“This is a once in a career type of thing … it’s extremely lucky that the entire truck didn’t go into the river.”
At around noon on Friday, a semi truck was found dangling off the edge of the Second Street Bridge, according to the Louisville Fire Department in Kentucky.
The female driver of the semi truck, who the fire department said was very calm, was inside the dangling truck for about 40 minutes before she was safely rescued by a member of the fire department.
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Original source (ABC/Youtube)
Driver was heard Screaming right before she turned the wheels and drove over the side were. ( There's No Way I'm Taking This Load to New York city )
What was the truck driver doing 😮omg …why did this happen…anyone know?
Fireman have biggest balls of any group of people in the world, heroes one and all, it takes a lot of guts to run into a burning building when everyone else is running out of it get to safety.
Sysco…….what jerks!😊
Damn, I have a co-worker who volunteers for the fire dept. a lot of them do not get paid – THEY ARE JUST THE BEST OF US!!!!!
Watch out for those women Sysco Drivers 😂
So the feminists say they do not need men!! Woman driver and male rescuer. 😮
I’m glad that she was OK and she so happy to be out of the truck facing the water down below if they didn’t save her she would’ve died in the water and into her own truck praying for her and the rescue team
New ride at Universal Studios
Hail to fifthwheel KingPin Gods
What a sick twisted world we live in that these guys and gals risking their lives make chump change in comparison to many useless celebrities and public figures.
An appropriate song for this video, should be. (On the Road Again) by Willy Nelson😅
diversity hire
Thete are restaurants and hospitals wondering where their grocery order is……..🤣
How did she crash
I think Sysco needs to rethink doubles trailers. 😅
Holy Cow
CrAzY women drivers !!!
That kingpin and 5th wheel latch holding on for dear life
How in the hell does this happen??
Knowing the trailer is secured so rescuers are safe job well done men
Me hubiera gustado verlos hasta el final 😳😳😳😳😳😱😱😱😱😱🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
That's terrifying when you understand exactly what's keeping that truck from separating from the trailer. Literally 2 steel spring loaded jaws holding on to a kingpin about the size of the average man's fist. She's lucky she survived it. That 1st responder would get tangled up in it and probably go down with her if it broke loose too. That guy's got giant balls of steel.
Rescuer potentially giving his own life… thankful they are both safe
THEY REFUSED TO AIR THE REST OF THE FILM! The guy told the driver to hand over all her valuables so he could place them in a secure bag. She DID. Then they lifted him back up quickly! And they took off! They were not even first responders they were fake. They were just some guys with some skills. They left her hanging there and when they left, they cut the cable and she went ass over tea kettle into the river.
Sysco's got the worst driver's in the world. Why do idiotic companies hire LITTLE kids to drive!!!!!? They Must have great insurance to be throwing away money like that..
Somebody needs to be on there needs thanking God. TO my fellow driver. Hope ur ok. That fifth wheel done its job. Also that bridge hold up pretty good. Stay safe to my fellow drivers. An all
Wow, what kind of 5th wheel is on the truck? 5th wheel doing its thing !
Such brave men.
Good job rescue Cisco Kid was a friend of mine
Nothing actually happens WTF!
That truly tests the strength of a king pin.
oh my that is "daring"
Blessings and goodness to all of you and yours ✨️Thank you for being you! We can't make it through our day without any of you. 🦺🚛🚑🚒🚔
We need you all.
That camera work is making me dizzy! Hope the driver is ok. I couldn’t finish watching the footage.
Bet he did not wake up expecting a day like this,amazing these HEROS doing this with families&
children of their own,,,HOW WAS WORK HONEY,AH,JUST ANOTHER DAY
I bet that driver had to change shorts after that ride.
thats a bunch of restaurants food right there lol