Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dick Durbin, has invited Chief Justice John Roberts to testify in a hearing on Supreme Court ethics following reports that Justice Clarence Thomas accepted undeclared gifts from a GOP donor. NBC News’ Ali Vitali explains why Durbin wants Justice Roberts to testify and how Senate Republicans are reacting.
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#SupremeCourt #GOP #Durbin
Justices and Senate Republicans are accepting money from the Federalist Society and other donors funded by dark money. Of course they're going to be bias or "skeptical"
Never gonna happen… We all watched that first impeachment with no witnesses under this coward…
Uncle Tom is laughing at us all the way to his buddy’s yacht….. educate yourselves about people you vote for. Hopefully the next generation will make better choices than we did.
Heh, heh. Flushing of The Supreme Crapper Of The United States begins.
Serve Roberts and Thomas with a Congressional Subpoena and then grab the popcorn and sit back to watch the wailing. 🍿
I fought the law and the law won. So, I paid the law and I won.
You bring everything don’t lying America people all wrong,were law God of Israel Sunday 10commetmet you don’t care law everyday work don’t care law Sunday 10commetmet Sunday Sunday 10commetmet
Impeach Thomas!!
Can't they subpoena Roberts if he doesn't accept the invitation?
Corrupt SCOTUS
And let's not forget about Samuel Alito and white evangelicals bribery ..
get Corp money out of POLITICS
Is anyone else sick of paying the salaries of these corrupt officials?
Thomas is unfit for the bench
Republicans love to complain about corruption until they get caught .
It doesn't matter what gender you are as long as you can lie to the people with no remorse
#WeThePeople must demand State #BarAssociation's, #AttorneyGenerals, #ACLU, etc. to petition #SCOTUS & #DOJ to enforce common ethics.
Justice Thomas needs to resign already. Him and his wife are corrupt
Democrats are the enemy of the world.
Maybe he could testify with Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Joe Biden and the rest of the stand-up people of the Democratic Party
🇺🇸Presidents are corrupt and full of lies and deceit
Guaranteed the rest of all the government is
From very top to the very bottom
Federal State and City
It’s why you get Thomas taking bribes
A house divided is a house of desolation
All Americans are cursed and Damned by God
God will surely leave you empty and destroyed
First it's Thomas's wife, then Dobbs, now this. AT LEAST RESIGN !!!!!
Given roberts seems to think the SC is so entitled to being held in high regard, maybe he should show up and defend 500k trips on the dimes of billionaires.
We need to know if entirety of SCOTUS is bought and delivered by corruption. 100% suspicious!!!
Hey, money can't buy you a seat in heaven, but it can buy you a seat on the Supreme Court. 😊
GOP corruption goes all the way to the top court in the land… shocking no one.
Ethics..How about Perjury from the 3 Trump Stooges claiming Roe was Precedent and would not change It..
They don’t want to open that box because a lot of the higher ups in Congress do the same thing.
I have not trusted the SC for years ever scenic Corporations became equal to people without and restrictions
I hope John Roberts comes before the committee. I want to see what all the senators are saying.
Last ditch effort by corrupt Democrats to hang Thomas since 1980's " high tech lynching" by Biden to force him out and place another leftist extremist on the court before Armaggedon in 2024.
WHO CARES what Senate Repubelickins think????>
Sorry must of them should not be there
As contrary to Roberts' goals, his court will go down in history as one of the most corrupt.
What a joke Durban cashed in all his stocks before civic hit America along with fines time another witch hunt !