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#AutumnHaul #SummerVlog
The below links are affiliate links {ad}, and items may have been gifted from brands, scroll down for more information if you’d like to know more!
❤ FEATURED in this video ❤
What I’m Wearing:
Omega jewellery – https://bit.ly/3Nae71J
Green & white stripe Amazon dress – https://rstyle.me/cz-n/gq3e5m2bzw
Tennis Oversized Funnel Zip Sweatshirt – White – https://bit.ly/3xAL5Ub
Khaki wrap dress – https://bit.ly/399X2pM
Gucci coat – https://bit.ly/3pcMjzX
Santinni coat – https://bit.ly/3wPFfxo
Holland Cooper scarf – https://bit.ly/3TxJp6E
Holland Cooper white knit – https://bit.ly/3CSFqf1
Holland Cooper camel knit – https://bit.ly/3q7NYqE
Holland Cooper boots – https://bit.ly/3q3LRnQ
Liquiproof – https://amzn.to/3Q1rKRW
Holland Cooper green gilet – https://bit.ly/3Q1WEcQ
Holland Cooper blazer – https://bit.ly/3e3giYy
Holland Cooper tan gilet – https://bit.ly/3AZDVt9
Holland Cooper crew neck knit – https://bit.ly/31gyhjo
White dress – https://bit.ly/3N8c5PO
Lug Von Siga dress – https://bit.ly/3CP970n
Leo Lin dress – https://bit.ly/3RdWArR
Shirt dress – https://bit.ly/3e9Ty9y
St Tropez tanning drops – https://bit.ly/3Q2m2iN
LG Styler – https://bit.ly/3k8CocG
Purchase my clothes via Ebloggers – https://bit.ly/34DATOs
00:00 – Intro
05:10 – Try On Haul
23:10 – Packing
23:58 – Manicure
28:40 – Home & Garden Updates
38:08 – Morning Updates
42:52 – London Trip
54:41 – The ‘Fashion Fridge’
55:49 – Wardrobe Clearout
❤ My Camera Equipment Etc – https://amzn.to/3bETKdk
❤ Shop all my outfits on the @LIKEtoKNOW.IT app – https://bit.ly/2HAvY0w
Fashion Mumblr Presets – https://bit.ly/2FXVG28
❤ Camera that I filmed this video on – http://bit.ly/2S48HsH
❤ I also use this camera for smooth shots – http://bit.ly/2BlXDkF
❤ I use this camera for the *pro* looking shots – http://bit.ly/2HVcRTi
❤ Blog // http://www.fashionmumblr.com
❤ Instagram // https://instagram.com/josieldn/
❤ Facebook // https://www.facebook.com/fashionmumblr
❤ Get in touch with me here: http://bit.ly/1QCe5xe
❤ Shop my Presets – https://bit.ly/2FX
Popular Blog Posts:
❤ FAQs ft How to Start a Blog : http://bit.ly/2eowZPH
❤ Life as a full time blogger / YouTuber : goo.gl/Y1ceLq
❤ Why Every Twenty-Something should Practise Mindfulness : http://bit.ly/2eLr6I6
* NB : The links above are likely to be affiliate links, which means if I have inspired you to make a purchase and you choose to buy something through one of these links, I may receive a small commission on the sale, as a way of thanks! It makes no difference to you as a buyer at all but I may receive a small compensation from the brand via rewardStyle. If you’d like to find out more, you may like to read this post : http://bit.ly/2rjaGPU xoxo
Josie I think that, in order to wear black, you should change your make up tones and wear a more intense colour on the lips, red for example.
You need another holiday…
Do you still put your dresses to rent to other on “By Rotation” Definitely try melatonin. Best natural sleeping tablet. Try it before the trip. It helps me. Or you could try Valarian
Hi Josie,your nails look fabulous 🥰💕
Loving the music in this vlog Josie x
I had been watching Josie’s YouTube channel for a few years. I’m kind of finally know why I’m drawn to Josie’s channel. Josie does share some resemblance of Audrey Hepburn. 😁
The drive home and sunset would have been the highlight if seeing the interior of your car so much in this vlog didn't overshadow it. Absolute car goals 🚗😍🌄
I use cbii when I can’t sleep…. Solid sleep, calms the brain as well x
Literally love your Holland Cooper look you served at Burghley,never knew it existed until I spotted it on Charlie's stories, Between your YouTube and Instagram you're the ultimate glam tour guide. Always a 😊 joy.
Love, love, love your garden time! Pretty much loved all your content🤗😁☺️
Josie could you tell me the white paint color you chose for dressing room. It's lovely, warm and inviting. Thanks in advance!
Love the music you are using , such a lovely relaxing feel to your beautiful vlog. I always look forward to your home and garden content……your house is amazing! You and Charlie work so well together . Love you guys .❤
I think you would look chic and fantastic in black!! Love your vlogs!!
The pink top/ dress you are wearing when cutting your courgette where did you get it?? Blessings to you and Charlie 🙏🇮🇪❤️
You have spring coloring, so your right in that black doesn't flatter you has much as warmer neutrals such as brown. I'm the exact opposite I'm a winter so I look great in black and so drab in browns. Learning my coloring has really changed the way I dress.
Hi Josie
When I sign up to your newsletter I never seem to get anything from you could you tell me what I am doing wrong 💕
Josie I love the background music who is the singer ? x
Hi Josie , think you will look beautiful in black. Nothing wrong with your skin. Bigger women always look much slimmer.
I'm ready for Autumn too, Josie. It is my favorite time of year. I'm in North Carolina and I've seen the trees starting to change color ever so slightly. It was actually chilly yesterday morning and it had me so excited. In the past couple days I already put all my fall decorations out and depilled and brushed all my winter coats and planted a few mums in the garden. 🙈
I thought Pret guy was worst Diary of CEO for long time – he had serious issues IMO – he talked a lot of transparency & honesty but then failed to answer questions on subject when asked when related to his mother or school etc. Love to ask his employees what they think of working for him?
Your a Summer, your black is Brown. The only people that can wear Black are Winters, Springs can get away with it. Xxx
I was watching the video while doing the dishes, so I did not always have my eyes on the screen…which led me to believe for a split second, at around 13:30, that you farted really loudly 😂😂 But then I saw it was just the box 😀
Driving through the Cotswolds actually lightens my heart – I adore it. You can’t beat a clear out – I try to do it twice a year – mine all goes to our local hospice charity shop – but it’s so nice to see your items with some space in-between. My mother had a very capsule wardrobe – before the phrase even existed. When I was clearing out her and dad’s wardrobes I found silk underwear and some amazing kidskin leather gloves that were stunning – and my mother had 3 pairs of boots (two ankle one knee length) and 6 pairs of shoes & 4 pairs of sandals and summer & winter slippers. 3 jackets and 2 coats – a few belts and 5 handbags – 4 dresses, 2 skirts and 3 shirts and 4 jumpers that’s it 😱😱😱😱
Hi Josie! Loved the vlog! Excellent idea to have a blog post dedicated to chic countryside apparel/accessories brands! I 100% trust your opinion so I'm excited to read it and shop when I'm in London! 🙂 Have a good day!
See, I think white washes out someone that is fair. I steer away from it because of that.
Your video’s seem to have quite a bit of background noise – I’m assuming it might be your Dyson air purifier popping on and off – it’s really strange
You both have a wonderful life, and so lucky to live in such a beautiful place. Good luck to both of you.
Josie, you have never shown us you car from outside 😔 i love the interior but also excited to see the gorgeous model from outside
Hi Josie, have you and Charlie considered a dark colour for your dining room? When a room is dark it sometimes works to go with the flow and create a lovely cosy atmosphere.
As someone else commented, you probably need to ramp up the color in your makeup when you wear black. I think blondes look spectacular in black, so I hope you don't give up on it. You may not need anything more than a slightly brighter lip.
Love your content Josie! Perhaps an oval table in the dining room will also help soften the space? Xx Lucia
The tweed coat would look stunning with either a turtle neck jumper (maybe a fawn or taupe tone) white would work too or a lovely button up cotton blouse with collar ( Either ivory or even a dusty rose) and I'd pair it with either brown or tan breeches. Then the Fairfax and favor Regina boots without the heels. Being at a horse trial you will need the ability to hustle quickly if a horse gets loose. Or if a rider doesn't have control.
Josie may I suggest not wearing that stunning check blazer with a knit dress it just doesn’t look right sorry 😣
Josie you need more black. Blondes look beautiful Black .
I think you would look stunning in more black?
You won’t look back Xx 💋
Joise you could try taking a couple of antihistamine tablets for your long haul flight.
I do love that nail polish colour, it also goes well with your dress. The one you wore to London and you were in the car doing a commentary of your trip to London 👌
Hello Josie, can you tell me which size are you wearing in that Olive green Zimmermann dress? I am looking to purchasing online but not sure about sizing. Thank you 😇❤️