Severe flooding along Mississippi River slamming communities

As flood waters rise and the danger zones deepen, warnings about the slow-motion disaster taking shape along the Mississippi River are sparking longer-term fears. NBC News’ Maggie Vespa shares more on how communities are being impacted.

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  1. Those ones, get to work lazy Mississippi

  2. What part of Africa is this?

  3. If one opens up their heart (this is metaphorical and the best way I can explain this), you will receive a guilty conscience about past immorality committed. This is what we describe as guilty conscience, and this is uncomfortable. Even one can get a guilty conscience of what is not based on morality. This includes cussing on ones one, getting drunk, bowing down to other gods, or dealing with the occult. Just do all four. That guilty conscience will be there about those four. But these four are not based on morality. So, if you get a guilty conscience from committing these four above, then you need to explain why you are getting a guilty conscience.

    If one blatantly continues in immorality for a month, bad events NOT associated with your immorality will increase. This includes the four above that is not based on morality.

    After you confess all your immorality and stop continuing in this immorality, you can think about an immorality in your mind. Before you even act on that immorality, you will receive a guilty conscience of that immorality in your mind.

    Since there is an uncomfortable sensation of committing the four above not based on morality, you must confess each one, and that guilty conscience will go away. There is a correlation that if one blatantly continues in immorality for a month, bad events not associated with that immorality will increase. If the bad event is associated with that immorality, then it is a bias.

    If one receives a guilty conscience of what is not based on morality such as cussing on one’s own, getting drunk, bowing down to other gods, or dealing with the occult then this is the first statement. If one blatantly continues in immorality for a month, bad events NOT associated with your immorality will increase (the intensity or quantity of bad events will increase). This includes what is not based on morality. This is the second statement. If statement one and statement two are true, then this shows that someone or something is intervening in your life. Because the logic of statement one and statement two should not be there. But it is there. And enough people need to do statement one and statement two to confirm that these two are factual.

    Another way is to blatantly continue in this immorality for a month. Bad events NOT associated with your immoralities will increase. If the bad events are associated with your immoralities, then just ignore them. Write about all the bad events that happened during those first month. The second month do not continue in immorality. Write down all the bad events that happened during the second month. You will see a difference between the first month and the second month. If you continue in immorality, bad events NOT associated with your immoralities will increase. Thus, there is someone or something intervening to make this logic happen.

    And the guilty conscience of what is not based on morality and the intensity or quantity of bad events increasing because of the immorality committed, is actually God. Therefore, God is against sin.

    Thus, this narrows God down to the One who is against sin. Either He is a generic God that is against sin, God of the Jews, God of the koran, God of Love Jesus, or He is the I Am (the One who sent Jesus Christ).

    To prove God’s name, just make fun of the God of the koran and the God of Love Jesus for a week, while not sinning, and nothing will happen. Make fun of the Trinity Gods (three Gods in one, Jesus is God) for a week, while not sinning, and nothing will happen.

    So, God is a generic God that is against sin, God of the Jews, or the I Am (the One who sent Jesus Christ). The only way to prove His specific name is to let God speak through a prophet in first person to talk to him/her about his/her sins. Then, He states what his name is through that prophet.

    If one makes fun of the Son of God Jesus for a week, while not sinning, this will result in their life getting worse. Bad events NOT associated with this sin will increase. Don't do this. If one makes fun of the I Am for a week, while not sinning, this will result in their life getting worse. Bad events NOT associated with this sin will increase. Don’t do this.

    Believe God is the I Am, the monotheistic God of the bible for two weeks, and your life will NOT get worse. Therefore, this shows that a monotheistic God, who is against sin, can respond back.

  4. Private Joker do you believe in Mother Nature ?

  5. I'm shocked. It's spring and the Mississippi River is flooding. Nobody saw this coming.

  6. I am sure it's gonna be a temporary thing.

  7. i remember the last great Mississippi flood. Clinton helped them out. what was to turn into the great subprime scam.

  8. oh dont worry no such thing as climate change,, lol suffer suckers i hope it continues for weeks lol suffer …… untill u go to u ur senator and demand action on climate i hope u all suffer till then,, and then its to late,, we r doomed

  9. Making money is action. keeping money is behavior. Growing money is knowledge. I'm excited I started earning upto 15thousand dollars extra income.

  10. If only Trump was in office to toss out some paper towels.

  11. Conservative russian-republican states need these disasters in order to access federal disaster funds to keep their welfare states running, without it they beg for bailouts.

  12. Lot of red states going to be asking for federal dollars from weather related disasters.

  13. It's only when mother nature destroys the things of the powerful, will then things change