Republicans putting foot down over Biden White House tactic on climate agenda

Former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin, Public Ventures President Lou Basenese, Bullseye American Ingenuity Fund portfolio manager Adam Johnson and ‘Mornings with Maria’ host Maria Bartiromo discuss Republican lawmakers urging the Biden administration to stop inviting TikTok influencers to the White House amid national security concerns. #foxbusiness #morningswithmaria

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  1. Fox News what did you get so big that you don't need people anymore I know so many people that don't even like you anymore pretty soon you're going to be as popular as CNN all of you will have to change your lifestyles because your money will be drastically cut in half because doing what you're doing and what you have done in the past you just lost half your base by doing this stupid things you're doing you're going to end up just like Bud light😮

  2. Swamp is so big people need to vote these people out that's the only way we're going to do it

  3. Tuitetdemanda demonte cnnsingleespañol

  4. Arrest the whole corrupt biden administration for treason and send them all to GITMO severe punishment!!!………….

  5. Biden will always veto everything the republicans put up.

  6. Everything is WEAPONIZED – stay focused…

  7. QUIZ: Look up Senate Repubican Lindsay Graham's comments re the kind of man Trump is from pre 2016 to now. How have they changed….?
    Why have they changed?

  8. QUIZ: What was Epstein doing bringing important people to his Island. What was his racket…Did he have one?

    James Clapper in his interview on "The Putin Files series" says one tool of the trade of Russian spys that they use to manipulate people is
    .. what..?


  9. QUIZ: What are the names of the men behind "The Lincoln Project?" What were their original jobs and which party have they spent their lives working for?

  10. QUIZ: People the world over are born Republicans or Democrats. True or False.

  11. QUIZ: Were political parties envisaged by the founding fathers?

    Are they a feature of government that is mentioned in The US Constitution? If so, where?

  12. QUIZ: There's an article by Stewart Cameron called "The Rule of Law and The Tinkerbell Effect."

    What's the Tinkerbell Effect?

    Why ought we clap for "The Rule of Law" (as opposed to leaders or political parties)?

  13. QUIZ: What is life like in Venezuela right now?
    What prevents the USA from having as poor and corrupt a govt system as the one in Venezuela?

  14. QUIZ: What the gist of Robert Woodward's book re Trump?

  15. QUIZ: John Bolton (staunch, lifelong, die-hard Republican) believes that the USA will not survive another Trump term. Why?
    What's he disturbed about?

  16. QUIZ: James Comey wrote a book called "A Higher Duty." In it he says that the atmosphere in The White House under Trump was like ….what?

    What's "The Higher Duty" he is talking about?

    What's the gist of the book?

  17. QUIZ: Staunch lifelong Republican, Russell Bowers said in his Jan 6 testimony that something was "a tenant of my faith." What was that something?

  18. QUIZ: What is a Russian oligarch? How do they become prosperous in Russia? Do they exist in the USA?

    Who was the oligarch behind "The Internet Research Agency?"

    Watch "The Putin Files".

  19. QUIZ: There is a Fifth Estate in government….

    It's perhaps the dark force behind the public face of many interest groups.
    We see it dominant in places like Sicily.

    The leaders of this estate often seem to be untouchable.

    What is it?

  20. QUIZ: Trump was denied a casino license in Australia, years before his Presidential bid, because of his links with organised crime? True or False?

  21. QUIZ: Jean Carroll says she went to a department store with Trump and they were joking around (she's a comedian). How does she say the day ended?

  22. QUIZ: Who is Mary Trump and how well does she know Donald?

    What is the full title of her book?

  23. QUIZ: Trump was required to provide his tax return on becoming President and is the first President who hasn't. True or False?

  24. QUIZ: The Rule of Law is the principle undergirding the US Constitution and the law. It protects the US people from tyranny. It means that the people are ruled by laws and principles NOT by people (or parties). It also means that everyone is subject to the same law…even leaders.
    True or False?

    Can there even be a democracy if this principle isn't the basis of the government system both philosophically and practically?

    Why is it that you don't need to bribe officials to get things done in the USA…as in Greece or Russia?

    How is Trump's Ukraine phone call relevant? Or isn't it?

  25. QUIZ: Fox News recently settled a claim with Dominion Voting Systems. Why didn't the claim get taken to Court?
    Whats the claim about?

  26. QUIZ: How many Courts heard Trumps election fraud claims? How many Courts found there to be merit in those claims?

  27. QUIZ: John Bolton's book "The Room Where it Happened" says what about the extortion that was the subject of the first attempt to impeach Trump?

  28. QUIZ: At the time of the first impeachment trial Mitch Mc Connell said that any trial of Trump would not be fair because Trump's staff at The White House would interfere and were trying to direct the proceedings. One of those interfering had been involved in the. relevant events. True or False?

    What does this mean for the Separation of Powers?

  29. QUIZ: Draining the swamp means what to Trump?

    Removing people in govt jobs who disagree with him (if so which? Those elected or those who have been hired?)

    Removing democrats who have been voted in but disagree with him.

    Removing both democrats and Republicans who disagree with him?

    Suspending the Constitution and replacing it with a dictator?

  30. QUIZ: What is " the establishment"?

    The executive government…or one or more government departments?
    The judiciary? Judges and Prosecutors?
    The legislators in Congress?
    Something else?

    Is there a legal way to reconstitute these?

  31. QUIZ: After watching the evidence presented at the Jan 6 committee hearings it is clear that the events of Jan 6 were really;
    A protest?
    A riot ?
    An insurrection?
    A coup?
    A planned attempt to remove a democratic govt and replace it with a dictatorship.

  32. QUIZ: What is the independence of the Judiciary? How is it achieved, in practical terms? Or isn't it?

  33. QUIZ: The extent of the " revolving door of govt appointments" under Trump was bigger than has ever been seen before. True or False? What are the implications of this for the Separation of Powers?

  34. QUIZ: What is the separation of powers under the Constitution? How does it work and what is the purpose of it?

  35. QUIZ: CIA chief Brennan says that Trump's claim that he did not collude with Russia was "in a word .. " What?

  36. QUIZ: James Clapper, in an interview on "The Putin Files" says that the extent of the Russian interference in the US media was so widespread and staggeringly big that he felt …?

  37. QUIZ: What is "The Lincoln Project" and what is it designed to do? Were its founders Democrats? What are their qualifications?

  38. QUIZ: Staunch Republican John Bolton worked with Trump. He has written a book about what working with Trump was like. He fears Trump having a second term. True or False. If true, why.. ?

  39. QUIZ: Before 2016 Russia waged a propaganda war in the USA by pummeling the country with fake news and fomenting riots for all kind of causes with the aim of putting Trump into power, dividing Americans against one another and undermining faith in their leaders and institutions. True or False?
    ( Ask James Clapper).
    Has this propaganda stopped?

  40. QUIZ: Rusty Bowers, staunch Republican, says that the modern Republican party has become…what? Why does he say this?

  41. QUIZ: What is "The Internet Research Agency" and what was it's aim?

  42. The largest interference from China is from Joe Biden.

  43. How is Maria Bartiromo allowed to still be on tv spreading lies. Dominion

  44. Kids are more gullible… that what the Dems are after. They just tell them whatever and take all of our money to rule over us like commies. Kids don't know until they live long enough to see the lies.

  45. Trudeau and Biden sucking up to people who have no idea what running an economy means.