into the cones where you have color codes, the message or signal or data or information then goes through the cranial nerves into the optic chiasma, and passes on the the hypothalamus which is below the thalamus, and finally into the cerebral cortex. That is where the object or image formed is identified, then it passes back the neural signal to the thalamus, in the thalamus there are many of the receptor buttons, it also connects to the autonomous nervous system, which is divided into two, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems, the signal is interpreted and the effector buttons receives the signal and here in the parasympathetic nerves are located the involuntary motor movement and the smooth muscle are located, the are some chemicals release when the involuntary motor movement is activated, the chemical released are mostly the drug components which are in the human body, with outside influence of another drugs which are very commonly used at such youth meetings triggers violence reactions resulting in what spills out in form of violence which also goes through the hippocampus and identifies with the bloody video game and you are now seeing the effect. Now what goes through the sympathetic nervous system, mostly the reaction is the release of adrenaline through the adrenergic fibers, secretion takes place and when the body adrenaline is released sometimes it triggers fear of the pending reaction from the peer group or the opposing group, adrenaline is a “hormone secreted by the adrenal glands, especially in conditions of stress, increasing rates of blood circulation, breathing, and carbohydrate metabolism and preparing muscles for exertion.” “Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone and medication which is involved in regulating visceral functions. It appears as a white microcrystalline granule. Adrenaline is normally produced by the adrenal glands and by a small number of neurons in the medulla oblongata.” Epinephrine is a drug in our body, when released, the amount is what the body requires to react to a situation but when external factors are added the reaction sometimes you cannot predict because it’s a mixture of fear and other cowardly behaviors, because if you brave you want to settle things as pundits and not resorting to the use of deadly weapons. Even settling issues with the fist is now something of the past, so let it be a dance, competing in a dance or some smart ways.
These are what we are failing to do as adults in regards to our children, the freedom we want to give them should be guided and coated with responsibility, respect to others, co-existing, tolerance and many virtues. Punishment have been improved in the psychological sense, that reward can be some sort of punishment rather than punitive. Our trend and pace setters must update their knowledge to reflect the development of the 21st century. When pacesetters and trendsetters are not updating or upgrading themselves, we should remind ourselves that old knowledge tends to corrupt because it manipulates. (Unedited)
He has no clue wtf he is talking about.
ABC is the enemy of the people. Stop watching this deep state propaganda.
You can always tell who the people are who only get their information from MSNBC. They are always the least informed, highly emotional, and perpetually walk around with their head up their butts. This guys a cop, and he just heard about the little girl who got shot in the face? Only a msnbc viewer would have that information hidden from them. What a disgrace
I saw a group of black rifles roaming around the neighborhoods the other day. Just before dark. They were obviously looking to do harm. Some had extra magazines wrapped around their butstocks.
"30 round clip"…this NYPD detective doesnt have a clue.
Thank goodness there are so many good guys with guns.
We need to thank them profusely. If it wasn’t for them, America would have some of the worst recorded gun vio…… oh wait.
It's not the guns in America. It's the mental health in America. Guns are not making teenagers angry, defiant and deviant. It's the education system, the media and the politicians. Let's reform all those things.
States with weak gun laws, evidently are soft on crime.
Let more dumb Texans own guns… so there'll be less future Republicans
He does not know what the heck he is talking about. A 30-round magazine is a Standard Capacity Magazine. He is either a liar or an idiot…Maybe both.
They do what they want now because they don't have to worry about going to prison or jail
No one wants to discuss alcohol and drugs and their involvement. Prosecution.
The pink ones r so cute. I like the color. Is not freaking crazy is more guns in this country than humans. Is so crazy
More people talking about something they know nothing about. Instead of focusing on prosecuting the criminals they want to criminalized guns and “high-capacity magazines“, anyone that knows anything about firearms knows 15 to 20 is the standard for handguns, 30 for modern automatic rifles. For the people that don’t know, yet willing to learn. When someone is talking about “ARs, assault rifles, or automatic rifles”, they are talking about the SEMI AUTO, cvilian version of the military’s M4 or M16 there are capable of full auto which civilians cannot legally own proper paperwork and background checks. I don’t know why wasted my time writing all this. Shaking my head.
Nigga culture is the problem
Defend yourself with a gun against a criminal with a gun. Dont run away
So what color are the suspects you're looking for?
Police Chief come On, No consequence More Crime!!!
This guy is not a damn unbiased expert! He's absolutely anti-gun. This idiot speaks of ghost guns when ghost guns doesnt have a damn thing to do with the incidents cited.
There is something wrong with this younger generation. All the junk they are taught in school and know discipline in the homes. Parents both working not in there child's life or one parent home. All you hear is everyone is racist or something like that. Young kids out on the streets at all hours..where is the parents? I feel sorry for the younger generation,