ProPublica research shows trains change lives in small Indiana town

ProPublica reporter Topher Sanders discusses his team’s investigation, which found families in a small Indiana town risking their lives to climb on trains in their community. WATCH ABC News Live Stream: SUBSCRIBE to ABC News: SEE MORE at LIKE ABC News at FACEBOOK: FOLLOW ABC News on TWITTER: #ABCNews #propublica #investigation #indiana #trains

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  1. Having grown up in Northeast Indiana where trains are prevalent and I've known so many railroad workers and managers I can tell you for a fact they couldn't care less about anything or any one but themselves. They are the most arrogant, egotistical, narcissist, conceited group of people on planet earth. They think they are above everyone else and the rest of the world should just get the h*ll out of their way. If you think they really gave a crap about what happened in Palestine, Ohio, if there wasn't such and uproar over what happened they would have just fixed the tracks and said so long. Read the history of these power greedy thugs. Their philosophy is laws and rules are for the rest of us, not them.

  2. This really impacts communities which are too small to pay for overpasses. I worked at a hospital and the excuse for being late because of the train stopped on the tracks was accepted– often as long as half an hour or more until the progressive mayor pushed for an overpass about 25 years ago in Lafayette, Indiana. But the problem persists in many smaller towns in which the the train tracks cross the major road through the next town and there's a river on one side as well.

  3. This happens in Anderson, Indiana frequently as well.

  4. Simple solution, put sensors over every crossing. When trains stop and block a crossing, a timer starts. A large fine will be issued based on the amount of time the train has been stopped.

    The fines must be large enough that they can cause a loss for that transit. Thus creating a market incentive to solve the problem themselves.

  5. Trains today are longer, heavier, faster and more powerful than they ever have been. And Norfolk Southern
    wants to drive those trains with ONE operator! When back in the day a train might have had a crew of six.

  6. The gouvernment allows this ! The rail companies can afford to build over and under passes ,but the gouvernment will not make them ! People die daily in emergency vehicles, waiting for trains to move !

  7. Norfolk at it again 😒

  8. They need to increase the fines for blocking intersections. Start with $5K for each quarter hour.

  9. American archaic infrastructure. Maybe America should blame the Chinese for being the world's leaders in infrastructure and fast speed rail. Maybe America should blame the Japanese for having bullet trains way back in 1964 when The Beatles released their first record album. America, 59 years behind the rest of the world. Last year there was radioactive water leaks in Minnesota and now Philadelphia and Louisiana. Where is Biden's infrastructure funding? Surely DeSantis hasn't used the infrastructure funds to send migrants from another state to another state like he did with the Covid funding.

  10. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

  11. I don't buy that so what you're telling me is my park my car on the wrong side of the road I get enough tickets I can walk up to the cops and say I'm here to pay these two hundred tickets I got for parking where I'm not supposed to you think they're going to drop the fine down he'll know they're going to want the fine in total without losing any funds from the tickets they're not going to drop it down at all we should hold them accountable and actually raise it up higher get off your ass and do your job can't be that difficult train shouldn't be sitting on the sidelines waiting for permission to be unloaded the supply chain has been interrupted long enough to pull the thing and tell him to upload yet and leave

  12. Maybe just maybe this administration will stop checking the damn boxes and actually hire somebody that knows what the hell they're doing. Pothole Pete definitely doesn't get the idea of how to do his job much less wipe his own ass

  13. Thank you Topher, for covering this vital story that would possibly have gone unreported. πŸ‘