Secretary Blinken hopes diplomatic evacuation from Sudan will be temporary

The State Department hopes to negotiate a permanent ceasefire.

Original source (ABC/Youtube)


  1. Says the Worst Secretary of State in US history. A dickhead.

  2. These people are literally so stupid… They put a Secretary Blinkin in charge of the negotiations when the stand off with the cold war was who blinked first lost.

  3. Well, there, you have it folks, ABC is still taking cues from Blinken After we all found out he orchestrated the biggest lie of the 2020 election. But if you watch ABC every day, you probably don’t even know that yet because they won’t tell you…

  4. ZOG is unraveling and it’s so beautiful to watch 😱🥳

  5. Blinken is a dead man walking. He committed voter fraud to protect Biden. This is a fact! He will be indicted soon. Cheers!!

  6. Anyone who has an inkling of intelligence would avoid travel to a nation that is known to be politically unstable.

  7. Why Africans will “never forget” US history of Coups and support of dictators.

  8. Iran and Saudia Arabia coming together and Latin America countries going to China and wants to trade with Russia and China and the war monger Obama Biden Clinton are destroyed American and everything in America is collapsed and nothing for the American people again President Joe and New York mayor is trying to get rid of 13 million Americans off the health care and premiums are going up and wallstreet Joe administration is not helping the people in America and Hispanic voters and independents are leaving the Democrats party and moving to the Republicans party and senator Bernie Sanders youth voters 25 percent voted for Trump in 2016 and now it looks like 49 percent will vote for the Republican party again and jfk jr and Williamson can reach out to those voters and and President Joe cannot President Joe can only get the older blacks people the youth voters President Joe cannot