Sen. Ron Johnson: We need to win in 2024 to reverse this destruction

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., reacts to the Biden administration penalizing homebuyers with good credit on ‘Kudlow.’

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  1. Buddy, I tell you what, 2024 will be too late. I think, it might already too late, to turn it around. It will take every freedom loving American to do it. Not just a few!. This is Big, and will not be easy. If even possible. Stand up America, make our voices heard. Let them know you are mad, and your not going to take it, anymore.

  2. What about the Russia collusion that was done in Congress, that was stolen from all the American Taxpayers monies. We wouldn't be in debt, now would we?

  3. You have learned nothing from 2022, Johnson.

  4. And that rule is discrimination. This is unconstitutional and I hope no one buys.

  5. Those losers will default just like they did in 2008.

  6. No one dam person helped me achieve my credit score ! I worked hard to Get my score , so now it doesn't matter i made to over 820 + !

  7. They should have had the balls to deal with the steal of 2020. It's already too late. Grandstanding on endless investigations and shilling for donations is just more of the same GOP betrayal, smoke and mirrors controlled opposition crap. Justice or war.

  8. If Biden is doing such a rotten job how come the Republicans are lucky to get in on the next election

  9. The federal reserve, banks, and Congress devalues the currency by spending trillions of dollars. And loaning foreign countries billions of US tax dollars. We just get the bill and the inflation. Congress is the problem they pass the laws and bills!

  10. Republicans are toast,no moral racist republicans.

  11. Kudlow: disarm the IRS. Translation: I'm a criminal and I don't like paying taxes. Why America is 31 trillion dollars in debt people because of people with Kudlow's attitude.

  12. for decades. the signs were vote for me. now the republican party slogan is just vote against them. so its down to this. drinking warm beer or drinking stale beer. i have a coke please.

  13. Senator Johnson, if you are waiting for the mainstream media to honestly report the news about Anthony Blinken and the corrupt 51 intelligence officials who signed his phony letter; thereby, corrupting our election, it is never going to happen. Congress must act to impeach Blinken, strip the 51 of their security clearance and then let the mainstream media explain to the American people why and why they did not report on it as the facts came to light.

  14. Johnson needs to be in prison with Trump for Jan 6th.

  15. He’s also getting paid by Chad Blinken he’s dirty as hell. When are we gonna see some jail time for folder in the Ference that’s illegals hell we want him in jail Blinken.

  16. End the Obiden fundamental transformation of America! Marxist/ Facist state!

  17. Treason. Guillotine. Done.

  18. I knew it was best to stay put instead of going
    into debt at our age & have the Obama era hit
    us again like it did in 08 & wiped us out WHEW

    Thank you lord for the roof over our heads &
    a heads up warning of what's to come in the
    future & helping us to be prepared for it all.

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  21. Winner pasosiclonhorguyonation5

  22. Most IRS agents in the field are and have been armed for many, many years! They're just adding more! Better stock up!!

  23. RINOs will reverse nothing

  24. Mr Johnson you need to concern about voting machine! Pay attention Mr !

  25. WHY Isn't this a DISCRIMINATION Case

  26. We are going to win 2024 100 percent if we have a farewell election!( stop the steal)

  27. Fox News/Sen Johnson, Trump a GOP made destruction already. Covid Pandemic have killed over 1 million US Citizens and over 6.42 million Worldwide Countries Citizens (Media info). Global Wuhan Covid-19 bioterrorism Conspiracy is most IMPORTANT TO BE INVESTIGATED IN DETAILS. Peter Navaro Trump's Trade Adviser said in KABC7 News; two weeks after Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China in 2020 saying "we had Coronavirus briefing at the White House in November 2019, we were scared to go to sleep at night after the briefing". The Briefer(s) should be Federation of American Scientists Agent(s) or their Associate(s). That means Peter Navaro, Trump etc who were in Coronavirus briefing at the White House in November 2019 before Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China in 2020; they should had knowledge in Covid-19 virus source and the Conspiracy; China is not the source of Covid-19 virus as Trump and his GOP Allies lied, that was a coverup. THE EVIDENCE MATERIALS of Covid Briefing at the White House in November 2019  are  Meeting Logs, phone contacts, email contacts, special links contacts, Gate videos etc); should be among Classified Documents or missing Classified Documents which FBIs seized from Trump's Mar-a-Lago Home. Let Authorities investigate Trump's or his Staff's contacts with Federation of American Scientists or their Associates in October 2019, November 2020; the nature of emails they were exchanging etc. If Trump Administration could have relayed Covid fatal effects on humans info to Healthcare Workers, Doctors, US Scientists; they had received possibly at night time from the Covid Briefing at the White house in November 2019; many lives in Covid deaths in US and in Worldwide Countries could have been saved; by quick better Covid measures and vaccines on time. But Trump, his Staff and Allies chose to cover up; lied on China as the source of Covid-19 virus to create US/China War. China is a Victim like all other Countries Worldwide which have been affected with Covid pandemic.
             Global Wuhan Covid-19 bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2020 was masterminded in the shadows by Federation of American Scientists (Republicans, Independents) and their Associates Worldwide. The same bioterrorist-Criminals used similar tactics in the shadows without a trace masterminded Global Mexico H1N1 bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2009, Salmonella bacteria bioterrorism Conspiracy in two Iowa Farms in 2009, Liberia Africa Ebola bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2014 etc; they used US Security Clearances in transporting the biogerms to Countries affected. They should be investigated in details and be brought to JUSTICE like any other terrorist Criminals Worldwide. FBI Agency raiding Trump's Home 10 months ago were not politically weaponized by DOJ or President Biden's Administration, FBIs were seeking EVIDENCE for JUSTICE.

  28. So we herd a lot about how republicans needed to be in congress and senate to reverse all the stuff and hold ppl accountable now its they have to win in 2024 and on and on. At the end of the day they go out for dinner.

  29. Never happen with the current RINO leadership.

  30. Why does biden & schumer want to continue to spen, spend, spend, spend??

  31. Only one who can win is President Trump…But Fox does not want Trump as President.👎👎👎👎👎👎👎